Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

Woo-hoo! Such a happy movie for a happy day! Well, for a stressy day that will become happy because of the movie (I don’t know about you, but the last couple weeks before daylight savings ends when I wake up before the sun makes me NUTTY).

I am so happy about this! We need more happy HAPPY movies in the world, and this is SUCH a happy movie. It’s on Amazon Prime, and youtube, and googleplay. And probably einthusan.

Anyway, at 3pm Chicago time today, I will put up a “PLAY!” comment and we all start at the same time. And then we just keep commenting along right here.

560 thoughts on “Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

  1. It’s like the most manly way to hold hands. During a shootout, on motorcycles, pursued by police, in a dense urban area, with guns. Time. To. Hold. Hands.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How did Hrithik end up with Ruhi? Did he make his boss forge adoption papers? Did he just go to the school “Yes I am this child’s parent. I would like to check her out. Yes, i understand this is not a library. Just–just give me the kid.”


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