Saturday Small Talk: Chat Away While I Have Adventures!

Happy Saturday! I was so excited to get going this morning, I forgot to put up this post, so this comes to you from my phone in a parking lot.

Today I go to Costco! For the only time in 3 months, if I have my shopping list right. I got ip early, walked the dog, drove over to get curbside coffee as a treat, and now I am in the Costco parking lot waiting for them to opem.

Anyway, things to talk about! First, Karan put up an interesting statement on social media threatening legal action against the media for tying him in to a drug case. I have been waiting for him to sue someone for libel, I guess he has been waiting too and now, FINALLY, he has something concrete and actionable. Of course the court of public opinion is going to immediately say he is lying and ignore it, but maybe the media lawyers will take notice and make some folks shut up.

It’s still Yash Chopra’s birthday week! Fun thing to talk about, who are your favorite Yashji hero and heroine?

For me, favorite heroine is Sridevi in Chandni. She starts out this innocent surprised by love, grows into a tough woman who will fight for her love, and then rebounds from a broken heart to start a new life in a new city and find a career.

Favorite hero is, of course, Shashi. In Trishul and Kabhi Kabhi, tied. In both films he looks at a terrible situation for himself and immediately takes the unselfish view and helps others.

Okay, now you talk! I have to buy 6 months of paper towels.

11 thoughts on “Saturday Small Talk: Chat Away While I Have Adventures!

  1. My fav Yashji hero/heroine are Veer-Zaara…it’s not my fav movie…but they are my favorite characters because they are so inspiring in their unselfishness and pure love…I often wonder if I can ever love as they do…can I sacrifice my entire life in jail unconditionally for the sake of my loved ones? Will I meet someone who is willing to make such a great sacrifice for me? Maybe the world would be a better place if we could all just strive to cultivate their version of pure love…sigh.

    Also, unrelatedly I was feeling angst, sadness, anger yesterday because *looks at the world on fire* and I wanted a healthy outlet for this anger…so I decided to hate-watch Sanju…and it was awesome…I redirected all my anger at the movie…yelled at everything happening on the screen and it made me feel so much better…highly recommend this movie as a form of anger release therapy!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting that Karan turned off comments on that post, too. That was wise, it lets the statement stand on its own. Giving people more control over how others interact with their posts has been a positive development at Twitter, helps to defang the trolls.


    • And he has been silent on social media for weeks now, so the statement stands even more on its own.

      On Sat, Sep 26, 2020 at 10:49 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • First thought, “What the heck are the International Emmys?” second thought, after doing a bit of research, “Oh, they are a weird fake-emmys”. Downton Abbey was nominated for regular-emmys, that’s just off the top of my head, I am sure there are other shows produced outside of America that were nominated for regular emmys. This list is a weird grab bag of non-American produced shows, American shows not in English, and stuff that isn’t really from anywhere, I mean, the Amazon and Netflix serieses, are they American because the streaming companies are based in America, or are they from the country whose language they speak and where they are set?

      I’m glad Arjun was nominated, but Four More Shots Please was also nominated, and everything I’ve read about that makes it sound horrible, so I am thinking this is less of an “honor” and more of a “production house pushes hard enough, you will get a nomination”. Also, I did a general google just for “international emmy” and all the news sources that pulled up were Indian and only listed the “Indian” products, which makes me think this isn’t exactly a great crossover honor and more just a thing that the local press for the nominees care about and has little effect outside of it.

      But this is also me being cynical and not believing in any merit based awards anywhere, it’s all about promotions and push from the production house, and the value is in publicity.

      On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 10:19 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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