Lazy Tuesday Discussion Post

I’m going to be lazy, and just put up a post with two random questions on it for you all to talk about.

I’m a week behind in reconciling the bank statement at work, tonight I am going to see a friend’s baby and last night instead of writing posts I made 3 dozen cookies for Friend (gestational diabetes, now that the baby is here, I want to help her pig out on carbs and sugar), and I still have Temporary Dog who is sucking the life out of me.


(She looks cute, but she is an evil demon who wakes me up in the middle of the night when she has doggie nightmares)


So, while I try to find time to do the difficult box office analysis post, you guys get to entertain yourself with these two questions:

Related to A Wrinkle In Time releasing, what are those books of your childhood that made a deep permanent impression on you? For me:

  1. The Boxcar Children (first book I read by myself)
  2. The Wizard of Oz series (there’s so much more than just the first book!)
  3. Betsy-Tacy (nice and kind of strangely feminist series)
  4. Anne of Green Gables (my mother’s favorite books as a child, my favorite books as a child, special bond between us)

And after that nice wholesome question, a very unwholesome one, Marry Sex Just Friends (“kill” is so mean, I can’t do it), any 3 actors in India, go!

  1. Salman, Aamir, Shahrukh: Marry Salman because he would be so supportive and kind, sex Shahrukh because duh, Just Friends with Aamir because he is too short for me for anything else

119 thoughts on “Lazy Tuesday Discussion Post

  1. Marry my darling PRABHAS because he sooo humble and down to earth, sex John Abraham(hes the hottest guy in the world) and friends with Adithya Roy Kapoor cuz I really liked his character in Dawate Ishq lol.


    • I think I would agree with all of these picks, but I would put them in a different configuration. Sex with Prabhas, because he seems very relaxed about everything. Friends with John Abraham, because I feel like in real life he would be a very interesting person (his production house does such neat stuff, his marriage is so different), and marry Aditya Roy Kapoor because I feel like he would be a great partner, based on how he lets the heroine take the lead in so many of his movies.


      • omg you will have sex with Baahubali haha watch out for Devasena! and I agree I like all of them so much I dont mind changing the options around xp


          • For women marry Sushmita Sen or Lara Dutta and Anushka shetty because their such classy elegant women, sex bipasha bau or lisa hayden and friends tamanna or Jacqueline Fernandez shes so positive and cheerful all the time


          • Lisa Haydon is a great sex choice, I feel like she would treat the whole thing as a fun joke and be really witty and lighthearted about the whole thing.

            Jackie is also an excellent friends choice, and she seems like someone who must be a really good friend in real life based on how everyone likes to work with her.

            I think out of your marry choices, just limited down to those, I would go with Sush. The right height for me, always looks good, and I would get to be stepmother to her two adorable children. Plus, we can join together in hating Randeep Hooda and his stupid face.


          • I have no logical reason. I just don’t like his face. It’s a bit of a running joke, any time he comes up I have to point out that I hate him and his stupid face. Maybe in a past life he did something horrible to me? I don’t know, I just hate him.


  2. I read so much Enid Blyton when I was a kid that it’s embarrassing. I must have read everything published under her name, multiple times. Loved the school series, the Famous 5 books, the Secret 7, the Circus series, the ‘Secret of’ set, the Fairy books, and of course, good old Noddy, the Wishing Chair and the Faraway Tree. She is rather maligned these days, and I can see that the social norms depicted are hardly progressive, but they’re such a satisfying dose of fantasy and adventure and the language is wonderfully quaint.
    Other books/authors that stand out are an even older vintage – E. Nesbit, who wrote the Railway Children, 5 Children and It and others, a wonderful book by George MacDonald called The Princess and the Goblin, and its sequel. There was The Secret Garden and The Well at the End of the World and its sequel/s. Then there was Struwellpeter, a 19th century German book of instructive stories for kids which were horrible and scary but strangely fascinating.
    Later series I read included The Borrowers books, the Finn Family Moomintroll series, and books of myths and legends, amongst others. I was always reading, dozens and dozens of books a year. Nice to think back on them now!

    I can’t answer the 3 actors question – there is only one man for me. But I think it would be awful to be married to him.


    • I never even heard about Enid Blyton until recently. And she is exactly the kind of author I would have loved, which makes me think she just somehow wasn’t known in America. Maybe because her books revolved around the kind of boarding school life that was less familiar here? Not that everyone in other places went to boarding schools, but at least the concept wasn’t totally forievn.

      All the other stuff though, YES!!!!! I read every Nesbit over and over again, and Railway Children in particular is one of my “special” books. Also George MacDonald, I thought I was the only kid who read him. Secret Garden is another “special” book, I think it might have been the first good hardcover book I was given as a child. Although going back to it now, there are kind of odd Christian Science propaganda touches which take me out of it a little. The Borrowers books I read a little later and didn’t make as much of an impression on me. I think I read a couple of the Moomintroll books too, it’s hard to remember.


