Shahrukh Birthday Month Star Trek Question: Spock or Kirk or McCoy?

I’m watching Star Trek: The Original Series on Netflix, and as I do with almost all narratives, I am immediately trying to recast it with Shahrukh. Help me!

Most people have seen at least one episode, right? Just in case you haven’t, the high concept for the show was centered on three character types:

Captain Kirk: Natural leader, man of action, constantly falling in love and having people fall in love with him, but never acting on it because of His Responsibilities.

Star Trek Origins | Star trek original, Star trek, Star trek series

Mr. Spock: Ship Science Officer and half alien. Without emotion, entirely logical, with occasional glimmers of emotion and loyalty. Lives life by a strong code of duty to the greater good and morality and so on.

Leonard Nimoy dies at 83; 'Star Trek's' transcendent alien Mr. Spock - Los  Angeles Times

Dr. McCoy: Ship Doctor, eminently human, always pushing the caring emotional side that looks to the individual good.

Leonard McCoy | Memory Alpha | Fandom

So, which is most Shahrukh? Natural leader, emotionless intellect, or warm beating caring heart?

I say Kirk! Make him the leader, Raees style.

And, once you pick Shahrukh, who should play the other two?

Nawazuddin for Spock, and Rajkummar for McCoy.

8 thoughts on “Shahrukh Birthday Month Star Trek Question: Spock or Kirk or McCoy?

  1. Oh my, I was gonna have him be McCoy up until you brought up Raees so now I can’t unsee him as Kirk. Oh my oh my….Let’s see, I agree about Nawazuddin for Spock….and I pick Shahid Kapoor for McCoy.


  2. Totally agree for SRK as Kirk — just for the constant romance angle! Plus super fun to see him matching wits with all the alien opponents, and being a dynamic leader.

    I think Irrfan Khan would have been an amazing Spock, or a younger Amitabh. How about Saif as McCoy? Would be kind of fun to see him in a role like that.

    Now, as for Scotty – I vote for Atul Kulkarni.


    • Oh oh! Now I want Atul Kulkarni for McCoy!!!! He can do that gravitas with caring feeling.

      On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 11:20 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  3. Confession – I was a college freshman when Star Trek entered the scene in 1966. I was hooked on it from the first episode, seen on my little, portable black and white TV. And – I totally fell in love with Mr Spock. Kirk was the star but Spock far outstripped him in popularity – to William Shatner’s eternal chagrin.

    So, my casting would be:
    Kirk – Salman Khan
    Spock – Shahrukh Khan
    McCoy – Aamir Khan
    Scotty – Saif Ali Khan

    I am reminded of Kirk’s immortal bellow in The Wrath of Khan; “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”


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