Saturday Morning Watchalong: Mom! For Sridevi! 7:30am Chicago Time on Netflix

Woo-hoo! I am beginning to feel like I am getting back to regular life! Watchalong, I made my own coffee, I’ve started laundry, life is good.

Mom! It’s dark, it’s twisted, it’s satisfying, it’s Sridevi! Very excited to share it with y’all

Mom, Story Plot And Rating, Starring Sridevi, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Akshaye  Khanna - Filmibeat

At 7:30am Chicago time I will put up an “and Play” comment and then we can all comment along from there!

171 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Watchalong: Mom! For Sridevi! 7:30am Chicago Time on Netflix

  1. I got my iced coffee (also known as day old, with ice in it), a bottle of water, the head phones with an extra long cord, and a blanket even though it is 72 degrees in my house. Because it always takes so long for my computer to warm up I set my alarm for five and put it under my my pillow. But I slept through it anyway. My spouse however did not, and as I crawled over him out of bed he asked if I was going to exercise. Sweet soul, I’m afraid watching Indian movies is less wholesome, though I’m sure Mom has plenty of famiily values.

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  2. Surinder Kapoor=Boney, Anil, Sanjay’s Dad.

    Geeta Bali=Famous actress who hired Surinder as her secretary and then encouraged him to become a producer. Also married to Shammi Kapoor.


  3. I was gonna say teenage boys are gross, but Genevieve’s boys are gonna be kind and understanding ally types. so SOME teenage boys are gross.


  4. Sridevi is so good with child actors! When she died, a couple of grown actors who worked with her as kids talked about remembering how fun she was on set, no idea she was a big star.

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  5. Dont’ give in Sridevi!!!! Being extra lenient won’t make your teenage daughter like you again! Nothing will make your teenage daughter like you again! Oh man, I was so TERRIBLE to my mother between 12 and 18.

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  6. Well, this is an unhealthy way to handle a stepmother relationship! I blame Dad! Let your daughter grieve and have a separate place for mother and stepmother.


  7. My theory, based on the age of the younger sister and the way Sridevi seems to be surprised by her stepdaughter’s behavior, is that when Sridevi first married her Dad she was young and easily accepted everything. Only now as she hits teen years, suddenly the whole stepmother thing is getting hard.

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  8. Oh man, I wouldn’t take that. I’d make the child look at me when I am talking to them or send them to their room. Allowing disrespect inspires more disrespect.


    • Yep. But this movie is so good, I feel like we understand where she is coming from. Feeling so desperate to win back her stepdaughter, and also maybe not having the right to snap at her since she isn’t her “real” mother.


  9. I had a friend who, when she was 15, complained because she had a november birthday and therefore was older than everyone else in her class, and it was her Mom’s fault because her Mom had given birth to her in November. EVERYTHING IS MOM’S FAULT ALWAYS.

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    • Being born in January I can relate to the strange feeling of being older than the rest of my classmates, though I didn’t blame anyone for it. If someone is born on Christmas or New Year or Valentine’s Day I think there is a little resentment because of the sharing of one’s birthday – so in that case, I would understand.

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      • It’s better than the other way, my Dad is born in November too, but back then they had a different rule so he started school at 4 and college at 17 and so on. Really hard for a little boy.


  10. Noooo! Trustworthy older brother who drove the teens to the party is leaving! And creepy dude from school is getting drunk with his weird older cousin who he brought to the kids party! I hate this, and it is also soooooooooo believable. It was a safe party with a safe older brother taking them and only other teens there, and now suddenly it isn’t.


  11. Noooo! The boy she liked is with someone else! And her friend drank the drugged drink by accident! So now she is really really alone at this party. GAAAAAH!!!! Lock all your teen children in the house always!


      • On the other hand, they do spend a lot of time setting up how it became unsafe. It’s not just walking into a party an dbeing attacked, it’s a whole combination of circumstances.

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  12. This is so dark, and yet realistic. The guard is just a criminal of opportunity, sees some pretty girl being kidnapped and decides to help out so he can get his turn.


  13. The overhead shots of the car parking and the men changing position are so well done. You know what is happening, but there is no spectacle in it.


    • America has it’s own brand of Toxic Masculinity, but our brand does not include throwing acid at people who reject you, nor gang raping and trying to kill the person who rejects you. I’m not saying gang rape doesn’t happen, but then killing the girl? Gang rape as vengence? It isn’t really such a thing. So for me the hardest part is trying to understand their motivation, because I don’t truly understand Indian toxic masculinity.


    • Saying this as a European, the amount of Copaganda movies and TV Hollywood makes is concerning as well.
      Example: Robocop (Verhoeven even said he is an American Jesus), Men In Black, Dirty Harry, and add to that the many TV shows that try to justify the great militaristic force of the police.


      • True, though in Dirty Harry, and Men in Black (haven’t seen the others) they are the outliers, it isn’t business as usual. That is a big difference. And in those movies there is the suspension of disbelief. You don’t really expect police to act that way. But here it was like they were imitating reality.


  14. Recovering from rape is one thing, but recovering from a rape where you your attackers tried to kill you is something else. And having that be your first sexual experience. Crap. I do not envy this family. The recovery will be almost worse than the attack.


    • Not to mention the “call your mom” threat, on top of the already messy stepmother relationship, and her stepmom’s testimony being part of getting the rapists off.


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