Stop the Presses!!!! Ranbir and Alia Dating, Confirmed

Ha-ha, time zones!  I have defeated you!  By staying up later than I should and relying on my West Coast correspondent (Bollywood Newbie) to tell me these things that come out in the morning India time!

Well, Ranbir told GQ they are dating.  Thank you Pinkvilla for always covering the important stories.  No really, thank you!  They are the BEST source for gossip, super fast and often accurate.  Exact quote:

It’s really new right now, and I don’t want to overspeak. It needs time to breathe and it needs space. As an actor, as a person, Alia is — what’s the right word — flowing right now. When I see her work, when I see her act, even in life, what she gives is something that I’m aspiring to for myself.”


On what’s the best thing about being newly in love, Ranbir added, “It always comes with a lot of excitement. It’s a new person, it comes with new beats. Old tricks become new tricks again — you know, being charming and romantic, all of that. I think I’m more balanced today. I value relationships more. I can appreciate hurt and what it does to a person much more than I could a couple years back.”



So, a couple of things.  First, it’s nice that Ranbir has learned to value relationships, AFTER BEING ENGAGED.  Usually, you know, you learn to value them BEFORE you propose.  If I were Kat, I would be so angry right now.

Image result for ranbir and katrina


Second, the whole “old tricks become new tricks”, and his talking about how Alia is “flowing”, feels kind of like he is looking for a fresh start with someone who makes him feel young.


So, you know, I am against it.  But I could be completely absolutely wrong, I don’t actually know either person involved, maybe it’s a wonderful romance and not like that at all.


Or maybe it is totally fake and Ranbir is giving this interview as a calculated promotion for their movie.


Oh heck, let’s do a poll!!!!!


In your comment, please select either:


1. The age/experience difference is way too big, I am against


2.  Awww, they are cute together!  I am for


3. Don’t be naive, this is all clearly fake and just to promote a movie.


Image result for alia ranbir



And, of course, you can choose to explain your reasoning.  And then Alia can check my blog (as I am sure she does on a daily basis) and decide what to do about her personal life based on the opinions of random people on the internet.

73 thoughts on “Stop the Presses!!!! Ranbir and Alia Dating, Confirmed

  1. Barf. It’s my birthday in an hour or so and this is the news I get😤😤I’m 1. In your poll since before they knew each other 😞. I’m glad they don’t conduct their personal life on our opinions and all that. But. Alia. Stay away. That’s all I got to say & you obviously need not listen to me😂
    This is the worst dating news out there. Both fresh out of relationships? Rebound? Promotion? None of my business anyway. Still I gotta say what I gotta say right?


    • It’s definitely one of those “but, what do they even talk about?” kind of relationships. When he was in his first movie, she was starting high school. When he was in high school, she was just out of diapers. It’s, just, NO!

      On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:52 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  2. I’m going to be optimistic and say #2 and wish them well. But time will tell….

    On an unhappier note – I saw somewhere yesterday that Arjun Rampal and his wife are splitting up 😦


    • Yeah, although at least his statement about it seemed very mature and peaceful. And hey, Arjun dating Alia would be even more upsetting to me than Ranbir dating her, so that’s good to remember! Maybe?

      On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:59 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  3. Haha I am definitely going for #3, PR stunt! Cos they started out with being subtle – and that didn’t work. Every post about them on Pinkvilla has comments about not doing PR drama again. So likely all that subtlety didn’t work, and they’ve resorted to this. Now Brahmasthra is going to release in a year and half (I dunno when)- so they will keep this going on until then and then break up. The sequels (if they’re made) will have all their PR talking about awkward exes coming together, and we all know that makes for even more of a compelling story. Also notice how his “confirmation” is so close to the trailer release.
    Now, they could prove me wrong and get married as well 😉


      • Yep! Living together for maybe a year, a long time anyway, the engagement all but confirmed, wedding plans started, and then out of nowhere he moves out of the apartment and they are broken up. At least that’s how I remember it. I know they were living together at least, because Ranbir moving in and then out of the apartment was public knowledge and the media was tracking it obsessively. He went from his parents’ place to Kat’s, and then from her place to his Grandma’s house, and then finally hired Gauri to decorate an apartment of his own.

        On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 10:16 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • On the PR side of things, Brahmastra is going to be such a lot of work to make, they probably wouldn’t have time to start a “real” relationship during filming anyway, and what with late night shoots and rehearsals and all the other things involved, there will be plenty of casual candids of them together. So all you need is an official announcement like this and the rest of the story will go on its own.

