Month of SRK: 31 Lines of Poetry

Well, this will be an interesting personal challenge! I wonder if I will succeed?

Hey, this wasn’t that hard! Mostly because I wrote terrible terrible poetry that didn’t always even match the syllable scheme. Turns out bad poetry is very easy. Must be why there is so much of it in the world.

Limerick 1

There once was a man named Shahrukh

Who tried to be bad but it didn’t tukh

He played a villian

But the will wasn’t in ’em

And in the end hero was his nook

Image result for shahrukh darr

Haiku 1

Baadshah is witty

King Khan is esoteric

SRK is smart

Image result for shahrukh interview

Limerick 2

There was a young man from Delhi

He wanted to earn food for his belly

He came to Bombay

Fame took him away

And now he can feed every Tom Dick and Ellie

Image result for shahrukh delhi

Haiku 2

Shah Rukh and Gauri

King and Queen, husband and wife

Mother and Father

Image result for shahrukh and gauri


When I think upon Shahrukh and his fame

I tell the world rejoice as he is here

When I consider the po’er of his name

I feel the joy spreading from here to there

If only all could love him as I do

The world would be a place of joy and light

The world is dark; I know it is not true

Shahrukh is the moon in the dark of night

Someday all will know the Baadshah will rule

Someday all will bow before the King Khan

Some sweet day the world will no more be cruel

His great reign will go on and on and on

This poem is bad, I do the best I can

He will forgive me, for I am a fan

Image result for shahrukh fan

Blank Verse

SRK is Shahrukh is Shah Rukh is Shah is Mine

Image result for shahrukh srk

13 thoughts on “Month of SRK: 31 Lines of Poetry

    • Thank you very much

      I can’t keep writing like this

      This is my last one

      On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 3:25 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. Lol!

    I wrote this limerick years ago on another site, which sadly has closed.
    It was a challenge to write about his films or characters.
    Not exactly Shakespeare….

    A Weepy Limerick

    There is a sweet man in Mumbai
    Who’s always making me cry.
    Like when Aman gets sick
    And gives Naina the flick.
    I just bawl when he’s saying good-bye.

    In Dil Se the hero goes Boom!
    Making me gasp, scream and swoon.
    Even with a big net
    He can’t catch the girl yet.
    But my tissues could fill a whole room.

    I really am hoping that Veer
    Says the right words to his dear.
    Drop her waist-deep in water,
    Take her home like he oughter,
    So I don’t have to shed all those tears.

    Now Devdas, he is the worst.
    His whole life is totally cursed.
    When he lies in the mud
    And that big gate goes thud!
    My heart feels its going to burst.

    Oh Shahrukh you’re really not fair,
    With your beaut eyes, lips, chin and your hair.
    You make grown women cry
    Without blinking an eye.
    I feel trapped in your wildcat lair.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I think that might be the best one. It’s also the one where I completely stopped caring about counting syllables, which greatly opened up my creativity.

      On Wed, Oct 2, 2019 at 10:17 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

    • So glad! They are truly terrible poems, but I’m proud I managed to write 31 lines of them.

      On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 3:39 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. Wow, I’m impressed. Is there anything you can’t do, Margaret? Even bad poetry is a fun mental exercise. The last line is my favorite.

    It’s a relief that
    At Don’t Call it Bollywood
    Fan flags can fly high


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