Fanvid Post, Because Why Not?

Crazy at work today, so no time to write anything substantive.  But why not a fanvid post?  Because it’s been a while.

First, let’s get our Varun and Alia fix, now that Badrinath is over and there isn’t anything officially signed with them together again.  Also, Ed Sheeran!  Who always makes me smile because of the hilarious story of Princess Beatrice slicing his cheek open.


Here’s a thing that I am super behind the curve on, some kind of challenge to see if you can watch something without laughing/crying/singing/whatever.  Which is something that wouldn’t work for me at all in most cases, but absolutely works with singing along and classic SRK songs!


And then I was surprised to discover that there was a similar video with Varun, and it also totally worked for me!  He has been in many extremely catchy songs.


And for a complete change of pace, an obsessive stalker style video of Anushka and Prabhas!  I love the title.


Speaking of couples who are super cute in public appearances, Ranveer and Deepika!  As I have mentioned before, they are one of those celebrity couples I find myself strangely invested in.  They are awfully cute together.


This is just a good time, no story or anything, just fun!


This one, more of a mood piece.  Also, I know this song so well, and I think it is only because of the many many fanvids that have used it.  I’ve certainly never actually watched the Indian Aladin!


This one is super super silly, but I just couldn’t resist the concept.  And in case you were wondering, I skipped part 1 because part 2 is a lot better.


And finally, in honor of Ishq Vishk hitting Netflix, some good old fashioned Shamrita love!

6 thoughts on “Fanvid Post, Because Why Not?

  1. I could only watch the deepika ranveer and pranushka videos plus the value dance one. The rest are unavailable.

    Varun dancing always makes me look at his stance. The extra wide stance is so old timey. Lol

    Pranushka.. Aaaah Pranushka.. If they don’t get married I’d be personally disappointed!! 😂

    Favorite pranushka moment of all time:
    Interviewer to anushka: what would you not be able to do when you’re 50?
    Anushka: *thinking*
    Prabhas: Billa
    Anushka: *uncontrolled hiccupy laughter for the next 5 minutes*


    • I think I could live with them not being married, so long as they stay best friends for the rest of their lives.

      Speaking of, the SRKajol break-up still stings! Watching all those SRKajol videos just made me sad.

      On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 10:57 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I definitely want anushka to marry some big ass star and not some faceless ‘big biznisman’. I don’t want to do a Madhuri Dixit Nene. Of course it isn’t up to me who she marries but I do love the idea of good actresses marrying good actors and them having cute born to act babies together!


        • But I love Dr. Nene! He is always so happy to just go around being arm candy. But yes, I also find myself greeting every birth announcement with a thought of “wait, if abram grows up and marries aaradha, think how talented their baby would be!”

          Liked by 1 person

          • Hah! Same! I only wish some of these star kids grow up to be super amazing writers, music directors, technicians (rana is a vfx expert and photographer!) etc and not everyone of them ‘just acts’. I really love Farhan Akhtar for being so multi talented. I wish there’s more star kids like him.


  2. During Ram Leela time, Ranveer and Deepika had such obvious chemistry. It was almost palpable on screen and off screen. lahu munh lag gaya was a testament to it.

    Prabhas and Anushka offscreen seem to share such an easy camaraderie and the body language of great friends, it’s difficult (for me) to read anything more into it. They seem like two people who are exceptionally fond and protective of each other.


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