Shahrukh Summer Discussion Post: Melbourne Film Festival Chat Space!

Shahrukh is out of hiding! Yaaaaay! For another one of those pleasant events he has been doing, mature and international and where he is respected. I have no real “news” to report, it’s just a bunch of fun photos and instagram videos. But I thought I would put up a space for us all to share and discuss the fun photos and instagram stuff.

I’ll start with a report from a DCIB correspondent, Zindagi, who actually got to be there:

I have just had the craziest evening – picture sitting in a theatre watching highlights of KKHH with Karan and ShahRukh in the audience. Yes, that actually just happened!!!! Omg, I am still on such a high!
I unexpectedly had to go to Melbourne for work and managed to get a ticket to the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne Awards Night. Shahrukh was the special guest and some of the others were Karan, Tabu ( who won best actress) Malaika Aurora, Arjun Kapoor, the director of Andhadhun ( who won the award for best director) Simi Garewal, Taran Adarsh ( who made a terrible speech) and Ranjiv Masand. ( who spoke well). Karan talked about making KKHH, which was lovely.

Shahrukh got the.award for cinema excellence. He’s looking a little older and worn but so charming. The crowd was just nuts for him. it felt so good to be in a hysterical Shahrukh friendly crowd. He finished his speech saying I promise you that I will keep entertaining you for as long as I live. Then there was a beautiful, typical Shahrukh moment – at the end there was a big selfie shot on the stage with all the vips. They were facing the back of the stage so the audience would be in the shot behind them. He was standing at the very back centre. Chaiya Chaiya started to play and while everyone else was getting their photo taken he turned around and started to dance for the audience. No wonder we love him so much! Omg, I want to gobble him up! Such a fun night! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Photo with Arjun Kapoor looking pretty for Angie:

Image result for shahrukh melbourne

Panel image:

Image result for shahrukh melbourne

Tabu and Shahrukh being cute together:

And SRK dancing to Chaiyya Chaiyya:

53 thoughts on “Shahrukh Summer Discussion Post: Melbourne Film Festival Chat Space!

  1. One of the journalists who spoke to SRK mentioned on twitter that he didn’t ask him about his next film because apparently he had been tightlipped about it during the press conference. So when the individual interview happened, he didn’t think it would be appropriate to ask.

    Another journalist said that there had been a long line of people interviewing him so I’m guessing we should be getting more soon.

    Here’s a 10 minute long radio interview with SRK:

    A TV interview for a morning show will air in a few hours in Australia. They said a link will be put up soon after.


    • Really interesting, that “I didn’t think it would be appropriate to ask” kind of courtesy from the press is so refreshing. It seems like either they are so cowed that they just ask the same boring questions and nothing new comes out, or they are so aggressive that they just ask the same questions he isn’t going to answer. Instead of being reasonable and figuring out the one area to avoid but finding other new things to discuss.

      And thank you! I knew you would be on all the content for us less internet savvy folks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, that’s what I like about international interviews. It’s not gotcha journalism but they are not stupidly fawning either. The radio journalist said that at the press conference a question about Kashmir was asked and how *nobody* wanted to speak about it. The great thing is that instead of asking SRK again about Kashmir (which he would not get an answer to), he turned it around to ask why there is reluctance to speak. I thought that was brilliant. SRK’s answer was good too.

        The radio interview is 10 minutes long but the guy’s show is actually like 2 hours. So throughout the 2 hours, he spent moments talking about SRK and he took calls from fans who spoke about him. So if you want, you can listen to the whole thing on the same website.

        From what I can tell from twitter, at least one interview was for Financial Review which is an Australian finance newspaper like the American Wall Street Journal. I’m hoping that has something interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Found the Financial Review article – not much in it but explains the growing power of the Indian diaspora there. 33% of all home sales in Melbourne are by India-born buyers versus only 25.8% by those born in Australia. That puts things into perspective why the governor and various MPs and universities are courting desis. It’s interesting to see the welcome being given to immigrants versus the hostility we see lately in the US. (Australia has also had lots of racism issues with Indians – it was in the news a lot a few years ago or perhaps it’s part of the image revamp)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I suppose it could just be part of the cycle. After all the ugliness just a few years ago, Australia has come out the otherside and recognized “hey, we need these people! We want them!”


    • I think Arjun looks better, but Vijay’s suit is nicer.

      Also, either Vijay slimmed down or Arjun is way bigger than I thought. I would have said the two guys were approximately the same size, but apparently not.

      On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 2:58 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Well, if Liam Neeson can make action movies in his 60s, I’m sure SRK can also. But I really don’t like the action genre so I hope not. I don’t mind if it’s more titled towards drama like Raees or even Don. That would be fine. I’m hoping for Operation Khukri. We know it’s in production and it’s a war movie but it wouldn’t be just senseless pointless action.

        Suhana and Aryan will both be off to college by the end of the month so his excuse of spending time with them will also be finished by then. They won’t have time for him! So he might as well get back to work again.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I don’t know, I kind of like picturing Shahrukh hanging out at the student unions waiting around to help his kids with their homework.

