Congratulations Maria!!! Christmas GiveAway Week 6 Winner!

Week 6!!! Only 3 more weeks left! Or 2? I’m confused. Anyway, don’t panic, as y’all know I offer to send cards to anyone who wants them after the contest is over. Although then you just get the general card, not a specific one. But sometimes the general card is nicer than the specific ones (and it is very nice this year).

Last week, Angie won! And I went simple but pretty for her design:

This week, Maria!!!!! YAAAAAAY!!!! Be sure to email me your new address, and then I can mail you something AMAZING.

9 thoughts on “Congratulations Maria!!! Christmas GiveAway Week 6 Winner!

  1. OMG!! I didn’t even know I was in the running. This is such a surprise. I have a bulletin board in my office (where I spend most of my non-kitchen time) posted with all my DCIB cards and my calendar always on the October Prabhas page. Now I shall rearrange it to put 2020’s card (a year to remember) smack in the mddle.

    I woke up moaning becuz it’s snowing again but you made it all better. Thank you.
    Emailing my new address.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Maria! And yes, your ab analysis was excellent.

    Emily, I’m guessing/hoping you will win next week! I am rooting for you!


  3. I’m secure in my abs analysis, thank you all very much, but not in my acting analysis. Last nite I rewatched Gunjan Saxena to make sure I’d correctly judged Janhvi Kapoor’s acting the first time I saw it. Didn’t make it to the end.

    To me, she’s WAAAYYY over her head. I had hoped she’d take some acting lessons after her blank-eyed performance in the Dhadak remake. (The director must have torn out his hair trying to get her to show genuine emotion after her baby is killed right in front of her.) And maybe she has taken a class or two since then, altho It doesn’t look like it. She seems to be coasting on her connections and especially on the DNA she shares with magnificent Sridevi whose every oscreen emotion was genuine. Her half-brother Arjun surely benefitted from his dad’s fame, but he works hard for his stardom. And he’s GOOD!.

    I read Janhvi is starring in a soon to be released third film. Am I wrong in wishing she’d just go away?

    I also read that Suhana Khan is headad for the screen, so too her brother Aryan, altho possibly on the other side of the camera. I hope they have talent.


    • Pretty sure Janhvi has another film and another after that all lined up. Looks like she is here to stay, at least until she decides she is tired of it all and gets married. Sorry!

      There are loads of rumors about Aryan and Suhana, but nothing real yet. The real-ist is knowledge of their college careers. Aryan is getting a degree in directing and production from UCLA, and Suhana is getting an acting degree from NYU. Both very hard serious degrees which indicate they are serious about a potential career. The guess is that Aryan is being groomed to take over Red Chillies, and Suhana is more likely to go for the Indian acting career. Or, maybe not! Suhana’s friends are getting launched straight out of high school in big glitzy roles, she’s taking it slow and getting a real degree, so maybe she doesn’t want a big glitzy role, maybe she wants a stage career in America? And Aryan too, he’s choosing to stay in America for advanced studies and things instead of starting to work at Red Chillies. Maybe he will just open a little ad film company in the US and live in anonynimity.

      On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 11:21 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. Good for Suhana. I’ll have to start haunting Washington Square for her. Discreetly, of course.
    Now if it was her father, Oh Lord! Sorry, but no holds barred, squealing, hugging, selfies…the whole nine.


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