Qarib Qarib Singlle, A Good Movie That Could Have Been a Great One if Only It Stuck the Landing

I had friends over last night, since I can’t drive to the movie theater, and we had a lovely time watching a movie I missed when it was in theaters, Qarib Qarib Singlle.

This is Tanuja Chandra’s first straight romance.  How interesting!  She has been working since the 90s, starting as a scriptwriter on films like Dil To Pagal Hai, and then moving on to directing with Kajol’s action film Dushman.  She has made a whole variety of movies since then, on topics ranging from post-9/11 New York NRI culture to adoption. She always has strong interesting heroines, but their stories are not love stories. Love may be part of it, but it is not the main part.

This is Tanuja’s first try at making her heroine’s romantic journey the main plot.  And it is most okay, but struggles with the ending.  Which makes sense, in all her previous movies the heroine and hero getting together is the epilogue, the real climax happens when the killer is caught or the case is won or whatever else the actual plot is.  The love story is just a nice little finishing touch.

Image result for qarib qarib singlle poster

The one thing Tanuja has a firm grasp on, as does her heroine Parvathy, is the emotional journey of the main character.  This is a unique kind of heroine, one who doesn’t match with any of the other heroine’s we have seen before.  And we immediately know her, know how she thinks and what she feels and what she needs and who is in her life.

The problem is, we don’t have the same kind of grasp on the hero.  His motivations are mysterious, his emotions are unreadable, both to us and the heroine.  His backstory, his life, what has brought him to this state, it’s all left empty.  But not in the usual way these stories are empty, it doesn’t feel like there isn’t any more to him, he feels like a real character, just one that the director isn’t letting us get to know the way we should.  And because we don’t know him, the romance doesn’t quite work.  We can understand exactly what Parvathy is feeling, but Irrfan is a mystery, making the whole thing one-sided.

I kept thinking about other one-sided love stories.  There have been plenty of them, but the key is to give us that one moment in the finale where we finally know how he is feeling and it feels in the gaps of everything we didn’t understand before.  Best part of Ohm Shaanthi Oshaana, of Aaiyyaa, of Eega even, is that moment when it all comes together and we see both sides for the first time.  And again, this movie fails in the clincher.  We never really see Irrfan’s side.

But that isn’t to say it’s not a good movie.  It’s 2/3rds of a great movie, and then 1/3rd an okay movie, that’s all.  But those 2/3rds make it definitely worth watching.  Parvathy is brilliant and Tanuja is brilliant in bringing out her brilliance.  Just watching her slowly blossom and become beautiful as the film moves on, going from dowdy and unhappy with herself to blooming with joy, that alone is worth it.  Irrfan’s character is one of those only Irrfan could play.  Strange and charming at the same time, irritating but fascinating.  And the scenery is gorgeous, this is a travelogue along with everything else and Tanuja picked places in India that aren’t always shown on film.  They aren’t never shown on film, she didn’t go out of her way to find unknown gems, but they are less familiar than the usual.  And she took a slightly different route to showing them, less big establishing shots of mountainous beauty, more human eye level weaving in and out between people.


I just wish the ending was handled a little better.  That’s all.







The trailer seemingly gives away the entire plot.  A man and a woman meet through a dating website.  The man is always talking about his ex-girlfriends, the woman suggests jokingly that she should meet them, and it turns into a real plan.  They will travel together to meet each girlfriend and also get to know each other a little along the way.

But what the trailer doesn’t give away is who Parvathy is and why she is so lost and desperate for a connection.  She is seemingly the sane one, the one who is normal and strong and better while Irrfan is desperate.  But it is truly the other way around.  We spend a long time with Parvathy at the beginning of the film getting to fully understand who she is now and why she might be open to this ridiculous plan with Irrfan.

She is a successful insurance agent with a thriving agency and a busy job and a big apartment.  Her little brother is at Princeton, fairly recently moved out of their apartment and she calls him constantly on Skype.  Her parents are either dead or live far away.  And she herself is a widow, her husband was in the army and died ten years ago.  And she still sleeps on only one half of the bed, leaving the other half for him.  She signs up for a dating website not because of any one thing, simply because she sees other people happy and coupled, she misses her brother, her apartment is big and lonely, and she finally just does it.  And maybe it would have turned into nothing, maybe she would have canceled her account the next day and retreated back into loneliness, but then she gets a message with perfect grammar and lovely turn of phrase from Irrfan and she decides to meet him for coffee.

