TGIF: Tree Photos! In Honor of Arbor Day!

Wow, it’s been a long time since I did a TGIF! But I am finally back in the situation that inspired them. It’s Friday, I’m working from an office, I’m bored and Friday brain, but doing this TGIF makes it look like I’m still working.

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I’m Stressed, Photo Post! Surprisingly Sexy Photos of Art Actors, in Honor of Naseerji

Ugh! Grandpa’s in the hospital, the roofer has to do a lot more work than anticipated, I didn’t get enough sleep because the dog kept crawling on me all night because I forgot to fill his water dish, and WORST OF ALL because of Grandpa, we may have to cancel on the small children on Saturday and I CAN’T HANDLE DISAPPOINTING SMALL CHILDREN!!! Their little eyes get big and they try not to cry and they are embarrassed because they are so sad. It’s HORRIBLE. Babies just cry and cry, and adults are tough, but that in between age when they want to cry but know they aren’t supposed to cry, that just rips out your heart. I CAN’T TAKE IT! Anyway, sexy photos to distract me.

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TGIF: Happy Easter! It’s Time for Our Annual HOT JESUS Post!!!!

Jesus! Not the historical dude, but rather the fellow as is commonly imagined by Western artists. Tall, longish wavy hair, beard, great abs. Let us look at all the Indian film actors who have, in their own ways, been inspired by Jesus! (and in case you are wondering, these are ALL NEW PHOTOS! No repeats from previous years!!!)

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TGIF: 90s Edition!!!! Which of These Images is MOST 90s?

The 90s! Gave us so many great smile inducing photos!!!! With silly silly people in silly silly clothes. Which is good, because I am STILL GRUMPY. Hopefully HAHK this afternoon will cheer me up. If not, I am going to have to wait until NEXT MONTH which is the soonest that the sun is supposed to be out again in Chicago.

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TGIF: What Hindi Film Actors Match What Thanksgiving Dishes? (WARNING: Needless Ranbir Insult Included)

Happy day after Thanksgiving! This is just the best holiday, isn’t it? The day after I mean. No work, tons of food, and everyone is just sort of sleepy and well-fed and happy. At some point I’m gonna have the energy to leave my parents’ and go back to my place and set up my Christmas tree, but not yet.

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