Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

Woo-hoo! Such a happy movie for a happy day! Well, for a stressy day that will become happy because of the movie (I don’t know about you, but the last couple weeks before daylight savings ends when I wake up before the sun makes me NUTTY).

I am so happy about this! We need more happy HAPPY movies in the world, and this is SUCH a happy movie. It’s on Amazon Prime, and youtube, and googleplay. And probably einthusan.

Anyway, at 3pm Chicago time today, I will put up a “PLAY!” comment and we all start at the same time. And then we just keep commenting along right here.

560 thoughts on “Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

  1. With how these comments are going, Margaret may have to put a “for adults only” disclaimer on these comments. I am just imagining one of Genevieve’s boys reading this.


    • Oh! I figured this out! The failed mission was 6 months ago, so they had 18 months in love and together, and then Hrithik went off on his mission while Evil Tiger was recovering in the hospital, so they haven’t really spoken sinc ethen.


  2. I saw this movie with my dad and he loved Hrithik but the fact that I’ve gone back and watched this movie multiple times blows his mind, even if he thoroughly enjoyed the action stuff

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This whole plane scene. He’s so stupidly gorgeous during the fight but it is SO FAR FETCHED. That said, I think that only Hrithik could pull it off. If you cast anyone else it would have just been…you couldn’t watch it.


  4. But, this is Evil Tiger! This is the scene where I most wish it was Good Tiger. But I can think of it as Hrithik thinking it was Good Tiger, so from his side, all the feelings are still real.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I remember the first time I watched this thinking the theater might have mixed up the reels. Because this really does not seem like it should be the scene after the last scene.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This is like a totally different movie. You got up, went for a pee, got more popcorn, and came back and then there’s this kids movie….


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