Announcement of the Annual Christmas Give Away Comment Contest!

Oh boy oh boy! Now that Shahrukh’s birthday celebrations are complete, it is time to start the annual Christmas Give Away!!! First winner will be announced next Sunday.

If this is your first year, here is how it works:

  1. Whoever makes the most comments in a particular week gets a fresh unique individual Christmas card from me
  2. You can only win once, so if the person who has made the most comments has already won, I will skip past them and go on to the next.
  3. Every Sunday I will announce the winner for this week and put up a photo of the card given to the winner from last week.

It probably sounds more complicated than it is. Basically, just comment as much as you can/want and you may get a Christmas card!

To inspire you, here is one of my best cards from last year:

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