Things on Instagram That Made Me Giggle

Oh Harsh Kapoor! Truly, you were put on this earth for my amusement. Certainly not for anything useful, Harsh is pretty much the perfect example of a person who exists purely for ornamental reasons.

I just love this post so much. I am going to save it for any time I feel down. I can tell myself “at least my life is not so empty that I spend my days thinking about ‘sneaker culture'”. You should do the same! You may be wasting your life on DCIB, but isn’t that better than wasting your life on footwear?

Oh, and Karan has a very elaborate birthday cake. Conveniently, he also issued a statement today saying one of his household staff tested positive which answers the question of “does he still have staff to make cakes and stuff?” Think a good thought for the household and admire his enormous “K” cake. Seems like the kids got a kick out of it, even if no one else was there to see it.

Preity gave him a nice message with good wishes a lot like ours.

Alia’s message is nice too

No birthday message from Sid M, but look how cute his breadmaking video is!

Manish makes me a little sad because he says this is the first time in 27 years he isn’t celebrating Karan’s birthday with him, awww. Also, I want these crazy kids to get together! They are best friends, why not?

But mostly, it’s all about Harsh. How can that not make you smile? Sneaker culture! Discussion of the future of the sneaker! I try to take all interests seriously, but this is just giggle worthy.

29 thoughts on “Things on Instagram That Made Me Giggle

  1. Harsh is so pretty and dumb I hope he goes for roles where he is the woman’s love interest or just eye candy so that he can truly become a dream man on screen, not any of this serious art house stuff…though Mirzya is truly a gift of beauty in more than one way

    That Preity selfie made me smile, while others put promo pictures or photoshoots she put a personal selfie from her phone drawer. I just love her natural authenticity

    Sid, he should just be pretty and cook all the time

    And yes, Karan and Manish would be so perfect together! I just want Karan to be happy so much and find the romance and love of a lifetime that is the envy of all and what makes him happy!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • In his memoir, he referred to Manish as his “sunshine” and said that they go for long walks every morning and then just sit on benches and talk. And also that Manish is always telling him not to be sad, to just go clubbing (basically, don’t wait for a perfect romance, get a one night stand), but it’s not his thing. SO CUTE!!!! Just now it is occurring to me that Manish may have been one of the 3 men Karan loved and they didn’t love him back. If so, OUCH! A guy who is actually gay, and he still just isn’t into him.

      Yes, Harsh should always just be pretty and stupid!

      On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 6:17 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 2 people

      • The gay love story movie potential has barely been tapped. Reading some of these stories about Karan has been upsetting for me as my best friend was gay, and he died of a brain tumor in 2003. His boyfriend couldn’t have sex with a man he loved, so instead he had sex with men in bushes while living with my friend. After three years my friend finally broke up with him and travelled around having amazing sex, and then died, without ever telling his family he was gay (I got to be the answerer of a lot of questions at his funeral, that sucked). I’ve often thought that my friend’s story, is a real love story, with a gut punch. (That philandering boyfriend gave my friend crabs while he was in hospice -and all the hospice workers thought it was me- but at his death cried with snot pouring out his nostrils in a way I had never seen before or since). But as I read about Karan, perhaps walking with the man he loves (who doesn’t love him) every morning, I just think there are so many stories that have not yet been told.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ultimately they are all just love stories, right? But with the twist that it is a love society can’t accept or acknowledge. What I find fascinating about Hindi film, especially Karan’s films, is that any love story is against society because love itself is forbidden. At least, free love between people who pick each other. So Karan can tell his love story over and over again, so long as he makes one of the people a woman. In KKHH, Kajol’s nervousness and insecurity over confessing her love to her best friend, and then heartbreak when he wants someone else, that was Karan I am sure. And KANK, forced to go through the motions in a marriage with people you cannot feel attraction to. All the way to ADHM which maybe does tell his story with Manish, or whoever it is that he has had those relationships with. He is in love with them, he wants to be with them, and they love him but not in the same way, and it hurts.

          On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 10:53 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


          Liked by 2 people

          • I see what you are saying about putting a woman into a gay man’s place, but it isn’t quite the same story. It can be, depending on the relationship, but societal expectations and the world of gay men vs women are so different… But I think before I die, there will be gay love stories hitting the bestseller shelves of bookstores.


