Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Watching and Reading and Thinking and Listening to on Kangana’s Birthday?

Happy Wednesday! Ugh, Albie dog kept me up all night, and now it is still so gloomy and rainy that it’s like the sun never rose. And it’s Kangana’s birthday, everything bad at once. Oh well, the good news is that tomorrow will be better!

I’ll start!

Watching: I’m finishing the final season of “Keeping Faith” which is one of those shows where the first season was so good it keeps you watching, but it will never be that good again. Like “Broadchurch”. Anyway, I’ve almost got a “slogging through” feeling at this point, but just two more episodes and I’ll have the whole thing done.

Reading: I signed up for a thing! Because I am lame and predictable! Anyway, I signed up for one of those “Good News” newsletters, and it really does cheer me up. if you are curious, it gives pleasant little stories about stuff like a construction worker finding a woolly mammoth tooth.

Thinking: Albie Dog is really sick! I am pretty sure it is because there was a fire near us yesterday and a lot of toxic smoke blew into our yard. But he can’t keep water down since yesterday, so we are going to the Vet today to see what they say. Also, I stayed up with him all night and now I am sooooooooooooooooooo sleepy. And also remembering when I was little and my Mom used to crawl into bed with me when I was sick all night. I don’t know how you parents do it.

Listening: As I said, sooooooooooooooooooo sleepy. So feeling very Sufi floaty like, and this is a good one:

Now, question for you! A classic DCIB conundrum. If you could in a humane way pluck someone from society and drop them on a desert island where they have everything they want but no way to contact the outside world, would you still pick Kangana? Or would you pick Salman, Ranbir, one of the other DCIB irritation frequent flyers?

UPDATE: Albie went to the vet and was officially diagnosed as “sick”. No obstructions in the x-ray, no additional symptoms, so probably just ate something that didn’t agree with him, or licked a funny rock, or something. He got a shot for nausea and I am supposed to withhold food and drink so he doesn’t eat/drink too fast and make himself sicker. Dumb Albie Dog.

30 thoughts on “Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Watching and Reading and Thinking and Listening to on Kangana’s Birthday?

    • She did! Gave him an x-ray and confirmed he was fine, and then gave him a shot for nausea, and now he is very carefully eating and drinking.

      On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 10:17 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. Saw “Before You Die” and “Bachchan Pandey” yesterday. “Before You Die” was very uneven and amateurish, but pleasant in a throwback-ish way. I like the fact that Hindi B-movies can still swing international distribution from time to time. “Bachchan Pandey” definitely faltered in the last forty-five minutes, but was good fun for most of its runtime. Probably the best time I’ve had in an Akshay-starrer since “Tees Maar Khan.”

    By the way, I noticed that the “Did You Know” section on English Wikipedia today highlights a filmi article: “Did you know. . . that the 1950 Hindi film Hamari Beti, which featured Nutan’s first lead role, at 14 years of age, was directed by her mother?”


  2. Speed recovery for Albie dog so that you get good sleep again and will be free from worries about him…
    I went to this site (I love positive news…and funny ones) but the terribly long “terms of use” somehow turned me off…and it seems to be for USA (and maybe Canada) only…and one has to pay, right?
    I think I would prefer to put Kangana somewhere without any media connection and no means of transportation but among other people who would ignore everything negative about her but support everything positive…


  3. Sticking with Kangu being dropped on a deserted island. She is a menence to society.

    I don’t like Ranbir but he is not on social media and doesn’t give many interviews anyways. So much of Ranbir is just other people propping him up and making him sound like a god, including directors, other actors and his gf. Ugh!!!! Yet, I never ever hear him talk about others glowingly. So putting him on a deserted island wouldn’t solve my problem. In fact, his fans will probably with make his island exile into some Emerson and Thorough-esq exploration of transcendentalism — Ranbir rejects contemporary society to find the original relation to the universe. Yuck!

    I hope Albie feels better soon!


    • Send the fans to the island with Ranbir. The fans can adore on him and he can act like a tinpot godling and they can all be happy and none of us ever have to hear about it.

      Liked by 4 people

    • What with Brahmastra and his whittle thumb being sprained and all that personal Drama, Ranbir has kind of exiled himself to an island lately. And yes, it’s just made his fans more insufferable.

      On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 6:43 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

  4. I hope Albie stops bing “sick” soon. It is a pity the animals can’t talk, being a doctor to humans is hard, it must be so much worse for the vets.

    We saw the Karate Kid from 1985. Growing up I always thought the kid was a jerk. Now as a 45 year old I watched it and thought “ah, what a good kid.” Also watching Yeh Dillagi on repeat. I actually like Akshay in this movie. I think it is the only movie I’ve seen with him where I like him. Early in my Hindi film watching career I saw a movie with him and Katrina Kaif in London, and I disliked him immediately.