  3. My childhood books are Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery (though I always liked the more adult Tangled Web as well), Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt, and Caroline by Willo Davis Roberts (my favorite of the early YA Sunfire Romance series which featured young women in different periods of American history). I also remember liking the Girls of Canby Hall series when I was young. I started reading adult romance (Harlequins), classics (Austen, Bronte, Tolstoy), and my mother’s books (Sidney Sheldon, John Jakes, Danielle Steel) by the time I was in 7th grade, so I barely remember most of my middle grade and YA years.

    Marry: Akshay Kumar (I don’t know why he popped into my head, but despite the rumors, he seems like the most solid life partner of the bunch) or Saif Ali Khan (because he’d be great to have intellectual conversations with and travel the world with as his royal bride!)
    Sex: Arjun Kapoor
    Just Friends: Ranveer Singh


    • Thank goodness, another Anne of Green Gables lover! I went to Prince Edward Island for my birthday trip a few years back and I was shocked by how few people understood why I was going there. None of my friends had even heard of AGG. I think Tangled Web is the only LMM book I haven’t read, because it sounds DARK. My favorite none AGG is A Blue Castle, such a wonderfully adult romance.

      I never got far into the classics, loved Jane Eyre and Austen and the non-Little Women Alcott’s (Rose in Blooom, An Old-Fashioned Girl, etc.), but then was kind of done and retreated back to easier reads. Which is still the case, I would rather re-read children’s books all year than try to read a new classic.

      Akshay Kumar would be a great “marry” option! Rich, regular work hours, sense of humor. And Saif would be worth marrying just so you can say “oh, we are spending the holidays at the family castle”. I would NEVER want to be friends with Ranveer Singh! He seems exhausting, the kind of guy who would call you up at 2am and try to badger you into driving to a 24 hour Kareoke place. I don’t need that in my life.


      • Yes, with the 24 Hour Karaoke thing and Ranveer! That’s exactly why I’d want to be friends with him…he’s tiring but entertaining. I just want to figure him out and see how he “grows up” for lack of a better term. Also, I think my sisterly instincts would kick in and I would want to be a stable influence in his life. As much as I find his whole thing messy and tiring, I also think he may be a genius, performance-wise, etc., and with him more than any other star I want to see what he does next.


        • I think I wouldn’t want to be Ranveer’s friend, but I may want to be his manager. I don’t need the 3am karaoke, but I do want to have the 3pm business meetings and pick scripts for him and make suggestions for personal appearances and all that. In the same category, Ranbir! I don’t need to spend time with his hipster sensitive thing, but I would love to be in charge of picking his next projects and setting up his schedule.

          On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:18 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. Can I ask you later to delete this comment? I’m just so bored and de-motivated at work, and this is way more fun to think about and talk about. I hope more commenters answer! This is on a purely fantasy level–not taking into account anyone’s real life relationship status–including my own. I’m going to do a male and female version. I find Hindi film actresses almost as compelling as actors.

    Male: Marry–Shah Rukh. Sex–Ranbir, for the reasons I already said on the Monday questions post. Friends–Anil.

    Female: Marry–Manisha Koirala–she’d keep me so healthy and seems to have a great work/life balance. Sex–Vidya or Rani. Friends–the entire female cast of Luck by Chance, plus Rekha and Shabana.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I think I might flip that, I want to be friends with Sai and marry Parvathy. I want a spouse who is old enough to take care of me, not the other way around.

        On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:42 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Obviously I am keeping all of these comments in my elaborate blackmail folder as part of my efforts to force you to keep reading the blog (not really).

      Anil would be an excellent friend! So positive and upbeat always.

      Obviously if we are talking female actresses, Vidya is the best for the second option. Not even close. I don’t know if I would want to be friends with Rekha, she seems very closed off from everyone. If Shammi hadn’t died, she would be my top friend pick I think. Or Konkona Sen Sharma. Or Dimple. But Dimple would be more friend/surrogate mother. I feel like she would give excellent wacky mother advice.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Fun fun
    For the first question, the first thing that comes to my mind is polish book “Ten Obcy” (That Stranger). We had to read it for school, but it’s so good. I remember enjoying it very much. It’s a story about a group of friends and the misterious boy who comes to their village.

    And now Marry Sex Just Friends. Easy 😉
    First my favourites:
    Marry Madhavan
    Sex Unni Mukundan
    Just Friends Tovino

    I was going to make the second set without my favs but I realized that there is nobody I would marry, and almost all guys went to second category, apart Dhanush who I friendzoned

    Liked by 2 people

    • Now I want to read that story! But it looks like it isn’t available in English. Oh well.