      On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 10:14 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. I agree. I know nothing about these people really. But based on what one can read…

    He is bad news and his comments don’t seem as if he has learned much at all. All about what he can take from her. Nothing about what he can now give. Run, Alia, run. Or being filmy: Bhaaag.

    Anyone know if the excessive a’s in bhaaag really work in Hindi?


    • No idea about Bhaaaag, but that was how I read the comments too. Like he liked the idea of her more than the person. the comment about how all the old charm feels new was really strange, like he isn’t even bothering to be different with her? It’s the same stuff he has always done? Only, she’s so young and fresh she doesn’t know it is the same stuff and it still works on her. That’s a terrible way to start a relationship!

      On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 10:14 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

    • It is a strange coincidence, isn’t it? Two big relationship stories about a couple with a 25-35 age difference breaking on the same day.


  5. I also vote for #3. There gave been countless examples of these bollywood relationships before any major film release and they continue to deny /confirm based on circumstances.
    Alia while being still 24-25*already had relationships with siddharth, who in turn had one with Jacky and the story continues with every movie.

    Like rest of actresses she will marry a businessman in 10 years.


    • I don’t know, the Bhatts do things differently. I could believe Alia marrying Ranbir next year and continuing to work. Or breaking up with him, dating someone else, and never getting married at all.

      Not that your comment doesn’t make sense, I just enjoy the Bhatt families willingness to do what they want with their personal life without caring what other people think. Pooja married an artist and never had children, then divorced him. Emraan married his college sweetheart and has been a caring husband despite his onscreen reputation. Mahesh made his scandalous personal life public knowledge in a series of films. They’re just different!


  6. I’m against this relationship for many reasons. I don’t care about age difference, but all the rest: his bad reputation, being very immature (the interview is the proof, like wth it was?), his annoying family etc And I absolutely hate the fact that everybody sleeps with everybody. It feels like watching The Bold and the Beautiful. That’s why I don’t read gossip.

    I don’t know if it’s only PR thing, but do you think a movie like the one they are doing needs this kind of promotion? It looks like a solid film, and Alia too is in a very good phase of her carrier, thanks to her work, so why lower herself to “I’m famous because I date a famous man” thing? She doesn’t need it, so maybe it’s true? And Rishi Kapoor tweeted something nice about Alia recently, which makes me believe more it’s true.


    • I could believe it was a PR thing when it was just them going to events together. If they were both going to Sonam’s wedding anyway, why not make it a work outing and bring Ayan along and have your photo taken together to help get people used to the idea of you as a couple onscreen? But giving an interview like this just for PR is maybe too extreme.


  7. I was cynical about Priyanka and Nick, so I’m going to be a starry-eyed optimist here: they are both talented people from filmi families and maybe they feel comfortable with each other? I always wondered what it was like for her and Sid, with people falling all over themselves to praise her performances, and giving her better and better roles, and his reception being decidedly less enthusiastic.


    • This is also the first time Ranbir would be publicly dating someone whose career is advancing so well. He broke up with Dips right when she started hitting it bit, Kat was never at his level, and he did better post debut than Sonam did. But now, Alia’s last movie was a record breaking hit and his last film was a record breaking flop. He’s got Sanju, which looks guaranteed to do well, but she’s got so many other irons in the fire. And she’s younger, which also means her career has more time and more places to go. I’d be really interested to see how he handles that, if he turns into being arm candy at her premieres and a question in her interviews.


  8. I hope for both of them
    Don’t be naive, this is all clearly fake and just to promote a movie.
    Alia always showed her admiration for Ranbir before working with him, but choosing him as a partner, In my opinion this is a tragic emotional life waiting alia
    I think ranbir not mature to bear a relation with these differences.


  9. I’m solidly in the #2 category. Age difference doesn’t bother me…they have plenty in common being star kids. But I also simultaneously feel that it could be a promotional thing AND that Ranbir is bad news (and it’s all his father’s fault for being an abusive jerk and not setting a good example) and Alia’s dating past is suspect anyway. Sid and now Ranbir? I gotta say she has a type. On a related note, I also think Ranbir and Ayan are a cute couple I would wholeheartedly cheer.

    If it’s all true, I think that everyone is getting the marriage bug and they could be next after Ranveer and Deepika. I also think filming this big trilogy together will be a test of their young relationship, so we’ll see.

    The Nick Jonas and Priyanka thing (and their age difference) is so much ickier than this one to me (call it internalized sexism or something). Though I am a big supporter of Arjun and Malaika. Anyway, I’ve always thought that Priyanka was really fake and her image is so cultivated and this partying with young Hollywood is just a ploy to make her seem cooler than she really is. There’s just not much substance with her, especially compared to Anushka and Sonam. She’s pursuing fame and only fame.


