Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

Woo-hoo! Such a happy movie for a happy day! Well, for a stressy day that will become happy because of the movie (I don’t know about you, but the last couple weeks before daylight savings ends when I wake up before the sun makes me NUTTY).

I am so happy about this! We need more happy HAPPY movies in the world, and this is SUCH a happy movie. It’s on Amazon Prime, and youtube, and googleplay. And probably einthusan.

Anyway, at 3pm Chicago time today, I will put up a “PLAY!” comment and we all start at the same time. And then we just keep commenting along right here.

560 thoughts on “Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

  1. see? Two years ago Tiger started training, 18 months after that they had the mission that went bad and he turned into Evil Tiger, and then Hrithik went off on his solo seduction mission


  2. This is just me I know but i really want to find the person who told Hrithik he looks good in a fedora and shake them. There are times to put hats on that man but fedoras never fit those times.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How many parents events does this school have? Painting day? REally?

    Also, love how disconnected this kid is from her. Because she’s been at boarding school SINCE BIRTH

    Liked by 2 people

  4. His whole immediate freak out over Vaani doesn’t ever make sense to me

    Also my sister came in on her break from work and is like “you’re watching War again? How come you’re watching War again? Wasn’t twice enough?”

    Liked by 3 people

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