      Thank goodness, you know how I worry about your polyamorous attitude towards movie stars, it is nice to know there is only one man you would actually marry. And Madhavan does seem like totally excellent marriage material. Mature, comfortable in himself, and the kind of guy you wouldn’t mind cuddling up to every night.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ha and he even grow his organic vegetables on the terrace 😛
        And you see, even with all this polyamorous mess in my head , deep inside I’m good catholic girl – can fantasy marry only one guy

        I read that Ten Obcy was translated into 23 languages, but I think it was far in the 60′ and now it will be very hard to find.


        • Oh oh! If we are marrying for houses, I would TOTALLY marry Suniel Shetty. He has the most amazing house. And I’m not normally a house person, but his is really truly beautiful.


          Liked by 1 person

          • Good choice! And Sunil is a supportive family man, always with his wife and makes good looking kids (even if I wish he was less supportive to his kids and would tell them- hey you can’t act why don’t you try in some other busssines I own?)


          • I don’t know, I might not even want Sunil-the-man at all, just the house. If he married me, and then immediately divorced me and I got the house in the divorce, that would be okay.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:05 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, haha, I forgot to answer the wholesome one. My childhood staples were The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Anne of Green Gables/Avonlea/The Island, Wrinkle in Time, and the Little House books. I also loved the Mary Poppins books and Wizard of Oz series, but didn’t re-read them time and again like the others.

    As a tween/teen in the 80s I was a huge Stephen King fan. I was going through some dark stuff at home, and Stephen King’s books both took me out of myself and gave me hope that good guys can win against overwhelming odds.


    • Forgot about Little House books! Although, those weren’t really ones I read to myself, those were family read alouds which feels different.

      Did you ever go past The Island in AGG? Rilla is actually my favorite of them all, I don’t know if that can even be considered an “Anne” book, but it was my surprise reward after finishing the whole series, to discover this wonderful book at the end of it.


        • It’s kind of fascinating (to me) how the series worked. AGG, Avonlea, Island, and House of Dreams were all published together one after the other just continuing the story. Then she did Rainbow Valley and Rilla which were about Anne’s kids and are connected books that are their own unique set. And then she needed money later in life so went back and wrote a book filling the gap between Island and House of Dreams, and another one between House of Dreams and Rainbow Valley. I read them straight through in order of the character’s ages, so AGG, Avonlea, Island, Windy Poplars, HoD, Ingleside, Rainbow Valley, Rilla. But it was a very choppy experience, the writing quality just wasn’t the same for the last two books published (Windy Poplars and Ingleside) and the books didn’t make a smooth transition one to the next, stories were kind of dropped and characters disappeared never to return again. And then I learned later about the odd publishing history and it all made sense. Especially how wonderful Rilla was after slogging through Ingleside which she didn’t even want to write.

          On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:13 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Wow. I don’t know anything about Montgomery’s life. Sad! Rilla looks like an interesting read.

            Oh, and I’d like to change my sex:male answer to Irrfan. I’m so ashamed I didn’t think of him first off, but I blame the other thread where Ranbir had already come up. 🙂 Sorry, Irrfan! 😉

            Liked by 1 person

          • Really? Irrfan? I’d love to have a conversation with him, but sex wouldn’t occur to me.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:07 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Yup. I bet he is grounded, affectionate, fun, and a bit freaky in bed. And he looks like a decent kisser, which is important!

            Now I’m worried about his health again. Hope he announces something soon.

            Liked by 2 people

          • He said ten days, right? So I think it would be tomorrow? Or the day after?

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:48 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 2 people

  7. Wait you will marry Salman because he would be so supportive and kind? But isn’t he a very abusive person, I heard he used to beat up Aishwarya when they were in an relationship, and ever since the hit and run case I don’t trust him


    • Accounts of him vary wildly, but he is consistently loyal to his friends and always ready to lend a helping hand. He could also be abusive, I don’t know, but I am going with the most hopeful version.

      Liked by 1 person

        • And now we are getting into that other possibility, not friend or spouse but artistic manager. That list, for me, would be all 3 Khans, Arjun Kapoor, Ranbir, Ranveer, Varun Dhawan, Prabhas, and Karan Johar, just off the top of my head. I want to boss them around and fix all their careers!

          On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:19 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • If you sleep with them and remain friends (only really good sex would make that happen), you’d automatically get bossing around rights. Why would you want to have that as a job? Won’t it be nicer to just be there around them and just generally boss them around and tell them what they should be doing and throwing around phrases like “because I said so”

            Liked by 1 person

          • Maybe scary big sister? As in, they have to do what I say because I am older than them and used to sit on them when they were babies? I just really want to make Ranveer stop working with Bhansali and Ranbir make more than one movie every two years!

