Phillauri Review (SPOILERS): The Whole Thing Builds to the Final Reveal

If you are considering whether or not to watch this film and you don’t want SPOILERS, my first review is here.  But if you can’t see the movie and want to know what happened, or if you’ve already seen it and want my opinion, read on! (oh, and if you’ve seen it and want to hear a conversation about it, I just posted my podcast on soundcloud)

Whole movie in one paragraph!  And then I can go on to discuss the points I find interesting in detail.

We start with Suraj Sharma arriving home after 3 years in Canada, while Mehrene Pirzada his fiancee eagerly awaits him back at the family home.  He is told by his family that his horoscope shows him to be Manglak and he has to marry a tree.  After marrying the tree, Anushka starts haunting him and explains that she was a ghost in the tree and now she is his wife.  No one else can see her and they all think Suraj just has wedding jitters.  Anushka starts remembering and telling Suraj her life story before she was a ghost.  She lived in the same place which was then a small village, her brother was the local doctor and they were a respected family.  Diljit was in the same village, a drunkard who made his living by singing for the men.  Anushka secretly wrote poems and sent them to a journal in Amritsar, but everyone assumed they were by Diljit.  Diljit eventually starts to put it together, and Anushka reveals herself to him.  And starts secretly giving him poems which he turns into songs.  This turns into an affair, until her brother finds them together.  The next day, Diljit comes to say good-bye, and that he is going to Amritsar to record their songs, and will make sure both their names appear on the record, Anushka’s and his.  He will return at Baisakhi to marry Anushka.  He sends money from Amritsar, all the money he made on the recording, and a letter with it formally asking for her hand, and Anushka’s brother admits he was mistaken and promises to marry them in a grand manner on Baisakhi.  But Diljit doesn’t come.  And in the end, Anushka runs to the tree and hangs herself in her bridal finery.  This whole story is interwoven with the present day where Suraj’s marriage is in trouble.  Mehrene knows him well enough to see that he isn’t happy about the marriage, she keeps trying to give him a way out, but Suraj isn’t sure he wants it, because he still loves her, he just doesn’t feel ready to be married.  In the end, on the day of the wedding, Anushka figures out how to reveal herself to Mehrene, which lets Mehrene understand a little of Suraj’s strangeness.  And at the same time, Anushka finally remembers the end of her story.  And the other two realize that it doesn’t add up, why would Diljit send money and a letter and then not show up for his wedding?  They ask for details, starting with how long ago it happened.  And slowly put it together that it was 98 years ago, so 1919, Baisakhi 1919.  At which point everyone looks at each other and realizes that Anushka never learned what happened in Amritsar on Baisakhi 1919 because she killed herself before the news arrived.  They rush to the car and leave the wedding to drive her to Jallianwala Bagh, where she walks among all the dead until she finally finds Diljit, and is able to take his hand.  At which point they both stop being ghosts and take on the colors they wore in life instead of the white and gold of their ghostly aspect, and go off together into the sky.  And she also signals to him that she is pregnant, explaining why such a strong character would have killed herself rather than living as a jilted woman and just marrying someone else.  Suraj and Mehrene watch this, and when it is over, Suraj tells Mehrene that he has finally learned what it means to be with someone “forever” and embraces her.

(And then we were supposed to get this ending credits song, but it was cut because it doesn’t fit with the mood we end with)


As I said in my non spoiler review, this movie is all about the last ten minutes.  And I have a lot to say about that.  But first I should crank through some of the other interesting things about it.  For example, the entire modern day story.

The modern day story is really barely there.  The heart of the film is in the past, the modern day stuff is just a framing device.  But for what it is, it is well done.