          But you are right. And maybe this whole mysterious work gap has the simple answer of wanting to spend as much time with his daughter as possible before she leaves home.


          • Yeah, that’s what he says in the interview basically that he wanted to be with his daughter and he has no time to do that if he’s shooting. Let’s be honest – his kids must also be tired of him by now! I’m sure the last thing Suhana want is Dad showing up every week in NY. I would have been so annoyed if my parents stalked me like that in college. He has pushed this long enough. They must also be dying for him to go back to work. lol


  3. SRK gets his doctorate today – in about half an hour! The university is providing a live link for those interested! For people in the US, the timing is perfect in case you want to watch.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Can you believe this? SRK was late yesterday to the press conference and he’s late today again for his own doctorate. Is he kidding with this? How can be late to everything constantly? I understand why it happens in India because he has a million things to do but what the hell is he doing in Australia?!

      Someone please make him stop smoking and learn to respect time a little. This is ridiculous.

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s a long flight and significant time difference. The poor guy is likely jetlagged. I’m always impressed at how well he handles all the flying around for events in different time zones.

        In my view, they are lucky to have him there at all promoting their events. He’s not promoting a film so gets little to nothing out of such appearances. His hosts are the ones who reap the benefits. And they know he is challenged in this regard so will be prepared.

        There is also the cultural difference. In India, time is perceived very differently. I’ve lived here for a few years now and I still can’t change my own time sense (even when I try to come late I am always the 1st to arrive, which no doubt annoys the hostess). This is the kind of ingrained cultural difference that is very hard to change at all, let alone for a visit of a few days.

        Personally, I wish fans would leave him alone about the smoking. As an exsmoker, I hate the habit, but what he puts in body is none of my concern. Yes I worry about the health effects, but it is his right to do it if he wants.

        In my opinion, he gives so much of himself to his fans and the public at large by virtually giving up a normal life and privacy. I don’t have a problem with him saving some things for himself.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I love SRK but this habit of always being late is disrespectful. There were so many fans waiting, many standing in the cold and rain outside. It’s important to have respect for other people’s time too.
          It’s true that he gets nothing out of this so I appreciate that he does it at all. But this constant lateness I really don’t know how people tolerate it but I suppose it’s acceptable in the culture in India.


          • At the award night all the celebs were late. He was the last to arrive, probably according to plan as he was the special guest, so I wouldn’t blame that on him.
            At the univerisity function he was only a little late, it’s a long way out of town and it was raining. I don’t think anyone in the crowd outside had a problem with it. I was there. We were incredibly grateful that he came and did a performance for us, in the cold, which wasn’t part of the event.

            Liked by 1 person

          • This is reminding me of when I was watching twitter live for the new JHMS song. It was being released at a big event for fans and journalists, there was loads of food and music inside, all the tweets from the actual event were saying “great time, so happy to be here”. But it was the people in the virtual world watching and waiting for the twitter release who were getting increasingly upset.

            It’s a funny world we live in, the folks there in reality don’t mind delays because they are having a wonderful time, it’s the folks watching from a distance that get upset. But there are so many more people watching from a distance!

            Come to think of it, when I saw him live the concert started over an hour late (which may not have been his fault, Yo Yo was hospitalized a couple hours earlier and they had to figure out how to fill his slots in the show). Anyway, I was there with 6 friends, we were talking to each other and looking around the stadium and just generally being happy with the experience and not caring that he was late. But probably if I had been live streaming the concert staring at my blank computer screen I would have been furious.

            On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:36 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • He and Kangana spent the whole time on their phones, weren’t even watching. It was so rude and disrespectful to the dancers. They were promoting a film they had done together which was about to release. It didn’t do much for my opinion of Kangana.

        Liked by 1 person

        • On the flipside, does that mean the other judges in other years actually did take it seriously? I so used to celebs for these things just showing up for promotions or a paycheck and not caring.

          On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 11:07 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Enough to make it interesting, give feedback, talk to the contestants. One year they commented that my girl was sing the Hindi lyrics when she clearly isn’t Indian. That was fun.


          • Good for them! The judges I mean, to actually show up and make an effort to entertain the audience and support the contestants.


    • Malaika goes every year to judge a dance competition the festival has. Since she’s there anyway, it makes sense to get her to make an appearance at the red carpet too.


    • Also, she has several been the judge for the dance contest held on the Saturday. It’s a big outdoor event in the city centre and it’s good to have judges that are dance focussed. My daughter used to dance with a group that competed for a few years. One year Farah Khan and Prabhu Deva were judges, which was great. ANother it was Imran Khan and Kangana which was appallingly bad.


      • But, Imran can’t dance!!!!! He isn’t even qualified to compete in a dance competition, let alone judge it.

