Monday Morning Questions on Tuesday: What Do You Want to Ask Me the Last Week of May?

Happy Tuesday! Which is the start of the work week in America, because we all got Monday off, yaaaaaaaaaay! And now I am back at work and sad. Although happy it is only a 4 day work week.

Here is where you can ask me anything from “why no new movie reviews?” to “hey, Deepika is pregnant! How great is that???” Just keep swinging back here all week as you think of new things to ask.

Now, question for you!

Memorial Day is traditionally the end of school and start of summer break in America. What summer plans are you looking forward to???

I get to see my nephews so much this summer! They are coming to visit Chicago for a weekend next month, and then I am flying out to see them in July, and there is an August visit as-yet-to-be-scheduled that is also planned.

14 thoughts on “Monday Morning Questions on Tuesday: What Do You Want to Ask Me the Last Week of May?

      • Good point.

        will you see and review Heeramandi? I think Bhansali has become too overwhelming for me now. I think he has said all he had to say and whatever he is doing now will be a cheap repetition of everything done before.


  1. I kinda had a three day weekend, although the other day was on Tuesday because of predicted torrential rains that failed to materialize. Now sadly back at work after a day stuck cozily in my apartment.

    My question: did you see the Khans after the KKR win and have you ever seen anything so lovely and sweet in your whole life? It starts with SRK hugging Suhana, then AbRam wants in, then the whole family, including Aryan!, gets in on it.


  2. I am free but there are no releases in theatres at all. It is so upsetting when I am busy there are a 1000 films and when I am free there is nothing. My question for you is will there be a new DCIB Film Club segment?

    Memorial Day is traditionally the end of school and start of summer break in America. What summer plans are you looking forward to???

    I am looking forward to sleeping and finishing some plans I have wanted to do for a long time. I don’t have any vacation plans at the moment but I am still excited for the summer.


  3. Thanks for getting me to think about our summer plans. We’ll be spending three weeks at the North Sea again, meeting my parents and my sister with her kids, participating in our family’s annual Boule tournament, going for bike tours to pick blackberries, eating fresh fish, the kidps digging in the mud. It’s really relaxing.


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