There is one moment early on that makes the whole thing work.  The first night he arrives, before the tree marriage and Anushka showing up, Suraj sneaks away from the crowd to do smoke on the roof (not clear on whether it is marijuana or just loose tobacco that he is smoking).  Mehrene finds him up there and tries to get him to explain what he is feeling.  She can tell that something is wrong but doesn’t know what it is, and he won’t tell her, so she just starts asking questions, “Do you still love me?” “Is there someone else?” “Do you not want to marry me?”  And Suraj says the right thing to all of them, he does love her and there is no one else and of course he wants to marry her.  But he just isn’t happy, and she can see it.  Finally, she stops asking questions and just sits next to him and reaches out and puts her hand on his leg.  And he takes her hand and holds it.  And we hold on that image for a moment as the camera pulls back a little and the two of them are framed through a rose colored window and the music plays softly in the background.

This is what needs to happen in their relationship.  While they try to talk it out they just go around in circles.  But if they can find the time to just sit together, just the two of them, and be still, then everything is perfect.  That’s how they have been until now, we get little mentions of how Mehrene helped him convince his parents to let him study in Canada, how they have been joined at the hip since childhood.  They were always a team.  Only now suddenly Mehrene is part of the “wedding” team, and Suraj is stuck on the outside in the part of the reluctant groom.  They need to remember that this is just a moment and when it is over, they will be a team again.  Only before they can do that, Anushka shows up and comes between them.


It’s essentially the same conflict as in Baar Baar Dekho (which I think moviemavengal pointed out to me when we were talking about it), only it’s a lot easier to take done in tiny little pieces that only add up to half an hour of screentime, then made as the main conflict of the film.  Really, the way this film is structured, that’s the message, that this kind of conflict doesn’t DESERVE to be the main point of anything.  The love story in the past, that had real conflict and pathos and meaning, and deserves to be a story that is told and retold and remembered.  The modern day kids, they are just there to learn about it.

Again, it is the ending of that story that is the whole point of it.  But there is other stuff along the way that is also interesting.  Anushka is a village girl, but she is not the “prettiest girl in the village” or anything like that.  Diljit is the only one who seems to notice her.  He notices her first when she arrives late for a demonstration of phonograph record and her bangles jingle as she runs in.  But he really notices her when she slaps him for reciting poetry and claiming it to be his.  It is her pride and spirit that attracts him.  And he falls in love with her poetry, her mind.  And she falls in love with his ability to appreciate her poetry, to add to it with his music.  Their love song is glorious, going from notes left in secret, to reciting poetry to each other, to talking, to holding each other, and finally to a secret nighttime meeting in his room and love making.  There is never a moment where we fear she may have made a wrong decision in trusting him, where we think he might just see her as someone to be “conquered”.  She is too smart to fall for anything like that, and he is too sincere in his appreciation of her mind.  And therefore his arrival at her house the next day to declare his intentions, and his following through on those intentions with a letter and a monetary gift, does not feel like a surprise.  It feels like what we would expect from him.  It is his not arriving at the wedding which is such a shock, we are in the same mindset as Anushka, unable to believe that he isn’t here.


Before getting into that, one more thing about Anushka’s character in the past.  I love her brother!  I can’t find anything on The Internet to tell me who the actor is, but he did a great job.  And his character is wonderful as well, and so unusual!  Yes, he doesn’t want Anushka leaving the house at night, he disapproves of the village events, and he is furious when he finds her with Diljit.  But all their interactions are so loving, he tells her to stay inside, but with a smile and a pat on the head, and she smiles back at him happily.  We know that she is obeying him out of love and respect.  And that he is putting out these orders to her not because he wants to control her, but because he wants to protect her and give her only the best.  It seems like his dragging her out of Diljit’s house is the reveal of his real macho attitude towards everything.  But it is followed by a lovely scene in which everything fits much better with what we have seen before.  Anushka is huddled on a bed, with her hands under her cheeks, and something about how she is filmed and how she is lying makes her suddenly look like a little girl.  We see her the way her brother sees her, as this little girl he has to protect and keep safe from all the bad things of the world.  And that’s what he talks to her about, how he has done everything, sacrificed everything, educated her and protected her and devoted his whole life to loving her.  And now she has thrown herself into danger, and he doesn’t know where he went wrong and he blames himself.