        On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 10:42 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. A little more to add: I was at LaTrobe University today for the doctorate conferral. I wasn’t able to get a ticket but went to the outdoor screening. It was 10 degrees and raining most of the time, but the vibe was fantastic! Spontaneous banghra from the guys, everyone singing to his soundtrack s being played, freezing and wet but fun.
    It’s worth watching footage of the official ceremony. The crowd is hysterical, Shahrukh speaks beautifully about women and the Meer. Foundation, and the praise from the University made me so proud, proud to be his fan.
    Afterwards they took him on a tour of the campus and, as we were hoping, he came to the outdoor stage. He spoke, he danced, he did movie lines, all the fun stuff that wasn’t appropriate for the formal function. And then, this is what I love about him. He says ‘I want to come down and shake hands with you all.’ He turns around to his minders, the security people ‘Can I do that? They all shake their heads. The crowd, behind the barrier, is screaming ‘yes’ so he comes down and does it anyway. He took selfies on people’s phones, he shook hands, there is happy pandemonium. I had a small gift for him. He took the bag and kissed my hand. What a day!

    Shahrukh is a combination of heart, mind and body which is irresistible to me. The joy he gives is immeasurable.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. For anyone that wants to see the ceremony – the video is up.

    Rajeev Masand also interviewed him and said it should be up soon. I really really wish SRK had not spoken to him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • He was quite cool to Rajeev. Saying no to the interview would have caused a stir; Giving a charming but not warm interview sent a clearer message.
      And WHY is he a,ways late. Not good!”


    • He said in the Masand interview (link above this post) that Aryan has another one and a half years at USC so he should be going back this month. He also said Suhana will be starting at NYU Tisch.

      Rajeev asked about his kids’ careers and SRK said Aryan did the Lion King to get to know about dubbing and voice acting since SRK thinks he should learn a little about everything if he wants to make movies eventually. He is also currently learning about camera work from Ravi Varman. Nothing formal – just hanging around with these people. Interesting that SRK is sending him to people that are not that closely associated with him – no Karan Johar or YRF or anything like that.

      He mentioned a few times that Aryan and Suhana are both very sensible and nothing like him so they should do what they feel like instead of being influenced by him. But AbRam is different so he’s going to make him mad like him and teach him how to be the king. 😉

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  6. He looks very thin. I hope his health is okay. He has such amazing energy and just keeps going and going, but he looked drawn to me.

    One last update on the festival from me. I went to the Dance Competition, which I have seen a number of times when my daughter was competing. They were screening KKHH on the big outdoor screen afterwards. This was a rather more subdued experience. Sadly they didn’t announce it to the crowd and it started about 30 minutes after the comp ended, an hour late. So 4pm, cold and raining in a big outdoor square, and worst of all – there were no subtitles! I didn’t need them as I know the film back to front, but any non-Hindi-speaking passerby had absolutely no incentive to stay and watch, as if the cold and rain weren’t bad enough. So it was me and maybe 3 other people. I stayed until the gazebo scene, then had to go to a dinner.
    It was a lost opportunity, disappointed they didn’t show it in a regular cinema.

    Overall though I can’t complain. The last few days have been the most delightfully ShahRukh saturated time I have had in a long time and t’s good to see that people still love him so much.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. So what did people think about the Rajeev Masand interview? I liked parts of it. I really enjoy when Shah Rukh just lets his hard-core film industry mover and shaker out. “The real reason Indian movies do so well globally is that one out of every five people is Indian.” Then he goes back to padding everything with smiles and self-deprecation. It is frustrating that Rajeev and Anupama continue to get access despite seeming to willfully misinterpret his films lately. I guess the stars need the media outlets as well as vice versa.


    • Yes, I liked the business parts. I want someone to ask him producer questions – what kind of data do you get to see from the streaming platforms? Have you learned anything interesting that changes your idea of who the audience is for your films? Is streaming profitable enough to be a consideration when you decide which films to produce? Partly wondering if movies like JHMS or Zero make up any lost ground in their internet afterlife. Partly curious about whether streaming reaches people in places/markets traditional channels don’t reach – or if the streaming money just doesn’t add up to all that much, and ticket sales/satellite sales still drive all their decisions about what films to make and how to market them.

      The family stuff was nice too, though. And the joking about Rajeev vetting action scripts. Comfort counts for something. And I thought the four-and-a-half stars thing was a small dig he got in, given we all know how he feels about that form of reviewing now.

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  8. Perhaps the interview has to be a little more generalist given the circumstances, foreign soil, unprecedented interest by this foreign media, etc. He has had incredible coverage here in Australia, mainly due to the honourably doctorate, and the mobbing by fans and the hysteria surrounding him at the venues has been the hook. A story about him popped up on the twice daily newsfeed of the government broadcaster yesterday, the ABC. ( That’s the equivalent of the British BBC). I was stunned.
    Okay, some outlets are still getting irritating details wrong, no, he has not made hundreds of films, no he is not worth $6 million dollars, no MNIK and Swades are not his lightweight entertainers, but at least they are trying, and it’s all in good faith.


    • Ha!!! 6 million dollars? That’s, like, his monthly charity budget. I was gonna say annual, but no, with the hospital and Meer Foundation women and villages electricity and all, I think it’s more like monthly.

      On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 4:21 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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