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:25 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 1 person

          • Ranveer, I would have him do a whole lot of small films with varied roles and pull him off promotional duties.

            Also, if all this big sister sentiment is coming from your SRK megacrush I’d be really disappointed. This is a fantasy and you can’t remain this faithful to a crush in a fantasy!


          • No, I am just a naturally monogamous person! And also a very picky person. Not every actor in the world deserves me. If Ranveer let me boss him around for about 5 years, and also let me pick out all his clothes and change his gym routine and put him on a variety of medications, then MAYBE he would earn the right to be with me.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:47 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • But I don’t want a messed up Ranveer! I want a perfect Ranveer. Or perfect any of them. And I can make it happen too, if I just had the time and power.

            But, just for you, I will give a non-SRK option. If we limit it to, say, Malayalam films: Marry Nivin, Sex Prithviraj (so tall!), friends Dulquer (nice guy, does nothing for me)

            Or, Kapoor family only: Marry Shashi (is there any other choice?), sex Shammi (he seems fun), friends Rishi (so he can aggressively defend me whenever I am attacked)

            Telugu Industry: Marry Nagarjuna (such a nice man!), sex Prabhas (relaxed and comfortable with himself), friends Mahesh Babu (he seems like a really interesting thinker)

            Tamil industry: Marry Dhanush (so supportive!), sex with Young Rajinikanth (I think it would be interesting, like eating octopus), friends with current Rajinikanth

            Dead people only: Marry Shashi (duh), sex young Rajesh Khanna, friends with Guru Dutt (I would pull him out of his funk and he would keep making movies!)

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:53 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  8. I grew up reading enid blyton and the sweet valley series. All my expectations of high school and college were influenced by sweet valley, and needless to say I was disappointed.


  9. Wrinkle in Time, Tom Swift, The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, can’t find the book but bio of Nellie Bly’s travels and investigative stay in an insane asylum, Nancy Drew

    Hmmm, this list is wildly more adventurous than my own life. Something to think about…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know that Nellie Bly book! I think. Maybe by the same author who did a wonderful children’s bio of Louisa May Alcott? But of course now I am stumped and can’t find either.

      I used to get so frustrated reading children’s books when I was a child because they always seemed to be doing more than I did with my childhood. Now, thank goodness, I am past that. Instead I feel guilty reading adult books because the adults are doing more, but the childhood books are safe.

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:39 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  10. really ?cookies for a diabetic?can’t even imagine how can anyone make it sugar free.why is your dog having nightmares?Did you show your dog to any specialist?I mean it is not good for her health.BTW i forgot to ask did you name your dog? i know she is temporary but you must have named her.Just curious don’t have to reply if you don’t want to.
    Back to your questions
    1. Books like The Count of Monte Cristo,Sherlock Holmes,Frankenstein,Agatha Christie,Moby Dick in short the classics then later on comics like Chacha Choudhary,Tinkle,DC Comics and Archies were what i usually read.I don’t think either of them left any impression on me .Just fun reading.
    2.I would love to be friends with Amir Khan,Ratna Pathak Shah and Naseeruddin Shah.
    As for Sex i would rather have that with someone i end up marrying(first he should be my friend
    who i can talk to about anything & everything and respects me for who i am and vice versa of course it is a 2 way street .Also Love should be there that is important if not then it is just adjustment..then there is honesty,truthful blah blah blah the list goes on…oh and if i may add should have a lot of strength to stand my sarcasm or rudeness ..have a habit to be blunt when anyone says anything wrong) which clearly i don’t see any guy in the industry.They are all always politically correct.Sorry i know this was just a fun question but I’ve a habit to explain my answers
    As for kill ,why would i want to kill anyone?i mean why that is so sad.


    • Oh, she’s not diabetic now. Gestational diabetes is only while you are pregnant. So she was temporarily unable to eat any sweets, but now she can go wild.

      It’s just regular doggie nightmares I think. Every dog I’ve had has had them. They talk in their sleep and sometimes bark. It’s kind of cute, only I live in a small apartment so she wakes me up when she talks in her sleep. And her name is “Dog”. And sometimes “Baby”. Or “doggie”. Depends on how I am feeling about her, if it is a “oh baby, the lightening is scaring you so much, let’s cuddle.” Or if it is a “Dog! Hush!”. Or just a conversational “come on doggie, time for dinner”.

      Agatha Christie is my go to vacation reading. I parcel out her books, I only read a few every few years, so I have time to forget the solutions. But she is such a wonderful author for drawing you in right away, even if you are in a busy airport or train station.

      I agree about the “kill”! That’s how the game is usually played, but it is too mean for me, I would rather replace it with “just friends”.

