Happy Valentine’s Day! The Funnest Romance Fanvids!

(another reposted post.  But it’s a really good one!  And I went on vacation and fell behind a little this week)

It’s been a while since I did a fanvid post!  Plus, it’s Valentine’s Day!  And also, depressing grey and cold February.  So here are some of the best fanvids happy and in love videos on the internet, just to cheer you up!

So fun!  So happy!  So well edited!

So, it’s not the original Johnny Cash version, but it is still pretty great!

At least for this one, it really is Elvis

Speaking of hits of the 1950s….

And this seems to be a matched pair with the last one:

For any Shashi and/or Ashok Kumar lovers out there!

I don’t know why, but the French subtitles are my favorite part!

Speaking of recent catchy pop hits….

And finally, ending on a high note, Zizi K!  The FANVID KING!!!


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