Saturday Morning WatchAlong: What Shall We Watch This Saturday to Keep Me From Being Stressed?

THERE’S TOO MUCH HAPPENING!!!! My parents are moving, I’m moving, my closest friends are moving, I have to pick and confirm a roofer, I have a work social event on Friday, I am STRESSED!!!!! So this Saturday morning, we need a movie that will make me caaaaaaaaaalm. And also, is Pride themed.

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2019 Awards Post, Gayest Movie of 2019, Vote Between ELKDTAL and War!!!!!

Well, this is a two horse race. I’m not even gonna pretend that anything else is in the running. The cool thing is, these two films represent two different and equally valid ways of bringing queer content to the screen. And we get to pick which one is “gayest” (in the best possible way)!

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Most Groundbreaking Female Character Who Isn’t Promoted as Groundbreaking of 2019 Award Poll Post

There’s the female characters who get all the promotions and everyone talking about them for being “brave” and “different” and blah blah. And then there’s the female characters who just sneak in under the radar and are quietly AWESOME.

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Daily Hrithik Shipping Post: War Sequel!!!! What Jodi Do We Want Next?

I have Ideas!!!! And you can pick and choose among them. Don’t limit yourself, if this is like the Bond or Mission Impossible films, it could go on and on and on with a different love interest each time. Pick one, or two, or three!

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Film Companion Publishes Homophobic Article

Urgh, I hate responding to stuff! It’s always so mean, picking apart some other writer’s words. But in this case, it is hate speech that has been given a platform by a site I respect and which I know many of you read, so I feel a moral obligation to discuss it. (thank you for the link Alisa! Otherwise I would have remained ignorant/the article would not get the response it requires)

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Daily Hrithik Shipping Post: What Other Films Has He Had Chemistry With His Co-Stars?

Sorry Tiger, I’m dropping you. Ultimately you just aren’t that interesting. But let us take a look back at Hrithik without Tiger and with someone else. What other films has he managed to create similar chemistry with his co-stars?

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News Round-Up: Casting Rumors of Future Films! 2000s Are Back, Suniel, Preity, and Maddy Are All Rumored

Everyone decided to start the work week by giving bollywoodhungama stories that may or may not be true depending on what the future holds. I should join in! I can tell bollywoodhungama that I am currently planning to make a flash mob youtube video that will go viral. Will I? Doesn’t matter! The story is that, as of this moment, I am PLANNING to do so.

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Daily Hrithik-Tiger Shipping Post, a Screenshot Album

I thought I had gotten it out of my system, but apparently not. Also, it’s Saturday so I don’t have to think and be mature. For the good of us all, I am now going to comb through the songs and trailers for the best possible images. And then we can use them to decorate our “Hrithik+Tiger= Tru Luv 4Ever” clubhouse.

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Hindi Film 101: Love Between Men in Indian Cinema

Oh boy, a Big Thought post! As always with these posts, every single point and discussion is TM Me, so if you find yourself repeating them somewhere else on the internet, please please give proper attribution. There is nothing more depressing than when I end up on some other site and realize a post or comment is just my ideas repackaged and relabeled under someone else’s name.

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Global Box Office: Hrithik Versus Reddy

I haven’t done a box office post in ages, mostly because I got so depressed by how well Mission Mangal was doing I couldn’t handle it. But yaaaaay! Two movies I enjoyed and honestly think are good movies are also making money! (as always, figures from bollywoodhungama)

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Silly Sunday: The Gay Love Scenes Missing from War, and bonus Hugh Jackman-Shahrukh Musical Romance

Filmikudhi and I wrote an amazing Hugh Jackman-Shahrukh romance with lots of songs, and on the other hand there are also the gay love scenes that it feels like must have been in War at one point and then some no-fun common sense person said that you can’t have an explicit love scene between Hrithik and Tiger.

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War Review (SPOILERS): Throw Logic Out the Window and Enjoy

Don’t read this review!!!!! This is for people who have seen the movie and want a place to discuss it. The twists are so good/bad (as in, completely impossible and jaw droppingly dumb and yet entertaining) that you REALLY REALLY shouldn’t spoil yourself. Read this review to get pumped for the film, then come back here to discuss it after watching. Oh, and if you aren’t interested in a big dumb action movie, don’t even bother reading this review, the plot summary alone will bore you and infuriate you.

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War Review (No Spoilers): Gayer Than Top Gun

Yes, I am aware that is an extreme statement in the headline. But I stand by it! Tiger and Hrithik have successfully out-gayed Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer. If that sentence intrigues and excites you, you should watch this movie. If it makes you go “huh? wha? Top Gun was gay?” than this film is operating on a whole other level that you may never grasp, and this review is not for you. SO GAY!!!!

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Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Reading and Thinking and Watching and Listening To the Week The Zoya Factor Comes Out?

Happy Wednesday! Halfway through a weird week. Things are super slow at work right now, which means the work days pass veeeeeeeeeeeeery slowly. I know it shouldn’t work that way, but it does, the busy weeks go by a lot faster.

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