Shahrukh Update: Possible Filming Photos Possibly Leaked, and Air BnB Promo?

Because I am a doubtful person who hates fun, I don’t fully believe either of these stories. But you can try to convince me otherwise!

First story, SUPPOSEDLY there are photos of Shahrukh SUPPOSEDLY filming Pathan at YRF Studios in Bombay. Really what we are dealing with is a fuzzy photo of someone who kind of looks like him moving between cars and trucks outside the YRF studio gates. For all we know he was just stopping by to drop off a book Adi loaned him. But hey, maybe I am just being a killjoy! Maybe they really mean something!

Also, his hair is OUT OF CONTROL!!! I do not like it.

Is it just me, or does he also kind of look like John Lennon here?

Second Shahrukh news story! He and Gauri partnered with Air BnB for a promotional contest where the winner gets to stay in their Delhi home.

Because I am a mean old wet blanket, I’m gonna guess that the Delhi “home” is not actually a place they stay, but more likely an investment property Gauri fancied up and put in family photos just for this promotion.

28 thoughts on “Shahrukh Update: Possible Filming Photos Possibly Leaked, and Air BnB Promo?

    • I love that interview!!!! He is so clearly letting loose, being as mean and funny as he wants. Because he knows he is talking to a group that wants the mean and funny, and the only audience for the interview is going to be the little AIB underground (I remember when this interview hit, and the biggest thing I remember is how underground it was. I wasn’t shared in the fan groups as much, and the mainstream media didn’t talk about it, you just had to stumble across it).

      I mean, even his clothes send a message! Falling apart shirt with holes, big comfy pants, this is not the airbrushed and styled version of SRK.

      On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 9:43 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. It is ShahRukh at the studios…but it could be for n ad or a gathering or whatever. Maybe it’s also for Pathan…but we will get to know through him one day 😉
    btw, I like the hair…it’s very Don2 style (I would have a good laugh if this is just a photo from this time 😉 )

    As for the Delhi home…yes, it could be an investement thing…and to make it popular, they’re doing the contest. The family did use airbnb accomodations, so they may just have started a kind of partnering.


    • If the Delhi home is an investment property, I could see them decorating it and then promoting on Air BnB and then flipping it in a few months. Or even, they could have had it as an actual home, then decided to sell, pulled the personal items and redecorated, and heard from Air BnB right before they put it on the market and decided to do this promo and then sell.

      On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 9:47 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I like that you’re holding out for his word. Knowing him he’s being superstitious after all his perceived ‘flops’ – NOT FLOPS AT ALL – and is trying to lay low and not make a big announcement. But really, what else do we have at the moment? I’ll take the speculative over nothing. 😜


          • Remember Raees? They announced it and even released teaser, and then filming/funding ran into problems and it was over a year before the movie was completed. I am sure he is waiting until filming is almost wrapped before his next announcement.

            On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 5:41 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 1 person

  2. You can count me among the people who liked the hair. I love the fact that he’s having fun with it. I can imagine him doing the side braid and thinking of himself as an 80s rockstar 😂😂😂


    • Maybe it’s an SRK lookalike coming to YRF to audition for a stand in job?

      On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 2:20 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  3. I saw the Air BnB thing on FB. I get the impression it’s somewhere they lived a long time ago and i guess renovated/whatever/decorated by Gauri (or her minions). Would be great to stay there though – but it isn’t cheap and we can’t travel at the moment. So, sigh….


      • For what it’s worth, this airbnb thing is for one night only on Valentine’s Day. It’s also free. People have to enter a contest and if they win, they are flown to Delhi, given a luxury car for the day, dinner that supposedly has the Khan family’s favorite foods, a SRK movie marathon and of course a night in their house.
        That’s about it. The house is not listed for anyone to rent out.
        It seems like some sort of ad for airbnb and they were probably compensated really well for it.


    • Yeah, that’s my guess. They have real estate all over, why not flip a property, promote it through Air BnB, and then sell?

      On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 4:07 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I like to think that they give the income from the Air BnB to the Meer Foundation or something…

        Gee, my hair is out of control – hasn’t been cut since February. But I have an appointment on Dec 3 (providing the full lockdown we’re currently in is eased).


        • Well, they’ve been spending all their money on PPEs and feeding people and housing homeless and stuff during quarantine, and they haven’t been making any money. So I am okay if the Air BnB money goes to, like, paying the salaries of the Red Chillies employees who haven’t been able to come to work (becasue the office is turned into a quarantine center) for the past 6 months.

          On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 6:48 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Okay, that I will believe. But it could be RAvi Singh with a clever SRK stand in wearing a bad wig.

      On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 4:19 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. I want him to be filming Pathan! Even if he has to have crazy long hair. That seems possible for a historical part, though, right? Asoka vibe?


    • I think the only thing that might make me happy with his long hair is if the alternative is another Asoka style horrible wig.

      On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 7:49 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  5. YRF is so confusing,first they leaked rumours that Pathan will be the starting of a Spyverse with Shahrukh,Hrithik and Salman.Later they retracted,then said that there will be crossovers in near future.I keep being cynical that YRF wants us to fantasize so that it steals fan ideas without paying royalties.


    • I’m sticking with the theory that YRF leaks this things to take the public temperature and then changes their mind based on the reaction. I guess people weren’t excited enough at the concept of a Spyverse, so they switched to a different idea.


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