What makes the film really unusual is what happens next.  Not just that he accepts Diljit eventually, we’ve seen that before, the father/brother won over by proof of love.  No, what really sticks with her brother is Diljit’s telling him that Anushka is a poet, a brilliant poet, and he never saw it.  There is a great shot of him reading her poems in the newspaper, and then looking up to see her obediently writing names on medicine bottles, using her pen for this plebeian task when it is capable of so much more.  That’s the big revelation, that his sister had this brilliance inside of her and he didn’t appreciate it.  That’s what makes him think that Diljit can take better care of her than he can.  It’s all about Anushka’s fire and spirit and who can care for it best.


Okay, is that everything?  Am I ready for the ending?  I think so.  Anushka’s half of it, that is nice enough.  The slow building of tension as Diljit isn’t on the first train and they have to wait and meet the evening train.  Her looking at her simple wedding finery (intercut with the elaborate wedding preparation in modern day), trying to smile but getting more and more worried, and finally her brother arriving home after meeting the evening train and slowly taking off his turban to signify that his honor has been lost and the bridegroom is not coming.  And then his telling her that he will find another groom for her, get her out of town and married immediately to a good man.  It’s such a loving moment, her brother’s only concern is getting her away from the dishonor and guaranteeing a happy life, and Anushka’s face says that her concern is protecting her brother’s broken heart and honor.  And then we see her running to the tree in the middle of the night and finally jumping off a branch and hanging herself.  Which seems odd for such a strong character, but once we learn that she is pregnant, it makes sense.  She would not be able to live with putting the burden of that dishonor on her brother.  And she would not be willing to pretend the baby belonged to another man.  So death was her only choice (well, death or abortion. Donate to Planned Parenthood here if you want to save a life).

Okay now, FINALLY, I get to the ending.  Anushka has told her whole story and Mehrene doesn’t believe it.  Dijit sent money, he must have meant to return, there must be more.  So she asks the first practical question, how long ago was this?  Anushka doesn’t know, asks what year it is now.  2017, then it was 98 years ago.

This is kind of an odd way to phrase it, normally it would be asked “what year was this” not “how long ago was this”.  But as the scene unfolds, there are a lot of moments like that.  They want to build to the reveal, not for tension, but out of respect.  This isn’t something you just blurt out, it’s a hidden pain that deserves to be treated with respect.  Not a hidden pain for the characters, but for the audience.  Let us be eased into it.

The characters are being eased into it too.  Mehrene repeats “98 years ago” like she is beginning to remember something.  The real “reveal” is when they find the record Diljit recorded, with both his and Anushka’s names on it just like he promised, and the date.  But the way the scene is written and played, it’s not exactly that the modern characters needed that final confirmation.  Every since the “98 years” moment, they have been exchanging looks and getting more and more serious as the truth begins to dawn.

What makes it really wonderful is that we never get someone saying “On Baisakhi 1919, the British massacred over a thousand civilians at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar”.  Because you should know that, Baisakhi 1919 Amritsar should be all you need, just like “December 7th 1941” or “My Lai 1968” or “The Alamo”.  More than that, this is the ultimate sign of respect, that they don’t say the name of the details, because it is too big to be spoken about bluntly in a popular film.

What really impresses me is how well they handle the “ghostly” apparitions once they get there.  I didn’t realize, by the way, just how big Jallianwala Bagh was.  And that there was now a monument there.  I assume they got permission to film at the actual modern day version, which I don’t believe I have seen in a film before.  That alone is remarkable, for a film to choose to deal with it not through a historic recreation, but by reminding us of what it looks like in modern Amritsar, and how it effects the modern Punjabis.  Anyway, this is going to sound cheesy when I write it out, but when they arrive at Jallianwala Bagh and Anushka goes inside, we suddenly see a massive crowd of silent standing figures, floating in place on the grass.  And Anushka’s reaction is “so many….”

