Saturday WatchAlong: Bobby Jasoos!!! 7:30am Chicago Time!

You know the best part about doing the early Saturday Watchalong? I have to walk the dog sooooooooooo early that no one else is on the street and I don’t have to wear a mask. Such a treat.

Get your coffee, get your pancakes, get your cozy blanket, and snuggle up to watch Bobby Jasoos with all of us! It’s on Netflix, it’s pretty short, and it is very happy.

In a little bit at 7:30am, I will put up an “and PLAY” comment to start us all off, and then you can keep commenting along with me until we finish the film.

301 thoughts on “Saturday WatchAlong: Bobby Jasoos!!! 7:30am Chicago Time!

  1. This is EXACTLY how their first night will go. Bobby will have read all the books and watched movies and stuff and he will be going “wait, what’s happening? What are you doing? I don’t understand!”


  2. The women are eating biryani just so they can get a chance to talk to Bobby about her upcoming wedding and Bobby is just doing detective work!


    • There’s also the “lost in love” feeling which I think is usually more given to the heroine? She is the one totally swept away by emotion, he has other stuff in his life.


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