My Favorite Secret Superstar Song is Out! And Also Another One

Aamir tweeted this morning that it was his No. 1 song from the movie, and it is definitely mine!  This is the song I have been going on about, the one we hear a snippet of in the trailer and I have been waiting for the full version.  Oh, and there’s another song that came out a few days ago and I somehow missed, so I might as well talk about that one too.

First the older boringer song.  Which is still cute and interesting.  It’s the first song to break the pattern, not something that our heroine writes and sings.  Not diegetic (to use the fancy formal term), not something that actually happens in the film, but just something that a character hears in their head, a poetic expression of their emotions.

And it’s not our main character either!  It’s her male best friend.  Which bothers me a little, that a male character HAS to have a voice in the film, that our heroine HAS to have something like a little romance, all of that bugs me.  But then I forgive it all because of the execution.

We were just talking on the Sunday Fanfic post about the dearth of real teenage romances/stories in Indian film.  Not big dramatic “we shall elope together and defy our parents!” romance, but just a sweet childish appropriate first love.  And that’s what we have here!  It’s a love song, but just barely.  That little bit of love that is only slightly different than friendship.

And that friendship is something special!  A boy and a girl who are just friends and like each other and it’s not weird or awkward.  His mother knows her and loves her, their friends at school don’t stare at them because they are a boy and a girl sitting together, it’s normal and fine and healthy.

And what I really like is that the boy has a crush on her.  If they absolutely must put some kind of romance into this film, at least she is still more career/family focused, not the one making eyes at someone.  And again, refreshing!  Because sometimes boys are the more sentimental ones, not girls


Okay, that’s the song I don’t like as much, THIS is the song I really really like and have been waiting for!!!!  It’s just a great sounding song all on it’s own, but I also like it now that we have more of the lyrics.  It’s about someone who loves you making you feel free and happy and dancing.

And what’s wonderful is that it could be about God, it could be about her mother, it could be about her best friend, it could be about her mentor Aamir.  Or it could be all of those things, the love that kind of suffuses the universe and has given her this gift of joy and art and beauty and now she is giving it back to us.

9 thoughts on “My Favorite Secret Superstar Song is Out! And Also Another One

        • Yep! And there’s this memorable scene where he is sitting in a mudbath just like this, hair down and angry face and all kinds of things. And it’s during the “bad” Asoka part of the film where he is all obsessed with conquering and stuff. So, very similar.

          On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 10:20 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. Varun and Alia for an ad shoot! I would love for them to do a movie like this!

    Speaking of a Varun and Alia movie, here’s more details about Shiddat 🙂


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