Image result for jallianwala bagh memorial

It isn’t bloody, we saw a little flashback earlier, but just of Diljit being shot and falling.  We didn’t see the women throwing their children into the well, or the people bleeding out over the night as they called for help which never came, or any of the other more graphic parts of the massacre.  And now we are just seeing so many people, all of them standing as silent witnesses to the past.  All of them with lives cut short and stories ended just like Anushka’s and Diljit’s.

That’s what the film wants us to remember.  Not the pain and fear.  Or even the cruelty of the British (there is a little shot of Dyer on Mehrene’s phone while they are looking up directions to the monument, which seems fair.  Don’t want to dwell on the gory details, but we should all remember Dyer’s name).  The point that it wants to get across is all of this people who are still there, watching over us, waiting to be remembered.  Well, not watching over me, but watching over our modern characters, young Punjab with their rap music and their cell phones and everything else.  None of it matters if they don’t remember where they came from and what was sacrificed to get here.

28 thoughts on “Phillauri Review (SPOILERS): The Whole Thing Builds to the Final Reveal

  1. Pingback: Phillauri Podcast-Carcast is Up! – dontcallitbollywood

  2. Don’t get me wrong. But you are way too generous to this movie.

    This movie is not good. It was slow and boring.

    1. First scence didn’t make any sense to me. Movie would have been better without that
    2 We see a cliche of comedies. A drunk and large punjabi family. I find it too cliche and stereotypical. An old woman drinking in the morining. it would have been better, if Kanan and his friends were shown drinking. That would have been much better. It was all stereotypical.
    3 It all looked forced comedies. There were too many extra actors just to give some sort of comedy which is just there and doesn’t serve the plot
    4 I agree that Anushka sharma’s enterance was good but it was too little. Scences would have been more
    5 Kanan smokes joint in his house. It doesn’t make any sense. No one does that. I used to live with my friends and we did smoke pot but used to hide it No one can drink it and remain so sober.
    6 It takes one hour to show Diljit. I watched this movie just because of him but he was not there that much. Even his performance wasn’t like in Punjab 1984
    7 It shifted from present to past too much without getting engaged in one aspect. Even tone got different. It was comedy in one scence and drama in another. Arrow does it but it didn’t confuse people(season 1 and 2)
    8 Diljit’s Phillauri character wasn’t too explored. He is said to be dick but doesn’t look like one.
    9 Diljit’s intro song was a little disappointing for me. I would have like if Diljit would have sung that song by himself. It would have been better. Also, he is a good bhangra dancer. He would have done bhangra dance to the fullest
    10 Second half was plain boring. There is no suspense. You can easily tell that Phillauri died. It would have been done much sooner.
    11 I find your point about jallianwala bagh masscare to be wrong. I dont find that they were paying any tribute to Jallianwala bagh. It was just a plot point.
    12. Showing some brutality with Diljit POV would have added more emotion. We see him die in slow motion manner. it would have been better without slow motion. I dont want to be rude but you are trying to find a message when there isn’t any. Jallianwala Bagh wasn’t the focus of this movie.
    13. My other concerns. Why did the first thing came into their mind jalianwala bagh after hearing 1919? What did they search on google? What did they find on it? Every Indian knows the basic story of jalianwala bagh, Why were they running in the end? Why they reached so late to Jalianwala Bagh? PHilaur is near to jalandhar. They would have taken only 2 hours to reach Amritsar. How they went in Jalianwala bagh at midnight? It closed at that time.

    Overall, movie is like batman vs Superman. It promised a lot but delivered little. I find it boring and long. Logan was also running in next screen. I wished I saw logan again. I had to watch Die hard, Lincoln, Angrej to get over it. I don’t think that it is that good a movie that you are giving it credit for.


