Happy Birthday John Abraham!!!

He deserves a birthday post, right?  Maybe not as long as the ones I did for Dilip Sahib and Raj Kapoor, but still something.  Let’s say, a dozen reasons to love him, that seems fair.

1.1. I love you because you weren’t to proud to be launched by agreeing to lend your pretty face and nice body to a sexy movie.

2. I love you because you proved you could act (sort of) in your breakthrough role as the bad guy in Dhoom.

3. I love you because you have worked steadily since your debut, taking anything that came your way, from rom-coms to raunchy comedies to action to sex.

4. I love you because your intro film, while only making average box office, also has one of my favorite songs in it.  And proved your willingness to remove your shirt!


5.  And then in your later, even sexier, film Paap, you provided the film clip that is the reason I had to register on youtube and promise I was over 18.


6. I love you because, post Dhoom and a few other hits, you relaunched yourself with new hair and a new physique in Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal.


7. I love you because you were in Mira Nair’s Oscar nominated historical drama Water, which I find HILARIOUS.  Who casts John Abraham in a serious historic drama?


8. I love you because, while it was hilarious for you to be used in an Oscar-bait serious film, it was admirable the way you slowly built up your reputation in India, going from being beefcake to a good utility player, to someone who could carry carefully chosen films on your own shoulders, to someone with your own production house.

9. I love you because you built your production house not on beefcake and silly comedies, but on serious well-made films, lending your name and money and influence to good scripts and inventive directors.

10. I love you for playing happy beefcake in one of the most queer friendly films ever to come out of India.


11.  I love you because you tried, you really tried, to pull of the shy sweater wearing hero in Jhootha Hi Sahi, a movie I have a secret little soft spot for.


12.  And finally, of course, I will always love you for this!

10 thoughts on “Happy Birthday John Abraham!!!

    • I was thinking about including Baabul! But I didn’t like the songs from that as much as some other films. But it was a really nice role for him, and super nice that he agreed to play the one who doesn’t get the girl (until he does).

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  1. Two more reasons to love him
    1. He owns the football team ‘North East United’ which is slowly improving and becoming a serious contender in the Indian Super League.And he always makes time to support them by attending their matches.

    2. He married an investment banker.How many Bollywood male stars would marry someone with that job profile?Considering their busy schedule it makes sense for them to marry someone who isn’t that busy.At least someone would be with the kids.Maybe John’s wife will cut back her hours once they have kids.As it is,both of them are flying back and forth all the time.So much so that the media speculated that they were about to divorce.


    • I forgot about his wife! I like that about him too, that he married someone who isn’t famous, but also isn’t just going to sit at home and wait for him. And that he keeps her so quiet! Doesn’t bring her around to events or talk about her that much in interviews, just keeps his private life private.

      On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 10:10 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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