Saturday Small Talk: Baby Photos, Albie Dog Photos, A Christmas Sweater, and Frozen 2

Sorry, not a lot of film news small talk. But lots of Margaret news small talk! My nephew is in town again, and we have done lots of things.

My nephew’s in town! So I’ve been rushing over to my parents’ every night to hang out with the baby. And continue my effort to inculcate him from a young age in the important things in life. Can you recognize the movie on the screen?

Albie Dog finds this whole thing stressful and exhausting. The baby cries, he cries, my sister comforts the baby, I comfort Albie Dog, and then finally we go home and he can relax. Yesterday at work he just curled up and hugged his raindeer toy (from Santa!) all day.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon my sister and I took a baby break and went to the mall to see Frozen II and then walk around looking at the decorations. We wore our matching Christmas sweaters and 3 separate strangers stopped us to compliment us. Who wouldn’t love to see two identical looking 30-something women in these beautiful cardigans?

Anyway, most important thing to discuss: Is there ANY chance that Sadak 2 Mahesh Bhatt is making is actually a remake of Frozen starring Pooja and Alia as Elsa and Anna?

Image result for sadak 2
Pooja is Elsa, ARK is Kristoff, Alia is Anna, Sanjay is the raindeer. Tell me you wouldn’t watch that?!?!?

In a larger sense, has anyone else here seen Frozen/Frozen II? Do you agree that it would translate well to an Indian film? Who would you cast?

15 thoughts on “Saturday Small Talk: Baby Photos, Albie Dog Photos, A Christmas Sweater, and Frozen 2

  1. I don’t associate India with ice. There is Simla, but the idea of an Indian port city being frozen in ice is more a humanitarian nightmare than a plot device. Outside of the ice factor, the plot, especially of frozen II could definitely be translated to India. It could get kinda interesting if you substituted political dynasties for royal ones.


    • I was thinking far more general, powerful remote older sister who is secretly crippled with self-doubts, outgoing confident younger sister who dreams of romance and grabs hold of the first seemingly romantic figure she meets.

      But I like your idea! Maybe Frozen I as the first half of the film, cover the childhood in a sad song flashback, then the parents’ mysterious death and Pooja struggles to take power while keeping Alia at a distance for her own safety, before finally giving it all up and retreating into seclusion, while Alia has fallen in love with a seemingly perfect prince (Ranbir, duh) and is chasing her sister to get her blessing with the assistance of lowclass street thug type ARK. By the interval, the sisters are united, Ranbir is dumped, and Alia and ARK have realized their love. And then in the second half, Pooja can get caught up in political power struggles and goes on a fact finding trip and brings Alia along with her, and ARK comes with Alia. It ends with Pooja realizing she belongs in their ancestral village (their mother was secretly part of a scheduled cast, their parents fell in love and hid that truth for their father’s political career), and Alia realizing she should take over the political dynasty with ARK to support her.

      On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 10:18 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. I love Frozen. And it would be great as an Indian movie. I think Katrina or Deepika could be a fabulous Elsa. How was Frozen 2?

    On a separate note, I am about a third of the way through Saaho and all I keep thinking is… what the hell is going on?! Is it just me or is this movie really hard to follow?! Jeez!


    • Dream cast is obviously Kat as Elsa, Alia as Anna, and Ranbir as Jerk Prince. And Kristoff as someone nice and kind and decent. Rajkummar maybe?

      Sorry to break the news to you, not only is Saaho really hard to follow, it’s one of those movies where a twist at the interval means everything resets and everything you painfully learned in the first half is pointless. The big important point to keep your eye on is that Shraddha is useless and stupid straight through. Seriously, it’s a miracle she manages to get dressed in the morning.

      On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 10:43 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • We are trying to raise him so that he can make his own choices.

      And yes, that is amazing!

      On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 1:05 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I don’t know if you saw my comment on this earlier in the week, but I’ve been seeing a lot of Indian men on Twitter saying that Hrithik in War makes them question their sexuality and I think it’s extremely cool that they are able to talk about it. I’m assuming these guys are in the middle of the Kinsey scale but had no language to express it before this movie.


        • Shoot, I thought I responded to that! What I find interesting is that the conversation around the film is giving them permission and language to discuss what they are feeling. A threatening obvious film would drive people away, and a film that was less serious about it would invite nasty humor, but it hits that sweet spot where you can say scary things without feeling scared.

          On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 10:58 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • You did respond! I was asking Popka about it because she’s had some very interesting things to say about this topic, particularly after that unfortunate Film Companion article came out.

            But yes, I 100% agree with you on the film. It’s a big dumb action movie but the romance is completely sincere and taken seriously by the creators and by the characters in the film and that takes it to another level.


    • How interesting! Of course, for me just having this nice person sending in a comment on a Sunday morning from the other side of the country is exciting.

      On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 11:01 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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