Irrfan is what Parvathy needs at this moment.  The professional man she is imagining would never have lived up to her expectations, and would have been turned off by her shyness and uncertainty.  There is a perfect moment right before Irrfan arrives at the cafe for their first meeting, Parvathy sees a young couple leaving, the man casually caressing the woman’s bare waist as they walk out the door.  And she quickly puts back on the wedding ring she had removed and starts to leave.  We can see everything in that little moment, an older woman who isn’t ready for the new dating scene, is scared of the physical contact she thinks would be expected, will jump and run at any implication of anything sexual, but at the same time will not stay unless she is pressured into it, will instead choose to retreat to her safe little life.  Anyone besides Irrfan would either have been too slow moving, to restrained, and she would have slipped away.  Or would have been to aggressive, scared her off.  But Irrfan is the perfect man for her in this moment, an old-fashioned gentleman who would not dream of saying or doing anything explicit, anything that makes her feel pressure to be someone she isn’t.  But at the same time, crude and determined and stubborn, pushing hard enough to force her to turn a coffee meeting into dinner, and then into another coffee, and finally into this ridiculous ten day trip that he cleverly suggests as shared expenses, with her picking and paying for all the hotel rooms while he picks and pays for the travel.  Giving her just enough control to feel safe, but not so much that she will run away.

The problem is, the movie never really finds a way to treat Irrfan as something besides just what he is to Parvathy.  Maybe that’s the point?  Maybe we are meant to see him through her eyes?  Through the course of the film, his mannerisms, his clothes, everything slowly becomes calmer and less intrusive and unpleasant.  I would say it is a subtle character drama, showing how Parvathy’s feelings change through how his appearance shifts, except that we also see Irrfan without Parvathy.  Traveling by himself, even visiting his final girlfriend alone.  It is clearly structured to be a two character drama, but it just doesn’t work because one of the characters is so much more opaque than the other.

As an audience member, I can certainly fill in the gaps.  Irrfan is a village boy with a poetic soul.  He ran away from home because he didn’t fit in, but he doesn’t fit in in the city either, still too much of a villager.  He is a romantic who falls in love with his whole heart but never with women who are strong enough to stick by him.  His first village girlfriend cheerfully went on to marriage.  His second girlfriend, in his youthful poet days, married for money and left him, breaking his heart.  His third girlfriend was as spiritual as he was, and that was the problem, she was married to her own art.  Parvathy’s “flaws”, for this particular man, become merits.  She is mature enough to know what she wants and take it, she has her own successful career and income and won’t care whether or not he has money, she is artistic enough to appreciate him but not for her passion to compete with him.  And she is a widow, which means she is someone who can understand Irrfan’s own complicated romantic past.  And so he would see her profile, see she was mature sounding and interesting, sent in his initial message, and then at their first meeting responded to her maturity, her reveal she was a widow, and all those other details.  And worked his magic to make sure they kept meeting to somehow build this connection.

But the film doesn’t fill in all of that for me!  I have to do all the work to make sense of it.  Especially at the end.  Irrfan and Parvathy have a fight, he goes off to meet his final girlfriend of three, watches her in her dance studio, and then leaves her a note instead of going in and rushes off to find Parvathy, and finally asks her how she feels about him.  But, why?  What changed?  Parvathy had just said terrible things to him, he went to see his girlfriend, and then rushed off to Parvathy.  I can come up with all kinds of explanations, realizing that he doesn’t want the artistic beautiful young woman, looking back on his most recent relationship and seeing how unsatisfying it was, all kinds of things.  But I don’t KNOW because the movie doesn’t give us anything!  And it would have been so easy, give Irrfan a speech earlier that explains exactly what went wrong in this relationship (more than just his tossed off “she was married to her art” comment), so we can fill in the gaps when he sees her, have the note he leaves be a little clearer, anything at all!

(Oh good lord, they cut a whole song!  This movie really should have been 20 minutes longer and that would fix everything)

Especially because the ending is where, for the first time, we suddenly can’t really understand Parvathy either. There were a few moments earlier where we saw her checking Facebook on her phone, looking at photos of a white man.  But then suddenly out of the blue she announces that the whole purpose of this trip for her was to meet up again with her ex-boyfriend, the older white man.  There was no indication before that this was what she was doing, the rest of the movie seemed like a sincere attempt to get to know Irrfan.  The introduction of her ex-boyfriend came out of nowhere.  And then she suddenly blows up at Irrfan, for seemingly no reason, declaring that he only cares about himself when he has just taken care of her for the past week, including holding her hair while she threw up on a helicopter ride.  That also comes out of nowhere.  And then her boyfriend shows up, it is seemingly perfect, he takes her back to his lovely house, and then we cut to Irrfan.  And by the time Irrfan tracks her down, she has had a change of heart and is receptive and happy to see him.  Why?  What happened?

Again, it would have been so easy!  I can fill in the gaps, I sort of know what happened.  She has been considering contacting her ex, the dating website was a way of getting her feet wet, this trip was a way of having an adventure and getting off by herself and building up her courage, she found herself more and more interested in Irrfan, and then as a final step to psych herself up to meet her ex, she had to yell at Irrfan and come up with things that were wrong about him.  But when she does meet her ex, she realizes he isn’t right for her after all, she doesn’t want to disappear into his life, and so she is going back to Irrfan.  But wouldn’t it have been easy to show all that?  Just a couple more glimpses of her looking at Facebook or somewhere else and thinking about the ex.  One moment of softness towards Irrfan right before she snaps, so we can connect the dots of her feeling suddenly afraid of her feelings.  And, most important, one scene of her with the ex, something as simple as him describing his plans for the day while her face shows that she is not interested, and that would fill it all in.  But there was nothing.