      And now I am trying to think of someone in the industry we could set you up with who seems nice and real. And also loyal, trusthworthy, etc. etc. And the problem is, they are already married or in serious relationships! The ones who leap to my mind are Ayushmann Khurrana, Rajkummar Rao, Nivin Pauly, Dulquer Salmaan, like that.

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:45 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • oh same here love Agatha Christie but i don’t read during trips i love traveling whether out of town or within the city i live in(don’t know i guess i get that from my dad).I read when there is peace and quite .It kind of gives me the mood and focus to quietly read.
        Gestational or not tell her to be careful on what she eats my cousin went through the same when she was pregnant with my second nephew but my uncle told her to put a watch on her diet…for precautionary reasons of course..better safe than sorry.
        Oh and sorry but no thanks 😀 I’m not into committed guys 😀 i don’t mind being friends with them but certainly not interested in being in a relationship with any committed guy.Keep digging.Single ,honest ,career oriented and trust- worthy guys for me please 😀


        • But all the really good guys like that marry their college sweethearts before they even get famous! It’s very difficult.

          The only one still semi-available is Varun. Who seems fairly fake in public appearances, but also seems like a very loyal and sincere boyfriend and his girlfriend is holding off on marriage, so he is still technically single.

          On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:10 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Well then i would rather not marry anyone from the industry.Speaking of Varun ..i would like the guy i end up with to not be an ass kisser or i end up punching in the face.God he is so fake.I just don’t like him.Have you ever seen him give tributes to any senior actor that looks so fake.
            Even if he does end up being available or have any of the qualities i want in a guy i don’t want him..sorry if i sound rude he is just an ass kisser.I mean i understand Arjun Kapoor thanking Salman after all he did launch him and even he does that in minimum.This guy is full on.


          • Now I kind of want you to marry Varun just so you can whip him into shape!

            The ones I have the hardest time with are Ranveer and Sushant Singh Rajput. Ranveer seems to have backed off a little as he gets more and more of his own fame, but stuff like making sure a video of himself dancing in the theater on the opening night of Sultan just seemed scuzzy to me. Along with all his other videos recreating Darr and stuff like that. Sushant Singh Rajput seems to be heading in the same direction, talking about how big of a “fan” he is and stuff. Blech! You can say you admire someone’s acting ability without going over the top into fake feeling fandom.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:46 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Harshvardhan Kapoor – not married, handsome, career oriented, good family, visits Europe often, you can do shopping when he watches soccer. I wanted him as my “marry” choice, but I don’t want Sonam Kapoor to be my sister-in-law .

          Liked by 1 person

          • If we are marrying based on family, gotta go with Aryan Khan. Too young for me, but maybe the right age for someone else. And (despite his grumpy photos) seems like a nice well-brought up young man, with a nice sister and adorable brother.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:49 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  11. Girl why would you say that?why? why Varun Dhawan?I just can’t stand him.Also punching him in the face would be inevitable.I would rather go with Arjun Kapoor..even though his movie choices have been a little questionable recently..(i mean seriously Mubarakan and Half girlfriend what is wrong with him?)oh Ranveer and Sushant Singh i don’t like them either .At least i like Ranveer singh as an actor ..maybe even as a friend but Sushant singh he looks like another Varun Dhawan.I don’t know why i just can’t stand them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is what I am saying! I want to watch you punch Varun Dhawan in the face. Preferably in the middle of the wedding ceremony before you run out on him. I think it would be good for him.

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:58 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • 😀 😀 😀 yaa sure when hell freezes over.i can’t stand that guy.Marriage is out of the question.Anyway keep posting such silly questions it’s fun.


  12. Favorite childhood books
    Jataka kathayein

    These two I got gifted all the bloody time

    Then I read Premchand and Shivani a lot even though Shivani is technically too grown up for kids.

    Also, Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. I won them at a school quiz when I was in like 2nd standard or something and I read them multiple times every year.

    Now onto the fun stuff

    Marry Prithviraj because waking up to those eyes and that face every day would be an utter delight.

    Sex– hehe.. It would be a long list won’t it!! 😂 but a short version of it would be prabhas, maddy, DQ, rana, Nivin, vidyut, Tiger, Nawazuddin, ranveer. I’m wondering if I missed someone there!! 😂

    Also be friends with these guys. I find them fascinating

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bonus Prithviraj, we know he makes the cutest little kids.

      Quite the variety platter with your second choices! Maddy, Nawazuddin, and Ranveer, for instance, I imagine would all be very different experiences.

      And it sounds like we should just lump them all into the “friends with benefits” category? Although now I really want to see if I can find someone that you would like to be friends with, but nothing more. Kamal Haasan maybe?

