News Round-Up: Kangana Does Wrong, Abhi Baby Does Right, Nick Jonas… Hmm

Oh there is FUN STUFF today!!!!!!!  Talk about contract disputes and filming hierarchies, my favorite!  Oh, and also terrible gossip that lets us feel like better people than celebrities and gives that little “zing” of excitement from conspiracy theories.

Manikarnika Leaks Turn Into a Flood

First, Bollywoodhungama has it that the budget has more than doubled, shot up from 60 crore to 125 crore, because the current cut has none of the relationship drama and grounding that was in the original script and the producers are forced to ask for reshoots. (story here)

That’s one story, there’s another one in BH that has THREE separate anonymous sources saying the same things, that Kangana drove the director out despite having no right to do so.  And that this is a pattern with her (story here).  Source 1:

He was eased out. Krish was expelled. She (Kangana Ranaut) gradually took over the project and the producers meekly complied. She first muscled into the writing, then the direction. It came to a point where Kangana was telling the actors what to do. Krish is no walkover. He has directed many blockbusters in Telugu cinema and done historical epics like Gautamiputra Satakarni and Kanche. He was chosen to direct Manikarnika for his vast experience. How was he to know that he would be so humiliated and pushed out of the project?

Source 2:

This is exactly what Kangana Ranaut had done with Hansal Mehta and Vishal Bhardwaj. During the shooting of Rangoon she tried to muscle her way into the writer and director’s chair. Vishal discontinued the shooting and gave Kangana an ultimatum to either stop interfering with his work or allow him to shut down the film. That’s when she decided to back off. Hansal meekly complied with all her demands and lived to see his film become a mess.

Source 3:

The irony is Krish has shot an amazing film. What he has captured on camera is epic. Kangana has no business stepping in to add her two-bit. It’s like the Taj Mahal getting an extra coat of paint.

And finally, the Simran writer who made a stink back when Kangana insisted on getting credit for his script, has some quick tweets with his take on the situation:

So, basically, this is confirming what we all here have been speculating.  Kangana was so out of control she drove the director away and she is holding the producers hostage by threatening not to do promotions and so on.

I am most fascinated by that information about Rangoon!  One of the things Karan poked at in his Koffee episode (showing that he must have heard about problems on set), was that Kangana had a confrontational style on set.  She was proud of it, she talked about how it isn’t true art unless it comes out of passionate conflict, and Saif looked veeeeeeeery uncomfortable while she was talking.  I saw it as a slam at Karan, who is known for his “happy happy all friends” kind of set and filming experiences.  And it’s still that too, Kangana just does not seem capable of seeing things from the other side, realizing that what she is saying so definitely is an insult to the other person.  But I think it is also Kangana’s perspective on what happened on set, she was creating an environment of artistry and so on and so on, not directly contradicting the director and trying to take over the film.


Abhishek is Perfection

And on the other hand, we have this story about Abhishek from the set of Manmaarziyan.  Abhishek did two years as an assistant director before his launch, fairly standard for people who want to be major stars.  You need that grounding in the basics before you do anything else. And so when he wanted to get involved in the behind the camera part, he had the experience (story here).

Anurag Kashyap, the director, described what happened:

We shot scenes with Abhishek at a busy place like Ahuja Lassi Centre in Amritsar. It was a crowded street and I had told him that we would shoot him wearing a turban, with hidden cameras and sound equipment. Abhishek agreed and he loved the experience. By the end of the schedule, he had begun to ride on scooters and bikes around the city and was game for such shoots. He was in such a great mood that one day, when he didn’t have a scene to shoot that he decided to assist me. He controlled an entire dhaba full of people for the shot. Since people knew it was him, they tried to get close and take pictures. He even promised to take pictures with all of them once the shot was canned. He took charge of the entire scene so well; I think he was a good AD to have on the set.

Obviously this is promotional spin, they aren’t going to say “Abhishek did terrible”.  But in that case, they just wouldn’t say anything at all, right?  So they are telling the truth, because there would be no reason to lie when they could just say nothing.

Abhishek, right now, is about as big a star as Kangana.  But he isn’t pushing to direct, he is casually asking to stay behind the scenes and watch something interesting because he wants to learn, because he sincerely likes understanding more about the film process.  And he has the experience to be helpful, not just in the way.  And, obviously, he has no problems being humble and helpful and working with a dhaba of extras under orders of the director instead of insisting on taking control of the whole set.

