Happy Birthday Shilpa Shetty! A Dozen Reasons I Love You

Happy Birthday Shilpa!  You aren’t the most talented or trained of actresses, but you are definitely one of the most loveable!  In honor of your birthday, 12 reasons that I love you, one for every two years since Baazigar. (this is an updated and reposted post from last year)

1. I love you because your first movie was opposite Shahrukh and you were adorable together!  Even when he was throwing you off a building.

2. I love you because you slimmed down and straightened your hair and learned how to dance (or at least fake it better) between Baazigar and your film after next, Main Khiladi Tu Anari (which is also my favorite action film of the 90s)

3. I love you because you continued to be the sexy awesome happy dancing lady in action movies for years.

4. I love you because you took a classic “street performer” number and made it sexy and confident, even though you really only knew three dance moves.

5. I love you because you weren’t afraid to be even sexier and more confident 8 years later, in one of my all time favorite item numbers

6. And even when you are surrounded by big name (well, bigg-ish name) male stars, you can still hold your own!

7.  I love you because in Phir Milenge, you not only played an HIV positive character, you played a career woman who has sex outside of marriage.

8. I love you because, a few years after that, in Life…In A Metro, you played a married woman considering an affair.

9. And I love you because you have always handled your personal life with grace, whether it was enduring racist slurs on Celebrity Big Brother UK, or your husband being accused of match-fixing in the IPL.

10.  I love you because you weren’t too proud to do an item number in the first movie you produced through your own studio.

11.  I love you because you also aren’t to proud to be in a straight up T-series music video for Mika Singh.

12.  And finally, for this song, I will always love you forever and ever.  It’s so brilliantly stupid!


14 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Shilpa Shetty! A Dozen Reasons I Love You

          • Well im kind of a loner, and I prefer to do it alone 😀 I somehow feel intimated when I see other people running like mad 😂


          • My BFFFFForever who’s wedding was full of more drama than any film can capture went to watch it with great enthusiasm and came back angry. She hated it. We’re kinda into the same shit since 1997. If she HATED it and not in the “oh it was too intellectual” way it just makes me wonder how much I’d hate it. But I’d probably watch it because of Swara and Bebo. But I’ve just watched Phobia and I’m not sure what female leads can impress me more than that. But you’re recommending it so I’m deeply conflicted now.

            Oh, please watch the song Mann Bharrya by B Praak. Plzzzz. I’m so interested in know what you think of that!!! If the subs are no good I’ll translate!


          • Well now I don’t know if I should recommend it or not! Veere, I mean. I thought it was good, but I might be missing a perfectly good reason to hate it. I’m assuming you/your friend wouldn’t have it because of sexual explicit language or any stupid reason like that?

            On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 2:34 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • No. She hated it because it portrayed the drinking, swearing, sexually liberated girl as a caricature and insincerely. And we’re the drinking, swearing, liberated girls of the generation the film is aimed it.

            I guess it’s about bollywood trying to look like it knows “real” India. Like Amir’s bhojpuri accent. Not exactly wrong but so far off the mark you know he’s working off the idea of what bhojpuri sounds like rather than an real research or experience of the language.

            That said, I did love Angry Indian Goddesses. THAT’S closer to our new reality if you know what I mean.


          • Well, no idea if you will like the movie or not then!!!! Too me it didn’t feel like a caricature, more like someone going through a bad time in her life and acting out, but it’s subjective at that point, so I can’t say if you would like it or not.

            On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 10:10 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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