    • Alia and Ranbir are also both children of alcoholics, but a nice lesson about how not all alcoholics are the same. Mahesh has been sober Alia’s entire life, and a present loving supportive father. Rishi, on the other hand, not so much!

      Alia’s got plenty of time to get married, but Ranbir really doesn’t. At least, that’s how it feels to me. Men get plenty of rope, but he’s 35 with 2 high profile serious relationships in his past, he doesn’t have much longer if he wants the traditional kind of marriage, with a “nice” never been married before woman under 30. Another reason I don’t like the age difference, Ranbir is ready to get serious and get married and move on in his life, Alia is so young, she can still just have fun for a while if she wants. Anyway, I could believe them getting married quickly as well, partly because for once Ranbir is dating someone with as much support in the industry community as he has, it would be a lot harder for him to just slip away.

      I find Nick Jonas sort of icky just in general, he had an awkward transition from child star to adult, he is selling himself as this sex symbol while still talking Christian family values, and he is also kind of dabbling in the “gay icon” world, without being willing to take any political stands that would turn off his Christian base. Adding on dating a much older woman is just one more layer of “whaaaaaat?” Very different from Arjun who has always felt like he was mature beyond his years, and Malaka.

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 8:32 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Both Priyanka and Nick come across as being super icky to me. You explained the Nick dislike well. As for Priyanka, I get such a fake and robotic calculated vibe from her like her only mission in life is fame and she will do anything and everything to have it. There are no limits she would not be willing to cross. She has an uncanny ability to please the right people, climb the social ladder, tell each person exactly what they want to hear and do PR stunts at all the right moments. From her leaking a hundred bikini pics right before Baywatch to going on talk shows and using the royal wedding as bait in every single interview to coyly trying to link herself to famous men, everything about her creeps me out.


  10. I’m going to so ‘overthink’ this one. If KJo was the parent(or even mentor)like figure for Alia, there’s no way IRL that he will let this spring/flourish under his nose. A real relationship if gone wrong, has all the potentials of creating rifts in personal & professional lives(even imagined ones did Hrithik Roshan under)can upset the plans for his long-in-the-making-movie. Not to mention the genuine concern for how this will affect his protégé’s personal & professional lives when the guy she’s dating has a history for causing heartbreaks & also happens to be his gossiping bestie. Karan has so much to lose if this goes south & he’s too smart to let that happen. So I will vote for 3. Fake with a big F. It’s to spruce up Ranbir’s brand-the next big thing who’s dating the next big thing. I’m sold on Priya’s prediction on how this fauxmance(thank you Alicia for that new word!) will play out.


    • I was thinking about Karan too! It’s just such a bad idea for Alia, professionally and personally, and he was right there on the ground and could stop it so easily. I can’t see Karan pulling an Amrish Puri and being all “I forbid you from seeing him!”, but it happened on the set of the movie he was producing, all he had to do was gently nudge them apart before it could turn into anything.

      Not to mention Ayan, who has always had very firm opinions on who Ranbir could/should be dating, also right there. And Ayan is Karan’s good friend as well, the two of them could have stopped this couple before it even began, and I can’t see a reason why they wouldn’t have. Way too many issues that could cause problems.

      Unless of course Ranbir and Alia really are True Love Forever and nothing could stop it. But that seems very very very very very very unlikely.

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 8:35 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Yeppp! They’re going the Twilight way to build up fandom. Also, I find Neetu’s behavior really odd. They’re going out of their way to like and comment on each others posts on IG.


      • The Neetu thing sounds odd to me too! But maybe they are just like that on Instagram? Neetu is the auntie type who spends all day commenting on everything, and Alia is polite and responds.

        On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:25 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



        • Not just Neetu. Riddhima, Ranbir’s sister, is sending gifts to Alia and Alia is showing them off on instagram. She sent her a necklace or a bracelet or something and Alia thanked her and displayed a pic of it.
          I kind of think Alia can handle Ranbir in a way the others he’s dated so far probably couldn’t. She was bred in the industry and used to their ways. The Bhatts especially are very unconventional and do not care what the world thinks at all. Even if they break up (if they’re really dating) I don’t picture Alia crying about it for years the way Deepika did.


  11. Option 3 for me.The timing is clearly suspect.Just when the Sanju trailer comes out he’s opening out about his gf?The interview is too vague.It has all the makings of a PR scripted romance.One or both of them is dating other people.And this makes a nice smokescreen.Wait till Brahmastra comes out.Alia is super conservative and secretive when compared to the rest of her family.She’s smart enough and I bet when the time comes she’ll make the decision with her head and heart together.