So, basically, Abhishek is the perfect star you want.  Eager to learn, eager to help, and with the knowledge that lets him be legitimately helpful.


Nick Jonas….Huh

Two stories coming out of Jonas-Land.  First, Nick Jonas just landed a new film role, doing a voice for the Uglydolls animated film.  Also featuring Pitbull, who coincidentally collaberated on the “Exotic” song with Priyanka ages back.

Second, Nick Jonas’ parents are bankrupt.  Well, his father’s company.  1 million in debt, declaring bankruptcy.  Hmm.  I don’t know how common this is in India, but while it isn’t UNCOMMON in America, it is notable.  Not something you just brush past as business as usual.

I don’t know enough (or anything really) about American celebrity to make any conclusions here, but from the Indian side, it seems a bit odd to want to marry someone whose father is going bankrupt.  And very odd to have a whole big celebration while that is going on.  And it also seems weirdly coincidental (or maybe not, I have no idea how small the Hollywood world is) that Priyanka worked with Pitbull 5 years ago on a random studio set up and now Nick Jonas was just hired for a project with him.

19 thoughts on “News Round-Up: Kangana Does Wrong, Abhi Baby Does Right, Nick Jonas… Hmm

  1. I really hope Manmarziyan does well for Abhishek. I have no idea why there is so much hate regarding him. He was really good in Bunty Aur Babli, Guru and IMO the best part of KANK. He’s so good in the scene where he finds out that Rani cheated on him. He’s good in comedies like Bol Bachchan and Dostana as well. Why didn’t he do well?

    Liked by 2 people

    • My personal theory is that Abhishek just didn’t want it enough. He did great work in movies and roles that interested him, but he didn’t really go after other roles or work that much in general, and in movies that didn’t interest him, he just kind of was there without working. Laage Chunari Main Daag, for instance, he was fine but I didn’t notice him particularly, he wasn’t breaking a sweat to make it interesting.

      I was really mad at him for the JP Dutta last minute drop out, and I still am, but part of that was because it was so out of character. I don’t know what happened there, but he seems to be aware he made a mistake and working to make up for it, humbly taking smaller roles in smaller movies and doing what he can to support them.

      On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 8:14 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I read somewhere that he has a whole new strategy now, hope it works.
        I also think he didn’t adapt to changes that well. Who would have thought back then that Abhishek and Anurag Kashyap would work together. Glad that he is open to new things and new directors. He’s usually stuck to well known directors and producers.


        • Maybe he wasn’t that ambitious because his father’s ambition for him took away his own. He enjoys acting, I have the feeling that he is a very playful actor but maybe that did not satisfy his father’s view how to be as an actor. I like him in most roles I’ve seen, he has a feeling for the mood of a movie.
          I am sure his father pushed him into Paltan and he mastered the courage – a bit late, I agree – to say no. I think he needed a time out to get a grip on his emotional life…and regarding the trailer he may have succeeded. Maybe he also found/finds a way to deal with the rest of the family. I wish for him he did/does.


          • that’s a really interesting idea, that he borrowed his father’s dreams for him. If so, this could be a remarkable creative period in his life.

            On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 2:49 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I think it must also be the unfathomably huge shadow cast by his father. The roles where Abhishek shines are very different from the roles where his father was iconic. Abhishek does best when he’s playing funny, wry, and self-deprecating and when he’s supporting a strong costar. But he gets cast as the lothario or the action hero and it just doesn’t work.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, absolutely. I actually think he has much more similar sensibilities to his mother rather than his father. In all ways really, but especially as an actor. A very light touch, great with expressions and silent reactions and not so much with big speeches, and enjoying working with a co-star rather than alone.

          On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 9:58 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. I think honestly it was biting off more than he can chew that led to Abhishek’s downfall. Raavan was a really bad performance. I wasn’t a big fan of Guru either. But with Ravan – the movie itself was so uneven (Mani Ratnam was not con comfortabel ground here). And in Tamil, Vikram was so so good – I think he just couldn’t process the backlash the movie got. Abhishek was more of a multiplex hero – and his family probably wanted him to become another Hrithik.


  3. On Manikarnika I don’t have an opinion…it seems to have become such a mess but what exactly happened why and how is not really clear especially as I have no faith in the respective media. If Kangana acted the way one accuses her, she should not get any lead role in the near future.

    On Nick…if this isn’t a relationship based on love for each other it could at least be one to not only give them both opportunities for work but also a social cover-up.


