Weekend WatchAlong: Bhangra Paa Le! 7:30am Chicago time (8:30 NY)

Genevieve’s birthday pick! Which does look generally seem fun and watchalong friendly and all of that. But also, I haven’t gotten a HUGE number of RSVPs, so this is one of those weeks where I will give it 15 minutes and then call it if no one else has shown up.

Bhangra Paa Le

It’s on Netflix, it’s not that long, it looks super fun!

at 7:30 Chicago time I will comment “And PLAY” and we will all start simultaneously and then carry along from there!

268 thoughts on “Weekend WatchAlong: Bhangra Paa Le! 7:30am Chicago time (8:30 NY)

    • His character IS rare in the film world. A white man in a position of authority in India who isn’t an asshole, isn’t incompetent, and also isn’t all perfect in everyway.


  1. Dance FANS! Ah, the movie world. Oh wait, and they DAD, her dad who left her, is the real life asshole married to one of the ladies on that reality Bollywood wives show….


  2. I just listened to a podcast about this! Dude left his wife and son in Iran and went to America and got rich, refused to help his wife get to America, his son finally got to America at 18 and ten years later managed to bring over his mother, and then Dad had Mom killed because she was inconvenient to his new American life. He was a really terrible person.


    • While I’m fairly certain the second family in the new country is not unusual, I bet MOST men don’t have their wives killed, they just ignore them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • To be fair, this wife was amazing. She finally got to America, saw what happened, and went “oh I am hiring a lawyer and actually DOING something about this!” Instead of being all sad and silent.


  3. In order to NOT get married to some guy her family found for her the woman has to drum on her own wedding to get her injured love to dance for her and then HOPE her family won’t force her to go through with the marriage. Being female SUCKS!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • There does seem to have been a death mistake situation, so MAYBE her family only arranged the second wedding thinking hte guy she liked was dead? And I suspect Dadi would have called it off anyway if she asked, she just needed Kaptaan to be confident again too.


  4. I’m legit tearing up, this is SO SWEET. There’s a Hollywood classic called The Best Years of Our Lives about post WWII soldiers returning home. They cast a sailor who lost both hands to play a sailor who lost both hands and there’s a lot of very realistic and sad stuff about him worrying over marrying his girlfriend and her convincing him she can handle it and still wants to be with him.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. But, what are they going to live on? Does she have to move back to the village now and help him run the classes? What about her Mom?


  6. Thank you Genevieve for suggesting this movie! It was a fun watchalong! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

    Margaret – thank you as always for hosting!


  7. Thank you for watching this with me guys! I know it is silly, but I do really enjoy this movie. I love the Bhangra Dancing. Thank you again.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. OMG I am so sorry I missed this! I had to go for an event in the morning where I got stuck in traffic for 2 hours coming back and then I was so tired I just slept for the next 2 hours. So sorry I couldn’t make it


  9. Pingback: Weekend WatchAlong: Bhangra Paa Le! 7:30am Chicago time (8:30 NY) - pankajsharmalife

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