    • If Alia agreed to be Ranbir’s cover while he and Ayan continue to be together, and she continued to be happily single and sick of people asking about it, I would be SO HAPPY.

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:15 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • My consensus is that Ranbir is happily single and Alia gets the space to pursue her relationship with her businessman boyfriend out of public eye.Ayan gets free publicity for Brahmastra.Everybody is happy.


        • Ranbir has struggled with the press being obsessed with his dating life. A fake relationship might make it easier for him to maintain a single life style, at least he won’t be hounded by rumors every time he is seen with a woman. Yes, this seems like a happy possibility all around!

          On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:59 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Ayan if anything is terrible for Ranbir’s relationship I feel. The girl getting into a relationship with Ranbir needs to get Ayan’s approval as well, and as we know, three’s a crowd. Ayan should stay away from Ranbir’s romantic relationships.


  12. 3. Don’t be naive, this is all clearly fake and just to promote a movie.

    Also, ew.
    I’m sure Alia understands the ‘ew’ness of it.
    Haven’t read comment theories, but I think Ayan and Ranbir are endgame and everything else is either a fling or a PR thing


  13. I don’t know enough to have an opinion on these two but that quote in GQ belongs in a dictionary definition of f***boy (sorry for the vulgarity but there really isn’t a better word for it). The definition: “that guy … the one who doesn’t respect women, but relies on them heavily. He’s distant, doesn’t care about other people’s time, and won’t commit. He’s self-absorbed, does stupid things, and messes with others’ emotions.” Ugh.


    • Ranbir bio rundown:

      Classic son of an abusive alcoholic, very close to his mother, remembers hiding from his father when he came home at night. Launched with much fanfare after doing a film course in New York and ADing for Sanjay Leela Bhansali. He was launched opposite 19 year old Sonam, it was all but confirmed that they were dating. Then he and Sonam broke-up and he rebounded with Deepika, back when her career was struggling. Serious enough with her for her to do a photoshoot with his parents, and get his initials tattooed on her neck. Went from Dips to Kat, with a little bit of overlap (supposedly Priyanka told Dips that he was cheating on her when Kat came to visit him in America while he was working on Anjaani Anjaana with PC). Solidly publicly with Kat during which time they were photographed together on vacation with Kat in a bikini, this turned into a HUGE scandal for reasons I am not clear on and Ranbir left Kat out to dry for a while before issuing a tepid statement defending her. During this period, Sonam and Dips appeared together on Koffee With Karan and absolutely RIPPED HIM APART. “good friend, not a good boyfriend” “there’s a reason they call it cheating” “I’m not confirming the report that I broke up with him for cheating, but I’m also not denying it”. It’s one of the funnest TV episodes of all time. Despite all this, Ranbir and Kat seemed to be doing good, she was even maybe accepted by his parents. He moved in with her with much media coverage, they threw a housewarming party, and then Kat was seen spending more time with his parents and engagement rumors started flying. And suddenly out of nowhere he moved out of their apartment and Kat was left high and dry to face the media about it all. Random Aamir connection, the break up happened while they were promoting D3 and Aamir was super stand up about it, very gentlemanly and classy and handling the tough questions for it.

      Alia bio rundown:

      Daughter of a director/producer Mahesh Bhatt, extremely talented man known for his cheap sexy horror movie hits and his occasional brilliant psychological dramas usually based on his own life, generally considered kind and intelligent and responsible. Also an openly recovering alcoholic. Alia was launched at 19 by Karan Johar, who essentially adopted her, calls her his “daughter”, she calls his kids her “brother and sister”. Alia was rumored to be dating her launch film co-star Sidharth Malhotra for the past few years, they claimed to be just friends, it wasn’t clear what was going on. If they were dating, they seem to have broken up, are seen together less for the past year or so. Alia is now 24 about to turn 25, happy healthy family behind her and no big dramatic romantic scandals, not even a super serious relationship so far as the media can tell (possibly with Sid, but no engagement rumors or anything, they didn’t reach that point). Still lives at home with her parents last I heard.

      So you see we many of us are reacting with “Alia! Stay away!!!!”

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:25 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  14. I don’t have enough of an inkling to even guess, but I’m enjoying the speculation! Agree with everyone that R comes off like a f***boy (or is it f***boi?) in the interview. But I have a massive soft spot for him. My main opinion is that Alia is one smart, tough, and ambitious cookie. Whatever is really going on, I don’t think she’ll be swayed by false charms, whether old or new. She could be the one playing Ranbir. I watched her interviews with SRK for Dear Zindagi with fascination–it could have been an agreed upon act, but it seemed she had him wrapped around her finger. Fun to watch the charmer be charmed! 🙂


    • Oh man, I would LOVE it if she is playing Ranbir!!!! Either just for the publicity, or because she really does want a relationship and is guiding him into it with his own ego, or maybe because of some obscure revenge pact with one of his exes (she and Kat did get close on the Dream Team tour…..). That last seems highly unlikely, but wouldn’t it be a satisfying soap opera plot? The young innocent who the old rake falls for, only to learn she did it all for friendship and revenge?

