Sunday WatchAlong: Paheli! 8am Chicago Time! For Halloween and Shahrukh Month!

Good Morning! I got coffee, I got a morning banana, I got a dog snuggled against me, let’s do this thing.

Paheli! Shahrukh, ghosts, stupid huge turbans, all the stuff. It’s on Netflix and elsewhere, and I can’t wait to watch it with you and complain about the plot impossibilities.

At 8am Chicago time I will put up an “and PLAY” comment and we will go from there. Woot!

156 thoughts on “Sunday WatchAlong: Paheli! 8am Chicago Time! For Halloween and Shahrukh Month!

  1. I have discovered that when I watch without sound it is so COLORFUL and beautiful. and when I watch with sound it is almost too much, especially the super high voices of the female singers that Rani is lip sincing to. I mean the voice is so HIGH and it’s Rani!

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  2. And we already have the theme of female desire being paramount, right??? I especially love the twist to the ‘sad bride” tradition. She’s happy to get married, just sad to leave her house.

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  3. So it looked like night when she got into the cart, but maybe it was super early morning? But then wouldn’t they have already had their first night? Timing wise I’m confused.


        • I think leaving the house is part of the rituals? So they could get married and party the night before, then sleep separate, and leave together?

          This has never bothered me before and now it is all I can think about, you are right!


  4. So the Ghost lives in the tree and saw her face when she raised her veil and fell in love and turned himself into a bird and followed her around the water hole and practiced being a man with the footsteps but didn’t have a body to use?


  5. The problem with falling in love with beauty is it is hard to believe. Rani’s friend was equally cute. And seriously, to take human form for a beautiful face that will age and wrinkle? It doesn’t seem like love.


  6. Did Merchant SRK not understand what the first night was going to be? Or I guess this goes back to female desire, Rani was all excited with her friends, and the stupid man doesn’t get what’s supposed to be happening.

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  8. So seriously, they entered into this arranged marriage and no one thought to tell her parents that he would be leaving for five years? Did his family just want another servant?

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    • Maybe no one thought it was a problem? She’s gonna be treated like a queen in his house, presumably the families benefitted in a trade agreement, and so what if he goes traveling for a bit?

      Although there’s also the note that his mother gave him advice about it, so at least SHE knew it would be an issue.


  9. I assume everyone is appreciating the radical redefinition of husband responsibilities and therefore not commenting? He is being a Good Provider but that does NOT equal Good Husband.

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  10. Here’s where I start to think about how you could TOTALLy make this movie set in the present day. Girl gets married to a man with a Good Job in UAE or Dubai or whatever. No one sees the issue with him leaving for his job almost immediately after the wedding, so long as he is making money and sending it home. Girl is miserable, Ghost appears. Or, in the modern remake I wrote for a Silly Sunday once, Girl is miserable, Neighbor appears and pretends to be her husband because none of the people living in the apartment block have ever actually seen her husband.

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      • The golden jewelry box with it’s drawers and pockets probably help with the draw. They were in my parent’s basement for my niece for years, and finally this summer I took them because I was worried my folks were going to take them to the thrift store. The boys, and the neighbor kids love them.


        • When we were little, my Mom bought a ton of trashy lingerie from the thrift store for our dress up box, which we and the neighbor kids LOVED. Bright colors and silky and lace adn stuff. And then my Mom realized some of the neighbor ladies assumed it was actually her old lingerie and were thinking “my my! She’s way sexier in private than we thought!” and she felt like she ahd to explain.

          Anyway, I assume no one is thinking they are your clip on earrings.


  11. What I’ve come around to is that at this point the Ghost himself doesn’t really have a plan. He does this on impulse, and once he has taken the form of a body and experienced life in a human body, he is overwhelmed by the emotions he feels and ends up trapped in this lie and this household. Because otherwise, he’s just an idiot who came up with a terrible plan.

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  12. Genevieve! Your point about love of a parent for child! It’s feeling the love of a mother that starts him into feeling more than just trickery and games in this new life.

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  13. The first time I saw this film I was not an SRK fan. And I thought he was so ugly (mind you he is introduced as ugly). But now watching it as a fan, I think – “what a glorious man”.


  14. I just watched a colorized version of an old blacka nd white movie with a friend and it was so FUN seeing all the bright colors on clothing. I think we assume the past was dull and colorless just because old stuff fades. I love this movie with everything from the wall painting to the jewelry just being almost gaudy in it’s colors! As it would have been when these buildings were lived in and these clothes were worn.

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  15. Warning you now, I will be headcanoning like crazy to try to make THIS GOSH DARN PLOT WORK. For example, that whole conversation about ghosts not being ticklish, I think of as a sign of how this ghost has fully inhabited a human body and human experience more than a “ghost” normally would. Being ticklish, telling Rani the truth, feeling something when greeted by the mother, it’s all part of the same transition from Ghost to Human.


    • You should watch Ponniyin Selvan when it comes on Prime on Nov 4 or right now on einthusan in Tamil – lots of jewelry that just drips from the women, basically walking advertisements for the looks they have. Puts this movie to shame in the sheer amount on display.

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  16. I find this “funny” scene boring. But I will tolerate it because it’s part of the whole folktale thing. You always have the Fool who Sees the Truth.


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