Sunday WatchAlong: Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, 8:30am Chicago Time!!!

Wooo, our first Sunday watchalong! And a great sunny vacationy kind of movie! The perfect ending to my vacation, I am going to order fancy coffee/breakfast for delivery and relax and enjoy. And then go over to my parents and officially rejoin the “real world”.

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara! Hrithik and Kat are hot like fire together, and also a really well-written love story. And then Farhan and Abhay are also there. And Kriti is too good for any of them.

At 8:30am Chicago time I will put up an “And PLAY” comment and we will just go from there!

521 thoughts on “Sunday WatchAlong: Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, 8:30am Chicago Time!!!

  1. I love how seamlessly Kat is part of the group now. Different from before, now she isn’t a “getting to know you flirty new person”, now she is just calmly there as part of Hrithik.

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  2. I love that part of Abhay’s speech is explaining that “crazy jealous Kalki” isn’t the real Kalki, isn’t the one who knew, and maybe his friends have never even “met” the real Kalki.

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  3. Confess to rolling my eyes that they end up at the running of the bulls in Pamplona. Because of course they do. But I would be curious to trace it from this movie back through whatever pop culture references to The Sun Also Rises, which is the main reason tourists started showing up to Pamplona en masse (there are running of the bulls traditions all over Spain but only Pamplona has turned into a circus where drunk Australians get themselves gored and trampled).

    Liked by 3 people

        • I did see my husband have one fight with a close friend once. ONCE. It was over children, and how to take care of them. But after a week of not hanging out they went climbing together and it was all back to normal. Sometimes I do feel women talk things to death. I know the Olympics dude in Japan got in trouble for saying women talk too much at board meetings, but after listening to my husband’s morning staff meetings, he may not be completely wrong. It was only one woman who talked things to death in my husband’s staff, but one is all it takes to drag things on forever and ever. I’m sure the same could be true of a talkative man, but then, I know more talkative women…


          • I have been on committees with talkative men. It is so much worse. Because they are men, so not only do they talk A LOT, they have no awareness of the affect they are having on others by talking a lot. Weird committee that was, 3 super talkative men, and me plus one rotating woman (they kept losing patience and quitting the committee and leaving me alone) who tried so hard to get this train back on the rails and actually make decisions. I was chair for 4 years (and it felt like 10), and I started printing up an agenda and aggressively checking things off and reminding people how much time was left, and writing in a “free talk” point at the end to try to contain it.

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          • I think there needs to be a balance. I agree that men that I know will have a fight and then magically everything will be resolved and women, in general, need talk through everything if not it festers and there is all kinds of resentment. There has to be a balance, right?!

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  4. This is such a dumb event!!!! SO DUMB!!! Am I alone here? Like, I get rodeos, because that is training for actual professional situations you need to face. But no one “has” to be chased by bulls!


  5. Woo-hoo!!!! It’s time to decide of Abhay and Kalki are going to get together again in a healthy mature way!!!! I say, YES! She seems to be dating someone else right now, but they keep looking at each other, like there is still something there.


  6. Also, I love this wedding!!!! It’s so free and joyful and inclusive of their friends and previous life and stuff. It’s not about changing into new people when they get married, the way Kalki and Abhay were preparing for.


        • Oh I have watched this enough times to know that she is dating someone else at the end of the movie. But it does not matter IMO! Because Abhay and she are still in love and care about each other. Kalki just has a lot of growing up to do. I will NEVER acknowledge that the shoe is on the other foot and Abhay will now get weirdly jealous and go what if, as you stated. Kalki will grow up, dump this guy, and then get back with Abhay who is amazing!!!


          • Nope. I actually don’t even find Abhay attractive but can acknowledge that he is attractive in a non-threatening smart way.


          • Something about Abhay just gives me friend vibes! I want us to be friends and I think he would make an amazing friend (like him and Kat in this movie); I just don’t want to have sex with him.


  7. Kalkia nd Abhay fighting!!!! Because he is trying to flirt or something and she gets mad because he is the one who broke off the engagement, but it is all part of the dance and eventually they will get back together.

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  8. There are so many swings in India, not that I can tell the wedding is in India. But a wedding swing is pretty sweet. I’m assuming Indians aren’t like me and they don’t get motion sick on swings.

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  9. Thanks, Margaret. I watched this movie last weekend without knowing it was going to be the watch-along this weekend and I am just as happy to watch it again!!! One of my all-time favorite movies.


  10. Thank you all so much for joining in with the end of my vacation!!!!! And please continue to leave comments about whether or not Abhay-Kalki will get back together!!!


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