I Watched Shahrukh in Together At Home Concert! And It Was BOOOO-RING!

Maybe I missed something, all I did was skim through the EIGHT HOUR video until I saw Shahrukh’s face, but if this is all there was, dull dull dull.

Did anyone watch this thing live? Not like “anyone in the world”, obviously a lot of people watched it, but did anyone at DCIB? I chose not to, because the idea of a live concert watched on video always kind of confuses me (if you don’t have the experience of being their live, why not instead watch an edited perfected version released later?), and also I couldn’t quite understood how the “Benefit” part of it works. Is my streaming it on youtube somehow adding to their ad dollars? If so, can’t I just start it streaming and go off and do other things and still contribute? Or, can’t I just, you know DONATE DIRECTLY instead of streaming a concert?

Also, Despicable Me had just hit Netflix and my Mom had never seen it, so we had to watch that. It’s SO GOOD! You should all skip the One World concert and watch Despicable Me.

Anyhoodle, I woke up this morning and thought “okay, Shahrukh was listed last in the performing list, maybe he’s towards the end of this ridiculous long video on youtube”. And I took a chance and scanned forward and found him! First try! Like a miracle! And then I lost him again, but then I found him again! 6 hours and 55 minutes into the video, there he is making talking head faces.

First, he’s definitely letting his hair go now that he is home, and is trying the “I’ll just wear a hat and no one will notice” theory that he believes in so devoutly and which is a False God. We all know something is wrong with your hair Shahrukh! The hat fools NO ONE!!!!!

Second, the beard! Definitely some experimenting going on. Either he isn’t shaving and it’s growing in patchy, or he is doing weird hip designs. Maybe he is letting AbRam choose what to shave and what not on a daily basis?

Third, my goodness was that boring! His little social media videos were more informative, entertaining, and better edited. I’m assuming the organizers gave him the script, or at least approved it for him. And ditto the photos of “India fighting the crisis”.

And of course, there was no ID for him! It was just his name under his face, no like “Indian actor” or anything. But I think that might be a general issue with this EIGHT HOUR thingy (based on my skimming). They had sooooooooooooo many people and some of them got introduced, and some of them were just randomly there on screen doing their thing and then disappearing.

I am so glad I didn’t watch live for Shahrukh. I would have been sitting there for 6 hours and 55 minutes thinking “where is Shahrukh? Where is Shahrukh?” and then he would show up and I’d go “wait, that’s it????”

32 thoughts on “I Watched Shahrukh in Together At Home Concert! And It Was BOOOO-RING!

    • Yeah? All I seemed to see was random boring talking heads. But that was using fast forward roulette, so I must have missed the good stuff.

      On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 10:04 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. So this is what happened. Aside from the live streaming, there was a 2 hour, much more watchable version on tv last night. (8-10 here). Luckily his bit came on at around 8:40 so I didn’t have to watch so much. The two hour version was fine especially walking in and out doing other things.
    Now the IMPORTANT part: his hair. Clearly he has gotten pretty grey cause Raaj, his hair guy is in isolation too. ( he’s been posting daily on what he is up to). Someone did trim his hair, cause in the Indian videos it’s way longer? Gauri? Suhana? Now, THAT would be a fun video: Gauri and Suhana giggling over cutting his hair..THATS fanfic I want! Do you think he knows we paid little attention to his words and more to his hair? Now the content: BORING. He did the ones he cared about to HIS people. The only fun one was Lady GaGa’s reaction video when he comes on. She screamed: I love him. Or something like that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s what I was guessing! Everyone’s hair is getting weird, why should Shahrukh be any less? I would love to see what he looks like with grey wild uncut hair. We need Gauri to secretly take a photo and send it to all of us.


  2. Huh, didn’t even hear about this event. Good to know that I didn’t miss something too important or spectacular from SRK.

    Margaret, can I suggest that since you’ve seen ‘Despicable Me’ that you watch ‘Megamind’ next if you haven’t seen it and if it’s available there? I can’t give spoilers, but it is highly enjoyable and apparently Gullermo Del Toro took part in creating it, which explains a lot of how the film is. Also, it is very funny and heartfelt at the same time. It came out before ‘Despicable Me’ and it very much like it, but not like it as well in many ways. Personally, I see it as the better film of the two.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooo, that does sound like a good movie!

      I was wondering about how many people knew this event! For one thing, the little bit of talking heads I saw kept talking about “foreign” responses to the problem. But, if it’s a global event, what would be “foreign”, you know?

      On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 12:51 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Oh my! Two votes for Megamind? This is causing me to rethink everything. It’s my turn to pick the movie again on Tuesday, I will keep it in mind.

