Sunday WatchAlong: Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, 8:30am Chicago Time!!!

Wooo, our first Sunday watchalong! And a great sunny vacationy kind of movie! The perfect ending to my vacation, I am going to order fancy coffee/breakfast for delivery and relax and enjoy. And then go over to my parents and officially rejoin the “real world”.

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara! Hrithik and Kat are hot like fire together, and also a really well-written love story. And then Farhan and Abhay are also there. And Kriti is too good for any of them.

At 8:30am Chicago time I will put up an “And PLAY” comment and we will just go from there!

521 thoughts on “Sunday WatchAlong: Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, 8:30am Chicago Time!!!

  1. Now I can’t unsee how tiny tiny tiny Farhan is. Watch for it, when he is passing next to one of the other actors, it’s not just height, his whole frame is tiny tiny.


  2. Are we prepared for Naseerji to build a whole character in one 10 minute scene? And for us to hate that character more than any other as we realize that our three immature heroes are still more mature than this 60-something man?

    Oh, I forgot, we get another song first!

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    • YES!!! This is why I am mad that the Anupam-Farhan scene was cut from the film!!! It’s them having a discussion while at the dinner table and it is such a simple but poignant scene!!!


      • The idea of avoiding grief over your wonderful real father by dreaming about a biodad is so interesting. Like, the film clearly says that this is all about missing his real Dad and trying to avoid truly feeling him being gone. The whole biology part is meaningless.


        • Exactly!!! Have you seen the deleted scene I am talking about? It shows how much Anupam loves him and yet is not forcing his opinions on him. And Farhan has no idea how good he has it!


  3. I just watched a documentary called “the parachute murder plot”. About a parachute murder plot. Which failed. Experienced sky diver/sky diving instructor, her husband packed her parachute and unfastened the clips so they would snap away. And then miraculously, she survived! But it still made me not want to parachute. Or, alternatively, marry a husband who will kill me.

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  4. I love that Zoya and Reema are making fun of jingoism and boys thinking they are doing something monumental when they are just doing something stupid by playing Sa Re Jaha Se Acchaha in the background as the guys are gearing up for sky diving


  5. I think sky diving is stupid, in general, and filmmakers are way too in love with it. But the idea of Farhan being grabbed and held by his friends before he is about to try to lean on someone way not worthy of being leaned on is nice.

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  6. Margaret’s theory of the movie: They are once again inserting themselves and doing weird practical jokey things. But for the first time, they are sincerely taking part and waiting for a response from others and sort of sharing the joy, instead of making it a weird cliquey in joke. This is maturity. There’s a reason it is Hindi-Spanish, it shows how they are finally interacting with the bigger world joyfully.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Drives me crazy that the subtitles say “stepfather” when he is saying “Dad”. That’s REALLY IMPORTANT!!!! That Farhan talks about his Dad as his Dad even while telling this story.

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    • I don’t know how he was raised, but in Indian films I often see boys being raised as if they were kings – so his reaction wouldn’t be far off from that sort of background.

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      • Yeah, but he’s still a terrible person. I mean, Farhan’s stepdad was raised in the same culture, and he took over care for a baby that wasn’t biologically his own and was awesome.


  8. Isn’t it nice and convenient to tell yourself that she made a “choice” to be a mother while you made a “choice” to be an artist??? Instead of that you ABANDONED HER!!!!

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    • I appreciate that this depiction is so raw though, and doesn’t make the artist a beautiful genius. It wrestles with the impact that being selfish for your talent has on other people. It also doesn’t make Naseeruddin unhappy or lonely. Some people hurt others and don’t suffer consequences.


      • Yep!!!! And I wonder how much this is related to Zoya’s own Dad? He’s apparently awesome now, but he is also pretty straight up that he is an alcoholic and was a really sucky selfish Dad until he got into recovery.


  9. And now Farhan’s denial is slipping away and he is finally letting himself grieve his real father. Right? That’s what this was about? Naseerji was just a distraction?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes. I think Hrihik’s comment that Farhan is a duplicate of Naseeruddin and then seeing his father in true light makes him realize how selfish he has been and how much he didn’t appreciate Anupam. He finally realizes that Anupam is his father and can grieve him.


    • And it’s what Farhan had to realize!!!! He was going down the path of his biodad, only seeing the world through his needs, not how his actions harmed others.


  10. I remember the first time I watched this, my first Indian movie, I was surprised because in many ways it could totally be a Spanish or American movie…except for the poetry interludes. (And with stronger, better depictions of friendship, still really love that.)

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