    I want to put Kangana on the island, but I also kinda want to drop Kareena Kapoor there. I don’t like that woman’s face, or voice. I admit she can now act. But I wouldn’t mind not seeing anymore of her.


    • LOL I also watched Karate Kid recently and was surprised because I remembered it as a very engaging and cool, but now I saw it doesn’t have much plot and was boring. In my opinion it didn’t age well. Or maybe it’s because I watched Back To The Future earlier and had my hopes too high.

      Agree about Kareena – I don’t like her also, but think how good it would be for her kids to live on the island, without paparazzi and fame. The only people who wouldn’t like it are Kareena’s friends who live to party and post photos with her 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • WE WATCHED BACK TO THE FUTURE LAST WEEK! Our families are on an 80s kick together. And then we watched Back to the Future 2 & 3, which I had never seen. Karate Kid was a slow movie, but I disagree about the lack of plot. The idea of a kid, new to an area, befriending a maintance man of mystery who teaches him karate is actually not a bad story. But it was super slow, and embarrassing – I had to keep dragging the 13 year old back into the room, and the seven year old was much more into practicing his karate moves than actually watching the film. But as a kid in the Bay Area in the 80s, that movie was everything. It was a much bigger community cultural touchpoint than Back To The Future. But that could have been because of where I lived. The actor who played the Karate teacher grew up in the Bay Area.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh oh! have you tried the new Karate Kid series? I started it and then ran out of energy, but it is really good, and I am fascinated with how it continues the story.

          On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 9:56 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Someday one of us here on DCIB is going to have to watch the Back to the Future remake with Akshay and Aish. I call, NOT IT!

        On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 2:43 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • I kind of want to drop Kareena with Kangana just because I think Kareena might be tough enough to wear her down and make her into a better person.

      On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 9:35 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  5. I would put Ranbir on the island, as described in my comment above, which would also conveniently separate him from Alia so she can do something else with her life besides tending to Ranbir.

    Mostly I’m here to report that I survived my now 12yo son’s first birthday party since he was nine, which involved lunch for 8 preteen boys at a local restaurant, stopover at a park to burn off the sugar high, and five of the boys sleeping over. I was happy to do this for him but phew, birthday parties are a lot of work. The kids were all fine, the oddest request I got was after I removed all phones from the room to try to get them to settle down and go to sleep, a parent texted me to allow her twins to keep their phones on them while they slept. OK!

    We did watch Newsies this weekend after the party, my mom came out and that was our family movie. Oh goodness, baby Christian Bale singing and dancing and talking in a stagey Brooklyn accent for two hours. I had no memory of this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think your Ranbir plan is GENIUS. I had a moment of thinking “but what if they all got together and planned a come back like Napoleon on Elba?” And then I thought “no, these are Ranbir fans, they will never do anything useful”.

      Congrats on the birthday! I am SO IMPRESSED! I was overwhelmed with a mild Albie illness, I can’t imagine having a bunch of human Albies running around in a park.

      On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 11:05 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  6. My vote is for Kangana on the island so she can learn to get by with no attention. Although I guess Ranbir could stand to do the same.

    I had an exhausting work weekend and for some reason had the desire to watch Haseen Dillruba again. I almost never watch movies more than once, with some special exceptions for SRK movies I watch every year. It was really nice to watch it without being distracted worrying about Vikrant!

    I am not watching Eternally Confused and Eager for Love, which marks the first time I haven’t watched something with Rahul Bose in it when it was sitting right in front of me. I’m just a bit tired of stories about feckless adolescents at the moment.


    • I am also not watching Eternally confused. We will just sit in a corner not watching it together.

      On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 3:22 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  7. I watched nothing this week, but I finally found a book that keeps me engaged – Freak Out! My life with Frank Zappa. Written by a woman who was Frank Zappa’s secretary and lived with him and his family in 1968. I find the author annoying at times, but he book is very absorbing.

    I never considerated watching Marrakar, because I don’t like Priyadarshan nor movies about the pirates, but I saw this song and felt in love: veena, drums,classical singing and Ashok Selvan with his sweet sweet eyes. I think I’ll give this movie a chance.


      • I’m more concerned about Pranav and Kalyani presence. I’m already not a fan (to put it mildly), but now after seeing their “dance” scene I’m angry because they are terrible and couldn’t be allowed to dance never.
        I had to watch this dance 10 times to cleanse my eyes. Love this pair and how I wish there were dances like that in movies.


          • Yes, so precise but at the same time full of joy and grace. You can see they love to dance. And think that I watched this video first and only then I found the video song with Pranav and Kalyani (not only the dance but also the song is inferior).It was like watching strange kind of X Factor where you can first see super talented people and right after some ridiculous folks who should never perform outside their living room. Only that the ridiculous folks are the ones who win and get the prize and not the talented ones :/


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