Monday Anjaam WatchAlong: Anyone Interested? And Morning or Afternoon?

Woot! 3 Day US Weekend! And WOOT!!!! Anjaam is on Netflix! It is like the PERFECT watchalong movie. So ridiculous, and also has SRK and Madhuri. Seems like we just have to do a bonus watchalong

Anjaam! It’s INSANE!!!! Totally over the top and ridiculous, with great songs. What better way to celebrate Labor Day than a movie about twisted vengeance?

Anyone interested? And if so, what time of day is best for you? I’m open, my only Monday plans are unpacking.

6 thoughts on “Monday Anjaam WatchAlong: Anyone Interested? And Morning or Afternoon?

  1. I am totally up for a watchalong on Monday but not Anjaam. This is in line with Gupt and other vengeance movies; they are just not for me. Sorry! Mom was probably one of the few exceptions. But anyways, it’s a movie with SRK and Madhuri. I’m sure others on the blog will want to watch it.


  2. I don’t know what my life holds for Monday but if we are around I would love to do an Anjaam watch-a-long. Unlike filmikudhi I am totally up for any old SRK you want to throw out! Wasn’t Anjaam the first movie they were paired together in, and SRK’s longing for Madhuri was so intense they were constantly thrown together again and again and again, even though Madhuri could never create a chemistry for him on screen? At least that was the logic I came up with for their constant pairings.

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    • Well, let’s see if we can get one definite! fingers crossed! Otherwise, I will spend that two and a half hours unpacking instead.

      On Thu, Sep 2, 2021 at 5:24 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Well, looks like it won’t be happening. Which is okay, it means I have all day Monday to attempt organizing my kitchen.

      On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 9:03 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

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