Important News Update! About me!

My book is coming out!  Very exciting!  It’s like this blog (even has the same name), but with more detailed background about the film industry, and about me.  So, if you want to learn more about the first Indian film producers and directors and the history of stardom, or why the heck I am so obsessed with Indian film, you should read it!  You an order it at the link below.

Don’t Call It Bollywood

If you are interested in trying to get an advance copy, you can fill out the form here:


11 thoughts on “Important News Update! About me!

  1. wow thats really really exciting news…. I am sure the book will be great with such vast and deep understanding of the industry…best wishes


  2. I am so excited! Definitely getting this!

    I went to sign up for advanced copy – but I’m not a reviewer etc so guess will have to wait for your book like a pleb.


    • Try signing up for an advance copy anyway! I’m not sure exactly what the publisher has in mind, but I know they are looking for more than just reviewers to read it.


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