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:16 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

      • Woman, I have zero shame and if a guy fascinates me enough I would totally go the distance. It wouldn’t even matter if he’s ugly or old. I once had a strong strong thing for Mahesh Manjhrekar and my longtime crush is Putin. Why would I ever friendzone a supremely talented guy? I would probably friendzone varun but then again I won’t even be friends with him would i??


        • This is reminding me of all those bad jokes about how men are only friends with women because they want to have sex with them. Only in your case, it’s gender reversed, any guy you would be willing to be friends with you would also have sex with and vice versa.

          How about this, if sex was totally definitely off the table with a guy, who would you still want to hang out with?

          On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:23 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I don’t friendzone boys, I bhaizone them. So if it’s just a friends situation, I don’t think I’d ever hang out with a guy I don’t find attractive on that level. It feels like a waste of time. Not that I’m coming onto everyone all the time but I’m having a hard time recalling who I cared about enough IRL that I found repulsive on that level. I’m just picky that way


          • Oh, I’m not saying you aren’t attracted to them, but that they are gay or something and therefore will never ever be attracted to you. Who would you still want to hang out with even if you knew it was never going anywhere?

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:50 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Oh I’m very good at keeping it in my pants if the other guy is truly, deeply in love with someone else. So I guess anyone who’s that truly deeply in love with someone else, I can be totally platonic friends with. I don’t hangout with uninteresting people anyway so it has to be a meaningful dynamic with a deep kind of a person even if sex was 100% off the table forever.

            Also, any actress. I’m just not attracted to women. Which is a mystery even to myself because I went to an all-girls college and I’m me. 😁

            Liked by 1 person

          • It’s a mystery to me too! You may be the only person I know who does not identify as bisexual. Well, the only person who is sexual open and comfortable and so on and so on.

            And now I have to challenge you: marry, sex, friendship, actresses only. If you HAD to.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:58 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Tough one!

            I’m having a hard time thinking who’d be freaky enough to keep me interested or to get me interested in swinging the other way. Most of our women are too squeaky clean good girls. I guess I’d sleep with amrita arora simply because she once said good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere else! 😁

            Marry, probably Saba Qamar because she seems like a girl who’s been to dark places in her head at least if not IRL.

            Friendship, well, tamannah for sure. She seems fun. Alia, also fun and not a dick, and any of our girls who isn’t a dick. So definitely not sonam. 😁


          • Really? Not Vidya for the sex?

            Marry, now I am trying to think of other people who have been to dark places. Not something actresses usually talk about, so hard to know! If we include dead people, I would suggest Meena Kumari for you.

            Katrina Kaif, strangely, seems to be friends with everyone, so I bet she would be another good choice for you. Probably not Kareena.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:14 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Vidya is too gigly.

            Meena kumari. Dude, there’s people who’ve been to dark places and people with the optimism of the grim reaper. Meena kumari wasn’t the former kinds.

            I suppose i’d get along with both kareena and Katrina as friends. I already have very strange friends.


          • But Meena Kumari could introduce you to young Dharmendra!

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:43 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Not enough of an incentive!

            Although speaking of dharmendra, I was watching Sholey on tv the other day and in the jail scenes, I noticed that Amitabh had the most delicious thighs!! Who’d have thunk?!


          • Not surprising! They were always one of the best features of his son.

            Also, that’s why he looked so good in those skin tight 70s police uniforms.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:49 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I’m thinking Inquilaab? Based on Amitabh’s hair.

            On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 8:38 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Tiger? Really? I get the feeling he’d need step by step instructions, and even then not really be too interested. Just an unfair, off the top of the head impression since I know nothing about him in real life and only made it through half of one movie (Flying Jatt because Margaret liked it and I like Amrita).

          Putin–I’m kind of afraid to ask–probably another conversation more appropriate for in person and wine. Moral issues aside, he seems like a classic over-compensator to me, if ya know what I mean.


          • Tiger is disciplined and sweet and passionate about dance and martial arts. Those guys, and I’m saying this from real life first hand experience, do very well when “trained” right 😉
            He also has a very good head on his shoulders. Star kids with his kind of life struggles usually turn to drugs and attention seeking behaviour and he chose to escape with something that required a hell lot of hard work. I think that makes him a worthy candidate.

            As for Putin, I’m Indian so I don’t have western hangups about Russia anyway. I’m also totally aware that he may have done extremely dark deeds which I’m ok with because I know everyone at that level has done the same. At least he doesn’t pretend like he’s above it. Also, he’s extremely knowledgeable and that is such a turn on for me!! 😂


          • I watched a video of him rehearse for a dance reality show and he was just so into it! I rewatched it just so I can see the faces of the backup dancers and the crew and random dance people who like the art enough to come watch these rehearsals and to me it felt like they must have connected so deeply with tiger because it’s rare that a mainstream bollywood star kid would be so good at it. And those people know exactly how good he is and it felt like such a sensei-senpai moment! It was just lovely.