Like I said, the ending doesn’t ruin the movie.  It’s still a good movie, with two great central performances and memorable characters.  But it could have been more, if only Tanuja had stuck the landing.

11 thoughts on “Qarib Qarib Singlle, A Good Movie That Could Have Been a Great One if Only It Stuck the Landing

  1. You filled in the gaps for me regarding Irfan’s character. I didn’t really catch what Neha Dhupia’s character meant, I think all my focus was on drunk Parvathy. Actually I didn’t get Irfan at all, just that he was happy go lucky. And I agree about Parvathy’s ex bf turning up from nowhere. I didn’t even catch the part where she looks him up on Facebook. I really should watch this movie again. Thanks for the in depth review!,


    • Thanks for reading! It frustrates me that the movie put in all these hints towards what it meant without fully explaining it, because it would have been so easy to go the rest of the way. They had the details of the characters figured out, but they just didn’t put them in the movie in a way that made sense.

      On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 2:20 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. I’m so happy you reviewed this movie. I knew there was something lacking in this movie, but couldn’t name it. And it was the fact that we know nothing about Irrfan’s character. I love the beginning of the movie – Parvathy being alone in the house or going to the wedding, finding first gray hair, and her reaction to creepy messages on her dating site. I saw this , and I felt I know and like what kind of person she is. But we know nothing about Irrfan. Who is he? What are his intentions?

    And now when you saw the movie – wasn’t the pink sari terrible?


    • The pink sari was so terrible!!!! I told my friends to prepare for it, and they had a very “oh, sure, her clothes haven’t been that impressive, not really flimi or fancy”. And then she came out and they were stunned. It was just SO bad.

      And I am glad you had the same feeling of something just not right!

      On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 4:19 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Yes! Exactly! The end-end was perfect, sharing the water bottle. But the rest of it? What was that?

      I’m happy they are together and I kind of want to see the sequel when they have to manage integrating their individual very settled lives together, but that did not feel like an ending.

      Oh! I know what I want! I want a sitcom! He is the wacky rich poet, she is his practical new wife who has to put up with all his hijinks, maybe her educated young brother moves back in with them, and his humorous servant. Season 1 ends with her pregnant, the baby is born in season 2 and it brings in more confusion, time jump in season 3 to the baby starting school and the younger brother being written out and replaced by a couple friend from the school, a low class husband and his snobby aspiring wife, and so on and so forth.

      On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 8:18 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

  3. I watched this last week. Enjoyed it, especially Neha Dhupia, who is becoming increasingly charismatic on-screen presence with age or over time.

    I rewatched the first 30 minutes and happened to notice the heroine looking at photos of the white guy on her phone. So he is foreshadowed but just barely. (Apparently the white guy is in sacred games and Rock on and just came out with an album and actually has that accent IRL. Maybe like Kalki he is from India.)

    I wonder if the movie would have worked better if it had mostly been told in flashback? Imagine if it started with them in the third city, at the point where she is looking at her phone and zeroes in on her exbf photo, then pans over to her exbf walking over to her to greet her, then pans over to the jealous, concerned, confused Irrfan. Then as she and white guy walk to his home, the movie up until that point is then told in flashback, with bits of her present day encounter with the exbf interspersed, showing her gradual realization that exbf won’t figure in her future. Then once the flashback catches up to present day, the movie finishes with the irfan reunion as an epilogue to her journey. In addition to making the white guy portion seem less random or less manipulative, it also explains her spending the day with an unknown French male tourist in Rajasthan, ie. it explains why she’d be so comfortable spending the day with an unknown white guy, since nothing else about her life (like her profession or her circle of friends) would explain this. And it also makes sense why irrfan would be a little less well drawn and less backfilled, because it more clearly is her journey.


    • I like this tweak! It would also subtly imply that she is thinking back on her time with Irrfan while she is with the white guy, which has meaning of its own, that she is thinking about him while she is supposed to be with someone else.

      On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 12:42 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. I watched this movie after reading your review here and liked it a lot. Director and editor have definitely fell short of expressing what some scenes are actually meant to be. One such thing I wanted to know your opinion of was the one where Parvathy says to Irrfan that she wants to move on and date other people and Irrfan retorts with a comment that they have big difference between them. Can you help me understand what this was meant to be and also what made paravarhy change her mind and continue with Irrfan when she wasn’t not ready just few minutes before


    • I think your first question is about Irrfan saying he definitely absolutely only wants Parvathy. He’s been visiting his past girlfriends all along, and his last serious girlfriend is still to come, but he doesn’t even need to see her, he still knows he wants Parvathy.

      For your second, I think that is a flaw in the movie. The only thing that makes sense, and which fits the rest of the theme of the film, is Parvathy suddenly getting scared of happiness, pushing Irrfan away, but then spending time with her ex and realizing Irrfan is what she wants know. The whole film has been about taking chances, trying something scary and new, and also saying good-bye to old lovers.


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