Friday WatchAlong: Mirzya at 3pm Chicago Time Tomorrow! For Kirre’s BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy Birthday in advance Kirre! And to all of you, this is your reminder/invitation to Kirre’s Birthday Movie. MIRZYA! SO GOOD!

Friday Movie!!!! Tomorrow afternoon, 3pm Chicago time. We will be watching Mirzya (woo-hoo!!!). It’s on Netflix, it’s gorgeous, and there’s a great soundtrack.

A little before 3pm, I will put up a placeholder post. And then at 3pm, I will put up a comment “And PLAY!” We all hit play and start commenting along on the post.

13 thoughts on “Friday WatchAlong: Mirzya at 3pm Chicago Time Tomorrow! For Kirre’s BIRTHDAY!!!

  1. As always, I won’t be there to watch but that doesn’t hinder me to wish you a very happy birthday, Kirre, health, uncountable smiles along the next year and a lot of fun with this Margaret-cum-commentators gift ๐Ÿ™‚

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