          • I think there already are! I know Courtney, our token Young Person, reads queer romances as much as straight romances. And I know from various romance novel mailing lists I am on, that same sex romances are being marketed heavily now, to the mainstream sections of the romance market.

            Liked by 1 person

          • That is a good point, there are a lot of teen queer romances, and some have even made it to the bestseller list. I want something on the adult list, and not on the adult romance list (which doesn’t exist for independent booksellers), but on the adult fiction or non-fiction. Something that becomes timeless, but can’t be appropriated into a straight couple. It will happen. The teen romances are already there, the adults will follow.

            Liked by 1 person

          • It’s interesting, I feel like movies and TV are ahead of books right now from what you are saying.

            On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 8:51 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • WordPress won’t let me respond to the specific comment for some reason, but I saw you mentioned me reading queer romances, and nowadays there are a ton, even though I do mostly read YA. The most mainstream one I’ve read probably would be Simon vs. The Homosapien’s Agenda, which was made into the movie Love, Simon a few years ago, and its sequel, Leah on the Offbeat. Both were great. The queer romances geared towards adults that I read, for some reason are usually heavy on the sci-fi/fantasy, heavy on the sex, and not mainstream/only available on digital platforms. There are some great ones out there though.


    • Harsh’s sisters are so smart. I can’t believe they still haven’t produced a movie for women with Harsh being beautiful and romantic. Yes, I know he only wants to do “important” movies, but he is the guy who tattooed his sister names on his back so I don’t think convince him would be difficult.
      It’s criminal they don’t use his pretty face in their movies.

      Liked by 2 people

      • SO TRUE!!!!!! He would be the perfect Himbo romantic lead for a female lead film. Like, the guy who has almost no dialogue but is just off in the background being the crush object, and eventually the reward at the end. Like, Swara Bhaskar goes on a journey towards acceptance of herself as a modern woman that starts with being dumped by her evil boyfriend and losing her job, and ends with her finding professional fulfillment and finally asking out the cute guy who runs her favorite coffee shop.

        On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 2:15 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


        Liked by 1 person

    • I was thinking about that! Someone obsessing over fashion, fine with me, it is an artform. But “sneaker culture”? And making all his friends through it? That is maybe a bit much for me.

      On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 7:23 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. I am really distracted by how awful Sid’s bread looks. Did he just wing it without a recipe? Was he shooting for something that’s more like a dense seedloaf than actual bread? What happened?


  3. Harsh K. is a delight and provides me with laughs in these dark days, god bless him. Like, yes, sneakers are the product of exploitation and child labour etc., but otherwise he’s got a harmless hobby and I do think it’s sweet he is making friends through SNEAKER CULTURE. He might potentially have a receding hairline but he’s got that going for him. He really needs to take that career as himbo eye candy while he still can, though.


    • I think it is sweet he is making friends, but I really really don’t want to stuck hanging out with them. Can you imagine anything more boring than listening to a discussion of the future of the sneaker?

      On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 1:20 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Does he even talk to girls? Besides his sisters? I am not sure if we have seen evidence of this.

          On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 9:05 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I mean, does he talk to anyone? I’ve never seen him flex with his real life friends or anything. He’s thirsty for Kylie (is that a Kardashian? I don’t know) which doesn’t convince me of his irl seduction skillz or experience.

            I’ve seen rumours he propositions co stars out of the blue and seems entitled, so I guess he has to have some hangers on if he’s that used to being able to summon company.


          • Or he’s just that used to being really really pretty. Nice to know he has real friends, from the Sneaker Culture Community. Although the chances of some of them being catfishers leading up to getting money from a rich dumb dude online seem very VERY high.

            On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 9:15 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Either way, whoever it is he hangs out with based on his looks or whatever doesn’t seem to hang around.

            lol, I feel like half of instagram is scammers. Let’s hope he filters them out.


  4. I did notice a bunch of people posted birthday messages for Karan on Instagram stories, which disappear after 24 hours. Sid posted there for Karan, and I think Anushka did too. Can’t remember if Varun said anything.


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