Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

Woo-hoo! Such a happy movie for a happy day! Well, for a stressy day that will become happy because of the movie (I don’t know about you, but the last couple weeks before daylight savings ends when I wake up before the sun makes me NUTTY).

I am so happy about this! We need more happy HAPPY movies in the world, and this is SUCH a happy movie. It’s on Amazon Prime, and youtube, and googleplay. And probably einthusan.

Anyway, at 3pm Chicago time today, I will put up a “PLAY!” comment and we all start at the same time. And then we just keep commenting along right here.

560 thoughts on “Friday WatchAlong, War! Hrithik and Tiger in Love! 3pm Chicago Time Start

  1. For those who don’t know, they filmed these scenes in Finland and Sweden, but I guess mostly in Finland because the advertisers used that knowledge that there was filming in Rovaniemi (Lapland) to market it here in Finland

    Liked by 2 people

    • 100% a set. We don’t go much for extravagance in architecture. It’s the simple farmer/worker + Lutheranism + practicality in us. Also, who would build this kinda church in LAPLAND of all places??? No one here!


  2. A decade of painstaking fundraising for a poor little village, pennies donated one at a time, bake sales and car washes, and then finally they have enough to hire workmen to restore the old church. The whole village is excited, by the end of this winter it will be restored to it’s former glory! And then the terrible day, the workman leave, everything is normal, they come back to find a dead body and all their work destroyed. Pain and suffering runs through the village, the villagers give up hope, slowly everyone moves away, a community destroyed.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oooh there are so many. But the one in the beginning when Hrithik and Tiger are fighting the bad guy while also engaging in serious foreplay might be one of my favorites.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. But then, he does let him die with that face! He pulls all that stuff on top of him, and the face is still there. It is the one logical flaw in an otherwise perfect film!


  4. Oh, that was just LOVELY!!!! And now I have to decide if next week we keep the Hrithik fest up with MDK, even though I think we already did it for a watchalong.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That was just what I needed on this dreary Friday afternoon. Always the most fun with this movie and with you lovely people. Thank you so much Margaret, and everyone else! Have a great weekend all!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Couldn’t make the watch along. But I’d promised myself I’d catch up once this movie was back on the menu here, so I managed to squeeze it in in bits and pieces. Really, it’s just another Kinsey scale test as I’m totally with the dads on this: It’s fun in the stuff blowing up department and cars racing from an icebreaker ship to a church. But my blood flow was in no way affected. I totally acknowledge the helicopter scene though, the question about a boyfriend and the “get in line”. I fear I’m just not the intended audience for this film.


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