            I don’t mind the Putin bit. 😁

            Liked by 1 person

  13. Books-Amarchitra Katha, Archies, Twinkle, Chacha Chowdhary, Mahabharatam, Nancy Drew, Baalarama, Poombatta(all Malayalam kiddo publications that I still read).

    I would marry Fahad Fazil or Suriya. Both are besotted with their wives, is loaded, loves their families to bits, have intense eyes that I can look in to all day while listening to that smooth voice. I maybe taller than both of them though. I will also cut down on some of the stupid filmy choices both make.
    Sex-Prabhas(duh),Vijay Devarakonda.
    Friends -Rana Daggubati-such a lively, smart , well read guy who can also double up as a friend with benefits. That goes for DQ also.
    Purely platonic relation-A R Rahman. He’s God, can’t have any other thoughts but utter devotion, bewilderment & awe.
    Amongst the woman, I will marry Anushka Sharma. She will take good care of me.
    Sex with Trisha-she will know all the moves.
    Friends with Anushka Shetty-she seems like the chirpy, smiling big sister next door & Sai Pallavi-she can give me some morale boost on how to rock my frizzy hair & oily skin. And she has connections in all three South Indian film industries.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think the only book overlap I have with you is Archies and Nancy Drew. Oh, and Amar Chitra Katha sort of, we had one copy of one book in our Comic book basket for some reason/

      I would definitely not marry Fahad, much too short for me, but I might consider Suriya.

      I like your women choices as well, although I feel like there might be a bit of a backwards compliment in your Trisha choice 🙂

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:33 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Oh yea vijay devarakonda!!! The bearded version not the chikna version.

      If you find a fix for the hair and the skin please lemme know too! I get by with cysteine and heat protecting sprays during the cold and hot months but when the humidity hits it, I just dont know what to do with it!!! Same with the skin! I’m trying Kama Ayurveda this year but i have very little hope it will counter the humidity!!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Friends with Salman (treats his friends like family and he would probably give me money/movie roles), sex with Ranveer (I know, I know! But you can’t deny, it would be SO FUN!), marry SRK (because then I can have the sex all the time! See what I did there? 😉 )

    Liked by 1 person

      • Wouldn’t you worry about Madhuri constantly overshadowing you when you go out? Dr. Nene seems okay with it, but then he is a special special man.

        And glad to hear I am not the only one who finds sex with Vidya the only reasonable option!


    • Ranveer just seems exhausting. Like, fun for 5 minutes, and then too loud and confusing and energetic for the rest of the time. And also, all about him.

      I think your marry SRK plan is brilliant, but that also means you would have to put up with all his mood swings and insomnia and all the rest of it.


  15. Books: The Series of Unfortunate Events really messed me up as a child. Honestly why do they have those books on display in middle school!!! I am afraid that myself and brother would be stranded on the streets and adopted by a mean old dude, that I would prepare myself for any situations necessary.
    Harry Potter and The Babysitter’s Club

    haha! Marry and have sex with Prabhas ❤ and Just Friends with Rana because he seems like a really cool tall caring dude.


    • Well obviously you would marry Prabhas, your username is Mrs. Perfect! Friends with Rana I agree with, he does seem cool.

      I missed out on Harry Potter, the books were being published as I was growing up so they weren’t really “childhood” books for me, more teen years through college books.


  16. Books: Enid Blyton, have read most if not all of her books I think, at least the ones we had in our school library.
    Must be the only person to be not in love with Harry Potter though. Stopped reading after the second one.
    Marry – Madhavan ( I always imagine him proposing to me the way he proposes to Shalini in Alaipayuthey, sigh!)
    Sex – Rana 😀
    Just Friends – Salman, he’s a great friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now I am feeling like the only person in the world who isn’t in love with Enid Blyton! I did Harry Potter in one straight binge right after college, and I remember that the first few books were just okay, but it started getting really remarkable around book 4.

      Best thing about Madhavan, I feel like he is comfortable enough with himself that he would be okay with his wife having a no strings attached one night with Rana, knowing she would always come back to him. And he would be totally fine with his wife having Salman as her male best friend.

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 8:30 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  17. Sorry, I haven’t read all the comments, so sorry if these books have already been mentioned.

    Of children’s books when I was actually a child (as opposed to reading classic children’s books when I was an adult), my favorite was Heidi, and another book called The Magic Ring. The latter I re read frequently well into my adulthood. Unfortunately, I don’t have it any more, and can’t remember the author or anything else to try to find it. Another book I really liked (and again re read as an adult) was Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates.

    I’ll skip your second question, because frankly I’m past the stage where I fantasize about film stars, even as friends. Just skimming some of the last comments, I saw some people mentioned Rana, and I think he would be interesting to talk to. But a friend, I don’t know.


