Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me on Albie’s Adopt-A-Versary!!!

Happy Monday! And happy Adopt-A-Versary to Albie Dog! I’ve had him 3 years now, which is why he is so calm and wise and mature (not really).

Here is where you can ask me anything you want from “what are you giving Albie Dog?” to “Have you watched Gangabai yet?” Just keep swinging back here all week as you think of new questions!

Now, question for you! February/March is hitting me hard, stupid winter. What theme posts, contests, etc. can we do on DCIB to cheer us all up at the tag end of winter?

DCIB Book Club, is there a happy silly book we should all read? New Bracket Contests? New discussion post topics?

44 thoughts on “Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me on Albie’s Adopt-A-Versary!!!

    • Haven’t seen it, waiting until streaming, but it has gotten AMAZING reviews so far from what I’ve seen and heard. Also, the box office looking good in India and I presume overseas as well of some of the reported numbers are anything to go by.

      Oh! I do have this confirmation from some people I’ve talked to that it treats sex workers with respect, which is nice. One of the reasons I like Bhansali is because of that fact, even if the dressings of sex work might be overblown and prettied up, he still treats them as human beings.


      • See, I simply do not believe that it is good. There is just NO WAY it’s good. I’ll believe it has good points because all his movies do have those, sometimes GREAT points, but I will never believe it is good, never.

        I just need input from people about if it’s bad in a way I’ll like or bad in a way I’ll dislike. Anyway, watch me eat my words once I’ve finally shoved this movie into my eyeballs.


      • I have heard the same thing you have, Kirre. One of my sister’s friends who generally dislikes Bhansali even raved about it, I specially it’s treatment of sex workers!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy Adoptaversary to you and Albie! Three is pretty grown up, right? Like he’s passed my tween son and he’s about ready to get his driver’s license?

    I have a question today! I was listening to this podcast episode about romcoms and what happened to them in Hollywood. It’s chatty and very Hollywood centric but there’s some good nostalgia and some good industry stuff and some fun snark. One thing they were lamenting at one point is that the biggest actors don’t do romcoms anymore, not like Richard Gere and Tom Cruise. It made me think that the biggest star pairings I can think of in Hollywood lately are in superhero movies – Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans – where the romance is a tiny subplot. The last one I can think of that I was interested in purely for the actor matchup was One Fine Day with George Clooney and Michelle Pfeiffer. In Indian movies there are more, but I was thinking about which actors could get me into a theater purely to see how they would play a romance with a co-star, a la Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn. Can you think of any dream matchups you would love to see?


    • Yep, three means fully out of puppydom and into permanent personality. Which means Albie will always be a bit dim, a bit jumpy, and a bit too energetic.

      Have you noticed that streaming services are leaning into rom-coms? Always Be My Maybe, Palm Springs Weekend, high quality stuff with good writing and talented leads. But it’s not necessarily about big name couples, just two talented people who are fun to see working together. If I think about couples in America who people get really excited about, the most recent I can think of are all TV couples. George Clooney and Juliana Margelis, to this day people would FREAK OUT if they co-starred. Or Courtney Cox and Matthew Perry. Maybe it’s because of the serialized nature of TV? You can really fall into the chemistry between them in a way that you don’t get in just one film?

      Oh! I thought of someone!!!! Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. I think they actually have a bit of a following.

      On Mon, Feb 28, 2022 at 11:38 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I would run out to see SRK and Tabu in a complicated romcom for grown-ups. Saif and Kareena would be fun to see onscreen together too now in some kind of meaty relationship story with comic bits. In the younger generation, I think it’s Anushka who I’d be most interested to see in a relationship focused role, maybe partly because she seems unlikely to do that kind of film now unless it’s an interesting one. Pair her with…someone calmer, maybe Shahid. I would go to theaters for that. And for Fawad and Mahira, they’re the closest for me to the kind of silver screen pairing who I would watch in all kinds of characters or periods or plot set-ups.


        • I’d love to see Saif and Kareena together! Especially as he leans more into the sort of “funny Dad” roles and she continues to be glamorous and heroine. Basically Boris and Natasha.

          On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 10:54 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • It’s so true – big names don’t make rom-coms and romances anymore. It’s so sad, because there’s nothing better than good looking and talented people romancing on screen. That’s why 96 was so special.
      I couldn’t care less about big modern hollywood movies, but I heard there is this new JLo movie and I can’t wait to watch it. I read the reviews today and almost all were like: This movie’s absolutely silly, but I couldn’t stop smiling because I missed such movies a lot.


      • Yes! I could watch the JLo movie now, haven’t gotten around to it, but just the premise seems so cute.

        On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 12:48 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • And have you seen Netflix’s The Royal Treatment? I was so excited when I saw the trailer, but then when I watched the movie didn’t know if I should love it or feel offended. I’m pretty sure it was written by 12 y/o girl because it was so silly and basic. Also I’m not even the real Italian but the accents and how Italians were presented offended me. But on the other hand the protagonists are so cute, and the movie has all the romantic cliches I needed so it wasn’t a total waste of time.


          • I saw the ads because Netflix thought it would be the exact thing I want to watch, because they know me so well.

            On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 2:43 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Right, they did this topic partly because of the JLo / Owen Wilson movie, which they liked and said has the scale that a lot of recent streaming romcoms don’t – just missing a big name leading man to balance out JLo.


          • HEY! I like Owen Wilson! Don’t be mean.

            On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 10:45 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. If you are generous and give do you publicizie it? I no longer like Sonu Sood. I’ve read that he is a saint, but I’m not so sure. He just posted an article about how he has helped Indian Students in the Ukraine. And I don’t want to delve into Russian/Indian/Ukrainian politics – but it struck me that he didn’t post about the problem with WAYS for other people to help. He didn’t start an organization that HELPS, that others can work with, nope it is ALL SONU SOOD. It is kinda like he is doing good for publicity’s sake, not for the sake of actually doing good.


    • Bigger question, what irritates me is the assumption that people AREN’T giving if they don’t publicize it. I just assume everyone gives all the time and I don’t need a bunch of heartwarming stories to believe it.

      On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 12:33 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • It would be heartwarming if he set up an organization to help, but without that it just seems self serving. I guess I don’t assume everyone gives. I used to give to go fund me sites anonymously, but then realized that people I know would be more likely to give if they saw my name on the list (I realized this when I scanned a donor list to see if it was legit – ie how many people do I know who have given). So now I don’t give anonymously anymore.


        • And I’m gonna also admit that I kinda resent the fact that for so many of my friends it is easy for them to give people $200. I can’t do that. So my putting my name on those lists is also kinda embarrassing.


          • I just had a similar thing at the Paczki bakery. They were so overworked, i left a ridiculously big cash tip. Which on the one hand i don’t want to make a fuss about, but on the other hand I want them to know they are appreciated in the moment and also encourage others. Anyway, the cashier noticed without me doing anything special so it was out of my hands.

            On Fri, Mar 4, 2022, 5:05 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 1 person

  3. Am I allowed to hate Twinkle Khanna and Anupama Chopra because five minutes into their 2018 interview they discuss / complain about the dualities of being a woman when their SERVANTS ask them what to to make for dinner as they are about to go to fancy events? Or are rich people allowed to complain about their daily lives just like everyone else?

    I hit my head and as I have had two major concussions in my life I’m forcing myself to hang out on the couch. Thus I find myself looking at old interviews and being grouchy.


    • You are allowed to hate anyone you like. And also, I think you are in the PERFECT mood and place to watch the Chippendales movie with us.

      On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 1:23 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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