    • Sorry about the spam block, not sure why this got stuck there. Usually if you login before posting the comment, it will recognize that you have commented before and let it through. Maybe the numbers confused it? Made it look like a cut and pasted spam list thing? I do get some of those, excerpts from technical manuals and stuff like that just to fill in the comment field and hide a link buried in it.

      Anyway, I am approving both comments because you had slightly different points and I wanted both to go up. I find the point 12 interesting, that they could have shown more brutality from Diljit’s perspective. I think they could have, but I think maybe the decision not to do that was because they wanted to keep it more of a family film. Throwing in a more violent version of that scene might have felt out of synch with the child-friendly tone of the rest of the film. In the same way, I am very happy with how the sex scene was filmed. It was clear what was happening, but it also wasn’t anything I would be uncomfortable about a child seeing.


      • I think that it less because of child friendly nature and more because of censor board. Kamal Hassan said that censor board is killing creativity.
        Even Logan couldn’t be released with R rated cut. A lot of violent scences were cut down. Same happened with Deadpool. It is good that Hotstar shows Game of thrones uncut.


  3. I think that you are way too generous to this movie. I found it long and boring

    1 My problem starts with very first scence. That scence didn’t make any sense.
    2 Then we are treated with typical punjabi stereotypes. It was all for comedy. An elderly lady drinking in the morning. It was not good. It would have been better if they showed Kannan drinking with his cousins. COmedy looked like forced
    3 Anushka’s entry was good but nothing was built on it. It would have been a good screwball comedy.
    4 We just jump from past to present. It becomes difficult to concentrate. it even changes tone from scence to scence. It comedy in one and drama in other. It looks like I was watching 2 different movies
    5 I went this movie for Diljit but he was not shown till an hour into the movie.
    6 His intro song left something to be desired. Diljit is a good Bhangra dancer. It should have been exploited. Also, it would have been better if he sang his songs himself. Even his performance was like that in punjab 1984. Also his role wasn’t big
    7 Second half was long and boring
    8 There was no suspense. it was obvious that Phillauri died. They should have come straight to the point.
    9 Don’t get me wrong but i dont think that they were paying any homage to jalianwala bagh massacare. There was no social message of forgiveness in it. Jalianwala Bagh was just a plot point in it. Dont get me wrong you are trying to find a message where there isn’t any. It would be like saying Kong: Skull Island is allegory of Vietnam war not about a giant gorilla ripping some giant monsters apart.
    10 my other issues with this movie. Why did they think of Jalianwala bagh when they hear about 1919? What did they find on Google? Everyone knows the basic story about jalianwala bagh. Why did they run in the end? It made no sense. Why did they take so much time to reach Amritsar? Amritsar is about 2 hours drive from Philaur. How did they enter jalianwala bagh in the night? It is not open at midnight.

    According to me, it was batman vs Superman of Bollywood. It promised a lot but gave a little. Logan was running in the next screen. I thought i should have watched that again. I had to watch Die hard, Lincoln and Angrej to calm myself down after watching it.


    • Excellent points! I also thought Diljit took too long to appear and wasn’t exploited enough. And that the transitions between past and present could have been handled better.

      I don’t think it was a great movie, or even that good of a movie. But for what it was, it was as good as I expected. Some silly comedy, a kind of unusual twist to the story, and an overall tone of a film you can watch with kids or family. Nothing too heavy or thought provoking. But nothing shockingly bad (at least to me), and some things that surprised me a little by how well they were done.