        On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 1:54 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Three votes! It is funny, poignant, and unexpected. Great voice work by all the leads, and my favorite part is that it takes a poke at the annoying entitled “nice guy” or “friendzoned” trope. Here’s a cute clip that doesn’t give much away. To this day if any of us says, “The Spee-yider!”, all of us crack up.


          • But, I was going to pick Midsomer Murders and Queer Eye for my night tomorrow! This changes everything, I am conflicted, what should I do?


          • But then I have to wait through two nights of my parents’ picks! Maybe I should petition to have Albie Dog included as a household member with his own movie choosing abilities, and then make him give me his proxy vote?

            How are you doing it at your household of 3? Are the evenings anarchy, or are you doing a roster? Does the dog get a vote?

            On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:31 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • At the moment, there is almost no overlap in things that all 3 of us like to watch. So in the evenings, usually I watch something with hubby til he goes to bed (he’s an early to sleep, early to rise type) and then watch something with my daughter. Or if she’s video gaming or chatting with her friends, then I watch something on my own. 🙂

            Last night daughter and I watched the new Little Women. I liked it a lot, except the Professor is too handsome and too young. If joyomama reads this comment–what do you think of the costumes if you’ve seen it?


          • My Dad really wanted to watch the new Little Women but the rental price was too high for us to stomach. I’m nervous about it, I don’t know if I am ready for a re=imagined Little Women.

            On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 11:40 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I thought it was more faithful to the book in some ways. I think the “changes” are more that the story starts in the middle and then tells the rest through flashbacks. They even managed to have a Beth who wasn’t an annoying milksop. And Laura Dern made the most of the Marmee role.


          • A Beth who isn’t an annoying milksop? Well that is terrible unfaithful to the book! (I was that person reading it going “hey! Amy buckled down and found a wealthy husband and is carrying her whole useless ungrateful family!”)

            On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 12:32 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Yes! All this talk about feminism and the New Woman and stuff, and what was supporting them? Amy! Selling her body and marrying for money!

            On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 3:24 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 1 person

  3. I was so happy to see him that I didn’t care that it was boring. It just makes me so happy that in an international, global response to crisis, he’s obviously included there and not just stupid PC, trying to show off how she’s a UN rep. I just take it as the world is watching, billons of folks know who he is, of course he’s there. And I really enjoyed his dig at our govt asking everyone to please contact their government officials to ask that they support the work of the WHO in helping vulnerable communities survive. So that was great for me!

    I knew he was part of the 2 hour thing and not the pre-game 6 hour thing so we just scrolled through that part!

    But yes, I would love a secret pic of his wild grey hair. That would be hot!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I am feeling so smug about my hair regime. Everyone else in the world is struggling with weird hair, and I look just the same as ever. HA!!!! Natural super long never cut hair for the WIN!

      I’m assuming he is included because Lady Gaga loves him and is friends with him and she organized the thing. But then, it’s the same as what you said, he is the guy who Lady Gaga would love and know ten years ago which is why he is included today. There’s no other Indian celebrity you could say that about.

      On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 12:58 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 2 people

  4. I’ll just add here with respect to donating for the cause: The 3 hosts–Colbert and the “2 Jimmy’s”–said at the beginning of the two hour broadcast that they aren’t asking for money. They’d already raised over $50 million. What they were asking is for people to volunteer and get involved in other ways and they provided a link for that.

    And it was super boring. I agree that the bits he did for India himself were far better and more entertaining and informative. And the hair–it must be completely gray!! We know how vain he is about his hair, so we won’t be seeing it until it gets dyed again. Who knows when THAT will be? (Although someone mentioned to me that he’s somehow managing to dye the beard while he’s stuck at home. We know that’s naturally gray, too.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maybe it’s not a beard, maybe it’s just colored in with marker?

      On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 4:37 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  5. I was only watching it to see him, lol, and I nearly missed him cos I was getting a hot drink. I missed the first 30 seconds or so. Afterwards I managed to download the whole thing from YouTube before they removed the video and broke into a whole load of small videos so I was able to scroll through to find him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And after all of that, it wasn’t worth it! At least, that’s how I felt. 60 seconds of “do good stuff” and then it was over. We never even got to see his hair.

      On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 9:56 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  6. We watched the two-hour one, also. Enjoyed some of the music. My uncle hilariously texted me a pic of Shah Rukh on his (my uncle’s) TV screen and said, “Shah Rukh loves you and wants you to be strong!” It really tickled me because that is NOT like my nice but buttoned-down banker uncle.

    Everyone’s focused on his hair but I neeeeed to know what is up with his teeth? When we’ve done “fave body parts of Shah Rukh” discussions on here, his teeth are always in my top 3. They are so distinctive and make his smile and face shape so special. What is happening with them?!? I need a full open-lipped smile, pronto!

    Liked by 1 person

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