Week Roundup: I’ve Been Gone! What Have I Missed???

Happy Tuesday! It’s a week and one day since I last posted! I went on vacation and did NOTHING very aggressively. I went to a different coffee shop every morning and read my book for over an hour, then wandered around until I found a place to eat lunch, then wandered some more until I found a place to sit and finish my book, then went back to my hotel room to start a new book. 4 books in 4 days! The perfect break. Oh, and also a pedicure, a massage, acupuncture, and a Psychic reading, just for fun. And I bought hair dye and used the hotel shower to re-dye my hair. So you can see, I was very very busy with no time for blogging.

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Shahrukh Birthday Post-Party Wind Down!

Well, I had a lovely lowkey Shahrukh birthday! Still not my best one ever, which was totally unplanned. I was at a friend’s small relaxed birthday party and I realized it was coming up on midnight on November 1, so we put a candle back in the birthday cake leftovers and sang Happy birthday to Shahrukh at exactly midnight. Anyway, tonight was nice too! It’s always nice to spend time with Shahrukh.

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