Chatty Post: Starbucks Coupon Question, Dog Question, and Small Child Question!

It’s summer, my brain is melting, I just want to ask light happy chatty questions! And I hope y’all are ready to give me light happy chatty answers.

Starbucks Coupon

I have a coupon for a free coffee that is good for one day only. I’m at the lake house which means it’s a 20 minute drive to the nearest Starbucks. Should I drive 20 minutes to save $5? Or put it another way, should I drive 20 minutes to take $5 from Starbucks?

Dog Question

A friend and I were going back and forth on this. Is it better to have a dog who disobeys you because he really really wants to please you but is too dumb to understand? Or a dog who disobeys you because she is too smart and willful?

Small Child Question

My nephews are visiting in two weeks, yaaaaaaaaaaay! Is it worth it to take the bus for 45 minutes to go to the park with the cool fountain you can play in with lots of other kids and then take the bus home in wet clothes? Do you bring a change of clothes? Do you just use a hose in the backyard instead? Do you make Grandpa drive you down there and drop you off and then circle the block for an hour until you are ready to go home?

11 thoughts on “Chatty Post: Starbucks Coupon Question, Dog Question, and Small Child Question!

  1. I zltake it you wouldn’t normally be going to Starbucks from the lake house. So you wouldn’t really be saving anything. Don’t give in to their marketing ploy..

    As mmuch as I want to respect the free will of an animal, I’d really prefer an obedient dog. Our family dog once bit a stranger while I was walking him and I never trusted that dog again. I’d definitely say he was the smart, willfull type, but that didn’t really play into it at that moment. He must have been startled by something and just snapped at her.

    The kkids should be perfectly happy playing with water at either place. The park might be more memorable, but it’ll only be fun getting there if your nephews are still as fascinated with vehicles and traffic as our Big Boy. Can you be reasonably sure you’ll get sitting space on the bus?

    The kids in your picture seem to be wearing bathing suits. You could also just pack the boys’ swimming trunks, fresh underwear and a small towel.


    • Ended up having a nice breakfast with my parents, so that solved the coffee question!

      It is nice that Albie Dog is both ready to listen if I put on my angry scary voice, and (more importantly) small enough that I can just pick him up.

      The nephews do love vehicles! So I think a bus ride would be great excitement. But maybe too much excitement? So much that they would end up tired and cranky at the end? Hmm. Splash parks are great though, maybe I see if there is one a little bit closer they can go to? there’s also a beach but that makes me very nervous!!!! So easy to break free and dash into the big waves and GAH. Possibly beach but only if they stay in the wagon.


  2. Definitely don’t drive to Starbucks. Drinking coffee in the house is nicer than drinking coffee in the car.

    I would rather a smart dog. Even though they can be more trouble, it seems more entertaining.

    Dress the children in swimsuits, bring a towel and change of clothes. Go to the special park. Have a blast with other children. Bring treats for the ride home and accept that it still might be a long not so fun trip back, but the park will have been worth it.



    • Ended up having coffee in a lovely locally owned cafe with breakfast with my parents, so that was perfect!

      I don’t know, I find it remarkably entertaining to watch Albie forget how to get up on the couch and have to figure it out again every day.

      I think that’s probably the best attitude for all outings on this trip! It’s gonna be a long not so fun trip back after the beach/the water park/the playground/the museum, but we’ll get home and have snacks and naps and it will be worth it.


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