    • I was looking for more information on Nick Jonas’ father’s bankruptcy, and I could only find one article in the American press, everything else was buried under an avalanche of Nick and PC engagement and love story coverage. Whether intended or not, it is certainly doing a good job of keeping only pleasant things about his family in the newspapers.

      On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:03 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. Off topic, but PV just put up a BI suggesting a relationship between SRK and Kanika Kapoor. Now it just confused me, giving that SRK seems to be putting so much effort into cleaning up his image (Meer foundation, ‘silent’ 5cr donation, his recent appearance with AbRam And! Gauri etc.) who might gain out of this? Kanika is out of question she has been low key all this time (if BI is true) and Srk as mentioned above is on ‘image detox’. But then I thought about the recent ‘attacks ‘ on Suhana lately (two very carefully crafted articles on PV, to generate disliking for her, this all also After her controversial Vogue Cover ) one of them even mentions PC (of course somehow she’s shown as the victim) and also her Nick – show didn’t keep her as much in news as she thought it would also it seemed to not have given her the opportunities she hoped for (Hollywood /bollywood films Galore). As well as just reading an Article of a possible push of her whirl wind weeding to next year (cold feet maybe, or planned checkmove?). So I was just wondering Pc is the only one who would gain out of making him and his family look bad. So maybe she leaked this ‘exclusive’ BI to PV. To cause trouble and make her once again look like Srk’s naive Victim who was shamelessly played like toy for 6+years and then dropped like a hot potato.Well, yeah Priyanka is out but she was never his only mistress she just was the only one who was talking. Kanika is still there since a while now and Vartikha (2nd runner-up 2015 miss india) also… So Noep Gauri is definitely not at ease but atleast there’s no mistress running her mouth in the media, as long as the facade is in tact it’s all good in Mannat( and her mind)


  5. Off topic, but PV just put up a BI suggesting a relationship between SRK and Kanika Kapoor. Now it just confused me, giving that SRK seems to be putting so much effort into cleaning up his image (Meer foundation, ‘silent’ 5cr donation, his recent appearance with AbRam And! Gauri etc.) who might gain out of this? Kanika is out of question she has been low key all this time (if BI is true) and Srk as mentioned above is on ‘image detox’. But then I thought about the recent ‘attacks ‘ on Suhana lately (two very carefully crafted articles on PV, to generate disliking for her, this all also After her controversial Vogue Cover ) one of them even mentions PC (of course somehow she’s shown as the victim) and also her Nick – show didn’t keep her as much in news as she thought it would also it seemed to not have given her the opportunities she hoped for (Hollywood /bollywood films Galore). As well as just reading an Article of a possible push of her whirl wind weeding to next year (cold feet maybe, or planned checkmove?). So I was just wondering Pc is the only one who would gain out of making him and his family look bad. So maybe she leaked this ‘exclusive’ BI to PV. To cause trouble and make her once again look like Srk’s naive Victim who was shamelessly played like toy for 6+years and then dropped like a hot potato.
    I would really like to hear other peeps opinion on this. Am I reading too much into this? If my theory makes any sense why is Pc that hard after attacking his family as well? And another possibility that just struck me is.. Kanika attended Manish’s bash recently we’ll MM and KJo friend circle are well known gossip queens… So maybe Kanika slipped at the party? And Voila it landed on PV. (pc was also in attendance)
    I would love for some of yall’s opinions on this.


    • Kanika Kapoor? The Baby Doll singer? Huh! She was on the SLAM tour with him, so I assume they became friends while touring if not before. Maybe they just looked friendly at a party and someone leaped to conclusions and leaked it to PV. Pinkvilla will print anything, so if it doesn’t get picked up by anyone else, I am going to assume it was just a random leak based on someone seeing them holding hands or something.

      On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 4:22 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • It’s still officially on for Republic Day, but how in the world can they finish it by January if they are talking about shooting totally new scenes and replacing a main character?

      On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 12:09 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Yep! Republic Day was the perfect release date for a patriotic historical, but at this point I think they should either go back and just use Krish’s cut and release now before any more scandal comes out, or else bump it out another year and hire a new director.

          On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 12:13 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  6. Yep the Baby doll aka ‘lovely’ singer. Hahaha ya you’re right PV does write anything still the timing and the fact that it doesn’t even mention his wife or calls him a ‘married superstar’, but still somehow manages to include an ‘actor girlfriend’ is strange. Blinds about Srk usually don’t refer to him like this one did. This entire Item is just weird… So I was just wondering where it comes from. But your explanation makes sense.


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