Baby Dance Party Songs!!!!

My nephew is not the most happy little guy in the universe. I am not a good enough aunt to actually visit him and take my turn going “bubba bubba bubba” until he stops crying. But I am a good enough aunt to give him blog posts!

My sister’s new theory is Baby Dance Party every night. In order to give him a big burst of energy that will keep him awake so that he sleeps when she wants him to sleep and not when he wants to sleep. All of this is beyond me (why not just let him sleep? What’s the worst that can happen?), but I am assuming it makes sense to those of you who also have lived with a newborn.

Anyway, Baby Dance Party playlist! I’ll start, you can add on in the comments. Aunting!

This seems completely appropriate, “Family Party”

Kind of a sweet one with your baby, “You Are My Soniya”

Baby’s don’t have a very big vocabulary, so these lyrics should be just about right, “Tu Meri”

Along those same lines, “Tukur Tukur”

Teach him to count! “Dus Bahane”

This seems completely appropriate for dealing with a cranky little boy and putting him in his place, “Vachinde”

This seems completely inappropriate for a baby, but what the hey, he doesn’t know what words and images mean yet! “Bom Diggy Diggy”

So long as we are being inappropriate, “Sheila Ki Jawani”!

Gotta get some Rahman in here! “Mental Manadhil”

This seems like a good choice, gives him some nice life goals and empowering statements. “Hayati”

Or he can grow up to be “Macho”!

And finally, the perfect song! Only the visuals are terrifying. But maybe that will help keep him awake? “Baby Doll”

What are your Baby Dance Party song suggestions?

17 thoughts on “Baby Dance Party Songs!!!!

    • Oh that is a very good one! And I feel like a bendy baby might even be able to manage the Prabhu dance moves.

      On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 11:08 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you for the suggestions! As for why: if he had his way, he (and I) would go to bed early and then be awake from 5am onward. I’m hoping to nudge him a bit closer to, say, 7am. Hope this does the trick!

    Liked by 1 person

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