      • I knew that It wont be a movie that I would like. I was there for Diljit only but it disappointed over there too. I am tired of all these Punjabi stereotypes. It is good that DIljit changed something about atleast Sardars. I don’t like poor stereotype just for comedy sake. It doesn’t look like true comedy. You dont need large family for comedy. In carry on jatta. family consisted only of 3 members but still they were able to create comedy without divulging into stereotypes. If you like comedy, Carry on Jatta is for you.
        I think that when you are showing Jalianwala Bagh, it should be thought provoking.
        I think differently for kid friendly movies. I have seen violent movies with my mother. I watched First Blood with my mother when i was about 10 year old on DVD. This scence almost made my mother cry. It is her one of the best scences.
        I want to watch Game of thrones with my kids.
        Infact, I find Phillauri to be non kid friendly. Because it glorifies alochol and pot. A kid sitting next to me asked his mother, what is pot. I immediately said don’t ask about it kid. I find alcohol and drugs to be more non kid friendly.


  4. I land somewhere between the two of you; well, actually maybe leaning a bit more in King of Punjab’s direction. Several scenes were WAY too long: when the brother comes back to say (or not say) that Diljilt is not coming was way too long. At that point I knew it was about the massacre. Even an American like me who has been to Amritser knows that is the only thing that would have kept him from coming was going to end up being the massacre. I thought the brother’s taking off of the turban (and why was his hair cut?) was a grief sign, not a disgrace sign. The last scene was also way too long. It seemed as if they fell in love with the VFX and couldn’t let it go. I liked the sections in the past way way more than the present. I think the two actors brought very little to the roles. Just imagine if Anushka had played the modern bride and someone like Ranbir the modern groom; then we might have cared about them. I saw it in New York City with the rowdiest, rudest audience I have ever seen a Hindi film with. My only explanation is that they were bored and really really didn’t like it. Anushka was wonderful, but much better in the past than as the ghost. It was a flawed script and flawed direction but I think Anushka has some good instincts and I think her next home grown production will be better.


    • Agree with all your criticisms, and yet they didn’t bother me that much. Maybe because I had the perfect audience, a bunch of families who were in a good mood and ready to enjoy just seeing a movie as a family even if it wasn’t very good. Or maybe because I hadn’t seen NH10 and therefore had pretty low expectations for this film.

      But ultimately, the big take away is what you ended with, Anushka has good instincts. This film had some great ideas at the center of it, and it was the kind of imaginative concept that one of the bigger studios or more cowardly producers would never have gone for.


  5. I just saw it, and it was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. There’s a world of difference between “this is not a good movie” and “I didn’t like this movie”. I tend not to enjoy realistic violence, and stopped watching movies I knew I would find disturbing long ago (decades, in fact). It’s not a great movie, and some scenes are too long, especially the one at the end with the special effects. A nice, modest picture for a general audience.


  6. I really liked Phillauri. Unfortunately for me I had talkative/rude people watching the movie and ruining my theater experience. Thought it was sweet movie and it was just as is what was a sweet/tragic love story. I wish at the end they would put a little history note on what happened in Amritsar for international audiences.


    • I think a history note at the end would have been nice. Putting a huge exposition speech in the middle would have ruined the film. But putting something after it was over would have been a nice way to get the information across without interfering with the actual film.


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  17. I know it’s very late to enter this conversation but I have only recently seen this film – it is very hard to find in New Zealand on streaming or indeed any platform. I will watch Anushka and Diljit in anything and I was expecting just a light hearted and inconsequential romance/comedy/drama, which for the most part I guess it was, but I was completely blindsided by the ending.

    As a westerner I had no knowledge of these historical events; we were certainly never taught anything of this in school. I don’t know how large the non-Indian audience would have been for this film and I can understand some of the criticisms that have been made but if it helped in any way to make this story more widely known then it has served a purpose.

    Phillauri prompted me to search out and watch Sardar Udham. That was a very hard movie to watch but I highly recommend it and I would be interested in your take if you ever did a review.


    • I’m so glad you found my blog and this review!!! I am aware of Sardar Udham but have not yet been able to bring myself to watch it.

      One of my favorite things about this film is that they do not give great detail about the massacre. That is, they assume the audience would already know about it. I appreciated that not-being-talked-down-to and, I think, it is more likely to encourage folks to research and learn more on their own as you did.


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