    • Pretty sure this isn’t the book you wanted, but just in case passing on the link:

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:10 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Sorry, no link is visible. 😦 I spent some time last night & today searching for it, but it was by no means exhaustive, so I’d like to follow up on any leads. I did discover that there is a much more recent books (several, I think) with the same title of The Magic Ring.


        • Try searching the magic ring valancourt classic. That’s the one I found.

          On Tue, Mar 13, 2018, 10:08 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • OK, now I can see the book cover, which I also turned up in my first search, and you’re right, it’s definitely not the book I was looking for. Anyway now I’ve found it, so all is well.


        • Wow, success!! I decided to do a search for out of print books. The first, by title alone, didn’t yield anything useful, so I limited it by publication year, using an eight year window, and found a couple of likely possibilities. Unfortunately, it didn’t have any information about the actual story (which would be the definitive identifier), but I did get an author’s name, and, when I searched by title and the author’s name, I found it!!! On Amazon, yet, so yaaay! Thanks for inspiring me to do the further search.


  18. Put me also down for sex with Ranveer, please. He seems like he’d know what he was doing. I would marry Irrfan for the reasons procastinatrix mentioned about: he’s funny, smart, and sexy and a bit of an oddball without making a huge big deal of it. And I would be friends with Rajkummar because I think his career/life is just going to get more interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just do not get this interest in sex with Ranveer! Clearly I am missing something obvious to everyone else in the world. Rajkummar would be an interesting friend and I also feel like his girlfriend is neat, so they would be a great couple friend pair.

      On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 9:11 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Sex with ranveer would probably by funny good not intense good. Like a spirited drunk badminton game at a house party where noone is interested in keeping the score.

        Also, you could probably make requests with him and he’d oblige with no male ego hangups


  19. Men

    Marry Shashi, which would include plenty of sex, friendship, romance, conversations, and collaboration.

    Sex Kunal Kapoor and John Abraham on alternating days

    Friend Ranveer Singh

    Romance Aditya Roy Kapur

    Future exboyfriend or favorite mistake Ranbir Kapoor or Imtiaz Ali

    Unrequited love Vikrant Massey

    Conversation with SRK

    Gossip with Karan Johar

    Collaborate with Aamir Khan, or latter day SRK (Fan and after).

    Kill Varun & Salman


    Sex Radhika Aapte

    Friend Kalki Koechlin

    Romance Parineeta-era Vidya Balan

    Favorite mistake Katrina Kaif or Susmita Sen

    Unrequited love Asin or Deepika

    Conversation with Preity or modern day Vidya

    Gossip with Kareena or Alia

    Collaborate with Anushka

    Marry Manisha Koirala or Tabu

    Kill Rakhi Sawant


    • Important question: Which era of John Abraham? Young still with a body fat percentage John Abraham, or older super buff John Abraham?

      Also, this sounds like pretty much the perfect life. And since you only married Shashi (the best choice), you could do it all! Marry Shashi, have an adventurous sex life and a wide circle of friends and artistic collaborators, and be happy. Heck, I could kind of believe that this IS the life of some of those star wives! Twinkle, for instance.

      On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 9:27 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Younger John is way sexier, but older John is still hotter than almost anyone else in Bollywood, so I would do him too.


        • Well, there’s no time limit on this I suppose. So you could start your John Abraham sex routine back in 2000 and continue to today.

          On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 9:59 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  20. I’m not the biggest fan of the second game, but I LOVE seeing everyone’s list of childhood books!

    I was v fond of Amar Chitra Katha as a kid, always bought at least one whenever we ventured into the bookstore. My favourite of the lot was the one about Shiva and Parvati and the story of how she became his consort (both as Sati and as Parvati. It think this particular comic went up until the point where their son Karthikeya is born and later defeats the demon Tarakasura). By the time I was 9 or 10 my mum bought me kid-friendly versions of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, both by C. Rajagopalachari. I’m a huuuuge fan of very descriptive, slightly flowery language, so his writing really appealed to me and got me interested in whatever I could find in that area.

    Besides that I ended up liking Alexandre Dumas, Let Wallace, Jules Verne. A company called Moby Books regularly released abridged versions of classics, and those were the ones I grew up reading. My favourites were “The Count of Monte Cristo”, “Ben Hur” (I would later learn, while writing a paper on this book, that Monte Cristo inspired it to an extent), and Jules Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”.


    • I can’t remember if I’ve mentioned this before or not, but my family strangely had a couple of ACK books too. My parents went to India in the late 70s and picked up a couple just as interesting things and put them away, and then when my sister and I got old enough for comics (we were big on Archies) they pulled them out. I remember one was the sequence with Draupadi’s sari, I don’t remember the other one.


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