Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me Thanksgiving Week?

Happy Monday!!!! And Happy Thanksgiving Week! I am so happy to have a half week, once my back finishes fixing itself I am going to do so much cleaning!

Here is where you get to ask me anything you want from “How excited are you for the ‘Bollywood Wives’ show on Friday?” to “how is the furniture moving going?” Just keep swinging back here all week as you think of questions!

Now, first question: ‘Bollywood Wives’ is a frothy reality show about wealthy film wives in Bombay, which I am quite excited about. What is the reality show you wish existed?

I want a “behind the scenes” at Dharma or YRF show!!! Not a “making of” one particular movie, but more just seeing the day to day functions around ad films, short films, pre-production, post-production, everything else.

Second question: What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

My parents and I ordered a fancy heat-and-serve meal from the fancy catering place that catered my sister’s wedding. The past few years we have alternated traditional cooked from scratch dinners with really fancy restaurant meals, so this is kind of halfway between the two. From what we ordered, I am most nervous about the stuffing with andouille sausage. That doesn’t seem right somehow, sausage in stuffing? Otherwise we pretty standard, salad and apple pie and turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy. We are going to have so much leftover turkey! No matter how small a turkey you get, that’s way too much for three people. But my Mom likes turkey, so she promises she can find something to do with all of it.

24 thoughts on “Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me Thanksgiving Week?

  1. Reality shows make me cautious,as most of it is so manufactured and edited.
    Just heard that the government asked a score of senior artists(including maestros who have choreographed several hindi film dances,and tutored several dancers)to vacate their Delhi homes by the end of the year,amidst this pandemic(when the city has 7000+cases a day),and barely anyone from the industry made a peep.This is weird that the industry stays silent when it should speak up.Men are silent as usual,waiting for women and behind screen crew to raise the issue.


    • Of course, if the men speak up in this issue or anything else, they will be told that they are wrongfully using their power and so on, which isn’t something that is as likely with women are crew members. It reminds me of my two recent posts on Ali Zafar and the risk of charisma. The men in the film industry have this perception of enormous power which makes it easy to discount what they say. The women and crew members in the industry are less likely to be ignored by the public as “spoiled”.


  2. Someone needs to report back on Bollywood Wives, I can’t watch it because Neelam is in it. I don’t like reality shows unless they are very fake and silly on purpose, or so low stakes as to be basically nothing, ala GBBO. That said, if there was an Indian Drag Race I’d watch it.


    • That is a great question! I’ve been considering it, but I just saw a really bad review, so now I don’t know. Have you seen it? Is it good?

      On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 11:27 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I found it very interesting and I’m happy I saw it (but I knew nothing about Aaron or football so everything was new and engaging). The good thing was that I learnt a lot, but without being depressed (like after American Murder: The family next door) or traumatized (like after Filthy Rich, btw have you seen it?)


        • Ooo, maybe I will watch it too! Filthy Rich, I did see, super infuriating.

          On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 2:13 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  3. I want a reality show with Anil Kapoor’s family. Sonam, Rhea, Harsh and Anil. And guest appearances by Jhanvi, Khushi, and Shanaya. I feel like it would be hilarious and entertaining. None of them any great acting careers and they could start off a whole new thing in India.


    • I would love that! And it doesn’t have to be super revealing and dramatic or anything, I’d be happy watching Sonam and Rhea in production meetings, or Harsh going shoe shopping, or Anil working out.


  4. I watched a documentary about the Jewish girls who played heroines in very early Indian films because acting was considered scandalous for nice Indian girls. And one about Rajnikanth’s mythical hold over his fans. Both films taught me more about India than about their purported subjects. That’s what good docs do. Now what I’d like to see is a feature-length movie by a good film maker analyzing the various regional industries, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and so on, and their relationship to one another in today’s crossover system.


  5. Yes! A behind the scenes at Dharma or YRF would be fascinating! I know that film companion did that video of showing around the Dharma offices and you occasionally saw people working but a more in depth documentary of how the work was done would be a lot of fun.

    I have thanksgiving break starting Wednesday and it’s my birthday today so I’ll mostly be relaxing this week. I’ve gotten really into baking these past few months so I’ll probably be trying something new like homemade peach cobbler or something.


    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I couldn’t remember if it was today or the 26th. And this is the start of the new relaxed DCIB, so I didn’t force myself to look it up ๐Ÿ™‚

      Anyway, just for your birthday:

      On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 4:20 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  6. I am mystified that When Dimple met Rishi had to get transported to India for the movie version (Mismatched). The book was a nice light read, and now I am curious about the film version.


  7. My mom makes the best stuffing in the world, and it includes SAUSAGE. Sausage in stuffing is delicious, you’ll love it. We used to spend Thanksgiving with my parents in Tahoe and would order a meal from Raley’s grocery store, and honestly, the Turkey they made was the BEST. I mean you could order different turkey’s and I’m pretty sure my mom always ordered the most expensive one… The part of Thanksgiving my husband likes the best are the turkey sandwiches made the days after. My mom always makes turkey chili. I’ll make a bone broth from the, well, bones, and we’ll probably have turkey soup, in addition to sandwiches.

    I like your idea bout a YRF reality show. I wouldn’t mind one focused on the staff at an elite school, contrasted with the staff at a NOT elite school.


    • My parents helped out at the community Thanksgiving at our church for several years, great fun, the church provides and cooks 2 turkeys and everyone who has nowhere else to go can show up and bring a side dish. Anyway, my parents set up the tables, cooked the turkeys, cleaned up after, really did everything. And in return, my Mom got to take home one of the big turkey carcasses for soup stock. It’s the best soup! Although also a little disturbing to come home from church with a bag of bones.

      I like your idea for a reality show, although it almost sounds too depressing. Unless the producers are really smart and pick a government school that is actually excellent, and a private school that is all name and no show.

      On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 6:38 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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