Saturday WatchAlong: Single All The Way! On Netflix! 8am Chicago Time

Woot, a nice Christmas movie again! The one time of year when Hollywood stuff is happy and family and romantic, just like we like it.

It’s on Netflix, should be available everywhere in the world, and I have already seen it and am very excited to see it again.

Netflix Lands Gay Holiday Rom-Com 'Single All The Way' - Variety
Love Triangle!!!!

At 8am Chicago time, I will put up an “and PLAY” comment on this post and we will comment along from there.

243 thoughts on “Saturday WatchAlong: Single All The Way! On Netflix! 8am Chicago Time

  1. Woot! First gay kiss, 5 minutes in! Which shouldn’t be a big thing, but still is a big thing, especially when it is sweet and cute and casual.


      • Bad person! BAD!!!! And he was promising to spend Christmas in NH, so either he was lying to Peter, or he was gonna lie to his wife and leave her alone on Christmas.

        On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 12:44 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Uh huh, but if my dad asked my husband to fix the plumbing the second he walked into the house I’d be pissed. Mom should have called the plumber ahead of time. ANd I will also note that they did not show the actual plumbing job, with the torn pants and swearing and sewage involved. Also it is night, no way they had all the parts they needed and the hardware store will be closed. It’s kinda like the script writers have never done any plumbing.


      • No! Hollywood scriptwriters who have never done plumbing? Not possible!

        See, in contrast, my Dad loves walking in the door and fixing things. It makes him feel like he is contributing as a guest. So maybe Peter’s Dad senses that Nick feels like he is an intrudor and needs to earn his place in hte holiday.


    • Yeech – stress! ANd he is grieving his perfect boyfriend. Hang with family and embrace the single life! Enjoy the holiday! I’m with him, I would never want to go on a blind date. But I’ve seen the previews so I know it will all work out.


    • Why didn’t anyone talk about the tree and it’s awesomeness and her reality that she is the only one cleaning up after the tree (and perhaps decorating the house) so she should get what ever tree she wants. Take out some of those branches and it would totally be mid-century modern! I started following a MCM group on Facebook, people get really into their fake trees.


        • I’m not saying I want a white tree in my house, but as the film shows later, SHE ends up being the one decorating the real tree. She does the work, she should get to choose the tree.


    • I like the fact that blind date man is in the “dead town” because he is following his dreams and doing what he wants to do – which is ski. He has an internal honesty that Peter (I’ve finally learned his name) is gonna have a hard time finding in LA.


    • But you are the most wonderful magical best person on earth! Obviously everyone would love you and she can set you up with absolutely anyone she thinks deserves you!


  2. I see what Peter’s dad means… but like… you can have strong platonic relationships that mean as much as romantic relationships… and you can love your best friends!
    But at the same time PeterxNick forever… so I am TORN!


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