Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me the Day Before Sai Pallavi’s Birthday???

Happy Monday! I had a lovely sunny productive weekend (weedwhacked the yard! Bought a strawberry plant!), and now it is cold and rainy and I want to go back to bed. But I can’t because it is Monday, blech.

Here is where you ask me anything from “what is your favorite Sai Pallavi movie?” to “what is a weedwhacker?” Just keep swinging back here all week as you think of new questions!

Now, question for you! It’s Mother’s Day week, who is your favorite mother in Indian film? And least favorite?

I won’t say this is ALWAYS my answer for Most Favorite, but as of today I think Ratna Pathak in Jaane Tu…Ya Jaane Na is my favorite. Sensible, sensitive, modern, loving, all good things.

And least favorite is ALWAYS Ratna Pathak in Kapoor & Sons. Always.

20 thoughts on “Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me the Day Before Sai Pallavi’s Birthday???

  1. Well, since Sai has longggg hair, how has the haircut been treating you? Still pleased with it?

    In local hair news, my bun came out sometime in the night, and when I got up I was dragging a set of earbuds around in my hair XD

    Liked by 2 people

    • Still very pleased with my hair cut! So much easier to take care of. I want to grow it out a little bit for the summer, just so it is long enough to twist off my neck.

      And oh dear! Did you know you had earbuds in your hair, or did they fall out and surprise you?

      Liked by 1 person

        • I have super thin hair, so the idea of earbuds being caught in your hair with the jack dragging is hilarious while making me envious.


          • Oh, my hair is a monster! It’s not even particularly thick, either, just wurly and voluminous and with a mind of its own. I actually find it easier to manage at this length because the weight “pulls” a good deal of the curl out. When I’ve had it short, it’s been entirely untameable.


  2. Have you watched Laila Majnu and Malala? If you have not, I would recommend it because while both of them are sad, they also just feel very alive in love and have a sort of youthful exuberance.

    My least favourite mom would probably be the mom in Agneepath more than Ratna Pathak Shah in Kapoor&Sons. My favourite mom is probably Sridevi in English Vinglish cause she’s fun and cool but not unrealistic in the portrayal of a mother.


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  5. Yes, Ratna Pathak in Kapoor & Sons is the worst of the worst. Her character made me so angry that I hardly watch any Ratna’s movies anymore. She was so good in this role that I can’t stand watching her face.


  6. I just think Reema Lagoo is so beautiful. She just glows on the screen. She isn’t the best actor, but she isn’t terrible, and her persona just makes you like her and feel comfortable. And in a odd way I always felt her chemstry and appearance of being close in age to SRK made them more likely as lovers than mother / child. Which would be disturbing if it looked at all like she could be his mother, but it didn’t, so it didn’t disturb ME.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shraddha can actually do accents! Will wonders never cease 🤯
      But srsly, with some dialect coaching she can do even better…


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