Shahrukh Summer Discussion Post: What Animal is Shahrukh’s Spirit Animal?

This is even sillier than “what is his best hair” or “what is his best costume”. But it’s summer, I have no seriousness left in me.

I think as a real life person, I would go with “Wolf”. They mate for life, or at least a very long time, not just during mating season. They are loyal pack animals, and do best when part of a pack working in collaboration. They can also break from their pack, travel alone for a while, and then join a different pack. Oh, and they are involved parents, both male and female.

Most of all, he feels kind of “wolfy” in pictures:

Image result for shahrukh wolf

Even if he is a Wolf in real life, I think he has different spirit animals for certain roles. Yes Boss, for instance, I think he is a dog. Cute and loyal and a little silly. Struggles with betraying his owner/boss even though he has been abused.

Image result for yes boss shahrukh

Jab Harry Met Sejal, I think maybe a crow? All black, lives in urban areas, has one permanent mate, very intelligent, gets into fights. And crows can live in large groups or travel alone, depending on the preference of the individual crow. Oh, and his hair kind of looks like ruffled feathers.

Image result for shahrukh jhms

Okay, that’s all I’ve got to start you off! Disagree with my wolf idea, or add on your own movie ideas, or do whatever you want!

13 thoughts on “Shahrukh Summer Discussion Post: What Animal is Shahrukh’s Spirit Animal?

  1. Are crows intelligent? Rather, I’d say they are single-focused on their mission. On vacation one time, I had a crow repeatedly landing on & violently attacking the top of my head with its beak. I thought my scalp was gonna get split open. For some reason it had singled me out among all the beach goers. I even put a hat on (to make to top of my head look different and to protect me from its claws and beak) but it still came after me. It took me ten minutes of running to get indoors and finally get some relief from my crow-tacker. I stayed inside for an hour before daring to venture out again. That was year 2000 but to this day I still have my guard up if a see a crow nearby.


  2. Predominently, I see a lion in ShahRukh…in so many ways. Socially he is surrounded by strong females (Gauri, mother-in-law, Pooja. Karuna…) and has a closely knit family and some close befriended families although he is the most ‘powerful’ (when considering brother-in-law, Sanjay Kapoor and Chunky Pandey). He is very protective of his ‘territory’ and his loved ones.

    He is part of a group but also a loner. Being a member of a group even though being the leader you need a trustworthy team to stay positive, no matter how crazy things go…a team that helps to survive. And at the other hand, lions like also to be alone, to separate themselves sometimes.

    He wants to be adored – and doesn’t hide it. He likes to be cared for, but is caring, too (i.e. by hunting – for money/work/acknoledgement/knowledge/new experiences/etc. – and protecting the family).

    A lion is brave and courageous…ShahRukh, too…and willing to fight (generally not being the one to start a fight). Bravery to find what really makes him happy/ bravery to ignore what others feel is successful and find the own way/bravery to dare to make changes in the career-path.

    But I also see other animals in him: like you, Margaret, a wolf and also a dog (demotional!); then like you, Emily, a black panter or even a tiger (i.e. needing variation & action, is dynamic & full of energy, attentive to his surroundings & a counterpart). And also, I see a snake in him, in his intelligence, philosophical mind, alertness, inner strength, patience (ability to wait for an oportunity to act – not only when he faces obstacles but also when he has to deal with ‘enemies’) and his highly developped senses (empathy).

    Last (but not least), although this animal doesn’t ‘really exist’, I see a dragon in ShahRukh, in his wisdom & knowledge, in his dreaminess and creativity, in his fire and flexibility.


    • And now I want to write a fanfic in which Shahrukh is an animal shapeshifter with the ability to change into all of these things as needed, or at least shift his inner self into an animal with their instincts.


    • forgot: as a lion he also likes to have strong female characters in his movies and likes the triangles (having either two females or fighting against another male).


  3. I’m terrible at this sort of thing but as someone who is obsessed with both crows and Shah Rukh I am 187% here for this comparison.


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