Friday WatchAlong: What Christmas/Hanukkah Movie Should We Watch This Week? And Friday or Saturday? I’m Totally Open!!!

You decide! You have that power! Friday afternoon or Saturday morning? Christmas movie or ARK’s abs movie? Or of course, Golem Horror Movie.

WatchAlong! Last week was plagued by technical difficulties to such a degree that I decided there was a curse on it because I picked the movie without full consultation.

This week, OPPOSITE! I am giving you NO IDEAS. You can pick any film you want. Anything Christmas or Hanukkah themed, or just something with our Hanukkah Hunk ARK.

Illegitimate babies, Santa in the background, something about oil lasting a really long time, whatever tenuous connection you can make.

Oh, and also, Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Whichever is easier.

(also, we could watch War for a third time. Because it is Christmassy and because it would be a trinity, and Jesus was in a trinity, so it all hangs together. But it’s up to you)

15 thoughts on “Friday WatchAlong: What Christmas/Hanukkah Movie Should We Watch This Week? And Friday or Saturday? I’m Totally Open!!!

  1. I don’t really have any ideas but I am going to try my gosh darn best to attend regardless of the movie because I have had the most insanely stressful past couple of days which I will try to explain in tomorrow’s Wednesday post and I could really use the watchalong.


  2. Oh I love Fitoor, have watched it many times and don’t mind seeing it again. I’m sure I’ll be snowed in Friday and can watch along. Saturday I’m in a zoom thing with my writers group and can’t.
    Not sure how it works, though. I get that you tell us the time in your time zone and we tune in at the same time in ours. But how do we do that EXACTLY? And how do we talk to one another? Group text? Some kind of chat room? The process is probably obvious, but I’m a technological jackass.


  3. I can do Saturday again! I will join on Friday as well. I would be up for Fitoor. But I would recommend Ok Jaanu because I don’t care if it had the worst reviews, I love the chemistry between ARK and Shraddha so much. Other suggestions: 2 States for Arjun fans and I think it has a small Christmas scene in one of the songs and Khoobsoorat because it is just so fun and silly and Fawad and Sonam’s clothes are so bright and colorful, they mas as well be Christmas decorations.


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