Saturday Small Talk! You Should All Catch Up on Yesterday’s Posts!

Happy Saturday!  I get to sleep in, then do laundry, then go over to my friend-with-a-baby’s house and watch a movie with her and Baby, and then come home and go to bed early so I will be ready to lead a really tricky meeting on Sunday (I get to lead an open conversation about race between 5 white people, and then break the news I am leaving the committee because I am donezo)

You ready for what you should all be discussing? How wonderful yesterday’s posts were! Or maybe they weren’t, but they felt good while I was writing them. Could have also been because things FINALLY calmed down at work and I was able to write two consecutive sentences in a row.

Anyway, check out the very very long review of Akaash Vani that digs into why the arranged marriage structure puts too much power in the hands of the parents.  You can read the SPOILER section without seeing the movie!  Just this once because it’s a really special movie!

And then look at the TGIF post!  See if you can identify torsos and heads.  As I write this, there are still multiple unidentified male torsos that no one in the comments has figured out.

Can you identify who this is?

Then there’s my rare review of live theater.  I don’t like it.  There isn’t enough camera movement or editing.  But it’s fun to read if you have ever suffered through The Nutcracker

Image result for the nutcracker joffrey
Pretty set and costumes, still a boring story

And finally, my really really good fanfic!  I don’t always think my fanfic is good, but this time it really felt good.  And looooong.  I stopped halfway through the film and I need other people to read it and tell me if I should keep going!

Image result for rani carrying shahrukh
I ended with him carrying her off to bed.  Surely we deserve to see what happens next, right?

14 thoughts on “Saturday Small Talk! You Should All Catch Up on Yesterday’s Posts!

  1. Two movies of Sai Pallavi are releasing next week and I couldn’t be more excited. Both trailers look good.Im hoping there’s a good explanation for the stalkerish part in the Telugu movie.

    Maari 2


    • And Zero? Ugh! Why is Christmas such a thing? And why does my family celebrate it? If it was just a random day off work, that would be perfect, I could spend the day going movie to movie. But instead I have to spend time with family, opening many many many presents (it takes literally all day to finish opening them). Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t be complaining.

      On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 9:42 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • I saw “Amazon Prime Video” written at the end of Padi Padi Leche Manasu and now I’m even more excited. I hope it will be available soon in streaming. Maari 2 looks excited too. I have my fingers crossed for Tovino.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Netflix really really loves her! I’m glad at least they are acknowledging it.

      On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 11:40 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. Pingback: Saturday Small Talk! You Should All Catch Up on Yesterday’s Posts! - Dream Bollywood Working

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