I Finished My Kitchen Cart!!!!

I just want to brag a little.  It’s so beautiful!  And my fingers and back are so sore.  But it’s so beautiful!

I am assuming this is an experience we have all had?  You get a box of wood pieces and a million little funny shaped metal pieces, and confusing instructions in an instruction sheet, and then you bravely attempt construction?

(construction.  And I didn’t even have a cute math teacher to help me!  Or a NASA scientist)

I’ve had this huge box sitting in my apartment for two weeks (it arrived on Shahrukh’s birthday, his present to me), and I’ve been putting off the process of building since I knew it would be horrible.  But today I had the whole day off, and I woke up with a burst of energy, and it was time!

(Me this morning)

So I did the smart thing just like my father taught me and read all the instructions first, and then got out a bunch of small dishes and separated all the screws and other little pieces from each other.  And then I slowly started building.  While watching Kick, because it’s not a movie that really requires close attention.

(Also, the songs are really good for giving you some energy while you have to keep doing something unpleasant)

I reached this point, and got worn out and had to take a break.  But at least it looked like I had accomplished something, right?



So then I took a break and had pie for lunch.  Because, first, it is Thanksgiving so pie is traditional.  And second, I didn’t want to have a big lunch since I was still going to have the family dinner this evening.  And third, because pie is good.

(this song is also good, and if you want, you can sing it as “Pie-i-i-a, my pie-a”.  Not that I have ever done that, while waving a loaded forkful of pie in the air, because that would be crazy!)

Break over I industriously got to this point:


And then I knocked over this dish of 18 tiny tiny screws.


At which point I took a deep breath, and then very carefully crawled over every inch of the floor until I found them all again.  And then I took a break and had a coke.

(Am I seeing this right?  They found love in a coca-cola message board? Where, like, people can discuss how much they love coke (the soft drink)?)

But I finally made myself go back to it and finish the darn thing.  With a final power anthem in the background.  Because it’s an orange cart (ha! I crack myself up).


Anyway, as of right now, the cart is finished!  And I am a total mess and I have to have dinner with Grandpa in half an hour.



And now I will rush around and make myself be-yoo-ti-full.  Or at least nice enough to go to a nice restaurant with Grandpa.

(If only I had Sanjay around to help me!)

14 thoughts on “I Finished My Kitchen Cart!!!!

  1. Well, it looks fabulous. And after dinner with Grandpa you can come home, watch a movie, placing the cart where you can see it and admire your handiwork.

    (PS – we practically have degrees in assembling flat pack furniture. Our house is a shrine to Ikea)


    • I really want to come home from dinner with Grandpa and reorganize the kitchen with the cart as the centerpiece. But since that would mean loud bangings and clangings all night, I really shouldn’t, in courtesy to my neighbors.


    • I did do a good job, didn’t I? Very proud of myself. Kind of want to leave it right in the middle of my living room so everyone can come in an admire.

      On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 8:45 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

        • Why be subtle? Every time they come to my house, I say “hello, before you sit down, come and look at my beautiful new kitchen cart”. It will make a nice bookend to my farewell of “oh, before you leave, you have to go see Shahrukh in the bathroom!”

          On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 11:05 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


          Liked by 1 person

          • I have a better idea- you know how historical spots have sightseeing maps? Maybe you can put one up by the coat hanger at the entrance listing all the wonderful must see places in your apartment!


          • I used to have a party game the first time people came over “Can you find all 6 Shahrukh Khan pictures in my apartment?” The trick was the little one on the magnet on the fridge.

            Liked by 1 person

          • My bedroom is in fact completely SRK free! the only room in the house. I was going to wait until I found the perfect thing, but now I have kind of come around to having a little SRK oasis in the midst of all the madness.


  2. I bet with Sanjay around you would not have finished the cart that quickly 😉
    It’s a practical thing with a vivid colour…now you have to do the test by filling it…and then you can present it during your videos (moving it around, putting things on/in it or get something out).

    ShahRukh search… what a playful idea to make people discover your apartment 🙂


    • At the exact second you were typing this comment, I was filling the the cart! Kitchen is now successfully reorganized, and looks lovely, I’m very excited. Next step is to make the inaugural chicken soup batch of the “new” kitchen.


  3. Pingback: Silly Sunday: Kitchen Stories! In Honor of My New Kitchen | dontcallitbollywood

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