I Am Worn Out, How Was Your Saturday?

I’m back!  Spent an incredibly long day doing things, and now I am home and waiting for my delivery dinner and trying to distract myself.

So, first, I woke up at 5am to go to a British theme bar with my Mom and watch the royal wedding.  Super fun!  The crowd laughed and cheered and were wearing costumes, it was great.

(It was like this vibe, but with my Mom and the Royal wedding on instead of music, and at 5am.  Although maybe this video is also at 5am?  I have hear some people stay up super late at bars instead of getting up super early)


And then I went home and immediately packed up my laundry including my sofa slipcovers and left again for the laundromat.  Put the laundry in the machines, went to the store and got milk, put the laundry in the other machines, went to the other store and got myself an iced coffee, came back and took everything out of the machines and loaded it into the car, went home and carried it up 3 flights of stairs to my apartment, and put everything on a drying racks, finished my Masoom post and scheduled it, and then ran down to the car with Dog Hazel and her dog bed.

(This song is for the coffee bit, not anything else, don’t try to connect it to laundry or something)


And then we got to my family’s vacation home just in time to lug around 3 boat lifts and the pier pieces.  Thankfully, my Dad and my uncle and my uncle’s son-in-law did most of the work, the rest of us just had to carry things from one place to another.

(lifting things!  Carrying things!)


And then on the way home, we took Dog Hazel to the terrifying dog wash/car wash place where you put the dog on a stainless steel table and hook her to the wall and then spray soap in her eyes, then cold water, and then a powerful fan.  She hated it.

(Just realized, it was just like this!!!!  Only, instead of Shahrukh voluntarily being blown on and weted down and all that, it was a trembling dog chained on a stainless steel table)


And then I finally got home and put away the groceries from the morning and the dog bed and everything else, and now I am writing this post while I wait for my big beautiful dinner and slowly feel all my leg muscles turn into locked up messes.  And then tomorrow, I skip church and stay in bed allllllllll day.

(And then I will have a vision of Madhuri and slowly rise from my sickbed)

9 thoughts on “I Am Worn Out, How Was Your Saturday?

  1. 5 am 😱 wow I admire your dedication. I woke up and watched ipl, had to go to dmv for a renewal stood in a queue for 2 hours (I hate queues) then went to mall, watched infinity war alone only to have my neck cricked by a rather horrible seat (front row far left stating directly at the exit) but it was the only seat available.. so. It was a confusing day. Tomorrow both my legs & neck is going to be sore sore sore.


    • I had the reverse experience last time I couldn’t get a good seat, when we went to see Baaghi 2 it was so crowded we had to sit on the floor seats to the side and discovered they were actually really good! very useful information, if we are ever again in that exact theater, we can sit in the secretly good seats that everyone else avoids.

      On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 8:59 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. Exams are from June 1st, so only studying for me. My eyes are popping out, and I just need a glass of Sangria and a good night’s sleep, but that’s another 15 days away 😐


    • Blech, exams sound awful! You should take more study breaks and comment here instead 🙂

      On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 11:38 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  3. I wasted my saturday (the only sort of day off i get) watching political drama in Karnataka on the news, then the wedding, then I was so unhappy with my existence that I went for a walk and managed to do a few sets of squats and lunges. I couldnt sleep very well and got up at 3:30am and now i’m sitting here like a zombie trying to get some work done 😦


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