TGIF: Happy Donut Day!

This is a rerun, but it’s a good one, and anyway I did an entire original one yesterday, the coffee to go with the donuts (read it here).

I’m gonna start with the donuts and then build the stars from there, because it is Donut Day after all, they should come first.

Boston Creme (my favorite)

Image result for boston creme

So, almost too sweet, slightly bitter coating, and sugary soft creamy center.  Hmm.  I think Vidya Balan.  Too rich, too sweet, but with that slight coating of bitter awareness that brings it all together.

Image result for vidya balan

Plain with sprinkles

Image result for sprinkle donut

Not the best donut.  It looks good, but then you realize the sprinkles actually make it a little too sweet, and detract from the texture, and a plain glazed might be better.  And so, my somewhat controversial choice!  Don’t hate me, but sometimes I feel like Dulquer is trying too hard.

Image result for dulquer salmaan

Chocolate with sprinkles

Image result for chocolate sprinkle donut

Now this is a good one!  The sweetness and hardness of the sprinkles counteracts the soft slight bitterness of the frosting.  So, someone soft and hard at the same time, in just the right proportion.  Obviously Nivin, always right.

Image result for nivin pauly

Chocolate chocolate (my Dad’s favorite)

Image result for chocolate chocolate donut

Super strong!  Super manly!!!!  And a little bit dark.  Gotta go with Maddy.

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Jelly filled (my Grandpa’s favorite)

Image result for jelly filled donut

100% sweet, but with just enough flavor to make you love it.  Juhi Chawla, all the way.

Image result for juhi chawla

Maple (no one’s favorite, WHY DOES THIS EXIST???)

Image result for maple donut

For some reason always sitting there on the shelf, and yet no one ever really wants it.  Shraddha Kapoor.  Need I say more?

Image result for shraddha kapoor

Plain glazed

Image result for glazed donut

Classic, perfect, doesn’t have all the flash and sparkle of the sprinkles but is secretly the best one of all.  For me, Kajol.

Image result for kajol

Chocolate frosted

Image result for donuts chocolate frosted

The classic with just a wee bit more flare, more likely to be noticed.  Rani Mukherjee!

Image result for rani mukherjee

Powdered sugar

Image result for donuts powdered

Cheap, easy, likely to be mass-produced.  Hmm.  Well, I guess this:

Image result for student of the year 2

Old-fashioned Buttermilk

Image result for donuts buttermilk

A little imperfect, a little less factory produced, but ultimately with a much better taste on the inside. Nani!

Image result for nani actor

Cinnamon Donut

Image result for cinnamon donut

Kind of like a powdered, kind of like a glazed, but then you bit into it, and it’s different! Hmmm, maybe Dips?  Seems average pretty model type on the outside, reveals something spicy and interesting after a few bites.

Image result for deepika

And finally, maple-bacon long john!  The Newest Donut

Image result for bacon donut

Oh, this is tricky!  It’s been a while since there was a really interesting new face on the block.  But then, this isn’t exactly “new”, long johns have been around for a while, just not combined with the fresh taste of Bacon.  So…..Prabhas?  Familiar and new at the same time.  And also long.

Image result for prabhas

So, what do you think about my choices?

What is your favorite donut?

What star would you pick for it?

Do you disagree with anyone I picked?

And bonus important question:

What kind of donut is Shahrukh?

14 thoughts on “TGIF: Happy Donut Day!

  1. Shah Rukh is a glazed cruller, still warm. Never not good and so great with coffee.

    My favorite favorites are sticky pecan rolls or bear claws. They are so incredibly bad for one that I don’t usually eat them. So, I’ll go with chocolate glazed. Rani is a nice choice for that one.

    Maple isn’t my favorite, but a maple frosted long john filled with cream can be mighty nice. I’ll skip the bacon…


    • I’m not sure if I want to watch it, Mohanlal and political thriller just does not intrigue me. The movie I want to see is 9, the sci-fi movie Sony co-produced with him.

      On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 8:54 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. LEAST FAVORITE Any donut with sprinkles. Sprinkles hurt my teeth and really have no taste of their own – BRAHMANADAM

    SOMETIMES DONUTS Double chocolate with a side of overfilled Boston Creme – Saala Khadoos MADDY and TANU/MANU MADDY

    FAVORITE I don’t eat meat, so a whole plate of bacon-free, extra-long, honey-dipped Long Johns and a pitcher of beer – PRABHAS

    ANYTIME DONUT The assorted 12-pack. A treat for whatever you fancy at the moment: substantial and filling, light yet satisfying, sweet but not cloying, betcha-you-can’t-eat-just-one addictive, and OMG, this is so !%#!!% damn delicious! – SHAH RUKH

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooo, I like the assortment idea for SRK!!!! His movies vary so much, maybe that’s why I can’t pin him down to just one donut?

      On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 9:25 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  3. Delicious choices…for donuts + persons 🙂 My favourite would be your grandpa’s favourite but I would happily indulge in my ShahRukh donuts (mariapaolettagil, take a look…and a bite!):


  4. I haven’t commented, but I read this post, it remained in my subconscious and today I went straight to donut shelf as soon as I entered a shop. LOL I bought chocolate chocolate one if you want to know 😉 And yes I was thinking about shirtless Maddy while I was buying it. Poor me, resisting those donuts was already very difficult, what I will do now?


    • I got a chocolate long john today, which I don’t think was an option I gave at all! Maybe Prithviraj? After talking about him with procrastinatrix he was in my mind?

      On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 4:31 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  5. PRITHVIRAJ! Yes indeed! He’s part of my divine triumvirate along with SRK and Prabhas (and runner-up Harsh Kapoor if he ever makes another movie). Definitely a Long John, quite possibly chocolate, maybe dotted with chopped nuts for his gritty roles and filled with creme fraiche (sweet but with an edge) for his versatile acting skills.


    • I haven’t had breakfast yet and I may need to go get a donut!

      On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 5:54 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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