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:47 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, the last one would be a fun movie plot. In fact, I feel like it has been the plot of a book I’ve read or a movie I’ve seen.

        If she is playing him, it could just be because he’s cute, fun to spend time with, has plenty of money, and is good in the sack. Guys do it all the time. 🙂


        • So long as she doesn’t get another neck tattoo like poor Dips. Never get a tattoo!!!! Even if you get married, no tattoos! You never know.

          On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:03 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


          Liked by 1 person

          • Who gets a tattoo??!! Sorry, that is literally asking for the other person to run as fast as he/she can.


          • Well, it worked for Saif and Kareena! At least, so far.

            But yeah, I also found it really weird that Dips got “RK” instead of “Ranbir” or something else more personal. Because it’s like the Kapoor family brand, you know? “Brand” in both meanings, that it is shorthand for the Kapoor studios and their family and everything, and also that she got it on the back of her neck just like an old-fashioned cattle brand. A terrible idea all around.

            On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:38 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Agreed. I waited to get a tattoo til I was 39. I figured by that time I would know what type of symbol/image I’m unlikely to outgrow. Unlike one of my best friends from high school who has a massive Tigger on his calf. 🙂


        • Ahh, I saw the Dear Zindagi interviews too and honestly, nobody can have SRK wrapped around their fingers. It’s just an act that women love so he does with all his leading ladies.
          As for Deepika’s RK tattoo, I think it’s because Deepika is not that creative a person. She got RK on her neck and her own initials DP tattooed on her foot. You can see the DP tattoo in pictures occasionally. My guess is she must have done both tattoos at the same time.


    • Honestly they look more like siblings than anything ranbir has a very girly face and look similar to her just looks more like her older brother


    • Ranbir is just a couple years older than me, and it is also grossing me out! I’ve got friends Alia’s age, perfectly nice people, but there is a definite gap. They probably look at me and think I am a little boring and set in my ways, and I look at them and see someone who isn’t quite grown up yet. And we both have to be a little forgiving of each other, which is fine in a friendship, but I don’t think I want it in a romantic partner.

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:22 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I don’t think that age gap shouldn’t matter my parents have a 7 year gap and usually girls mature and develope faster anyways so if their both adults and actually love each other I dont see what the problem is and we dont seem to have a problem when Kat dated Salman when they also have a age gap and when he was romancing Sonam in PRDP which i find gross she could be his daughter and when its the other way round like Older woman and younger man people have a problem (PC, Nick) but I do agree here Alia and Ranbir just seem weird


  15. I am really hoping its #3…but stranger things have happened.
    I was really rooting for the Ranbir and Mahira to make it work in the long-term. I thought she was more mature and mother and would be perfect for a somewhat coming of age person like him. Sigh…
    I don’t know about you but promoting a movie based on dating leads is a bit too much for me. Shouldn’t the movie sell based on how well made it is? Isn’t that why people watch movie? For the story and the experience.


    • Dating leads never makes sense to me. Chemistry between the leads, sure! That’s what I was hoping was happening, they were trying to sell Alia and Ranbir as equals and friends and so on so that we would accept them better as an onscreen couple. But do you need to go all the way to a fake romance just to promote a movie? Can’t you leave it at a fake friendship? Shahrukh did fine promoting Dear Zindagi with Alia based on their sort of “uncle who I think is sexy/girl who reminds me of my daughter but I also respect as an artist” chemistry. No need for a fake romance.

      Maybe Ranbir and Mahira are still together and this is all just to cover it up?


  16. “Two completely unattached available never-married wealthy famous youngsters with no kids start a Relationship. Film at 11.”‘ should be the title of this blog post 🙂
    Yet it merits nearly 70 comments in 12 hours? Is this what passes for scandal these days?

    Honestly Arjun Rampal news is far more scandalous. Kids involved, end of a long marriage, reverse age difference, Hrithik’s exwf Suzanne probably waiting in the wings.

    Ten years age diff is so incredibly normal that it’s not even worth noting. I wish we saw it in the reverse direction more often though. Emmanuel Macron for the win!

    RK is a man child, so he’s best off with someone quite a bit younger, as it forces him to man up and grow up.

    The biggest scandal here is actually this – I thought that Alia and Kat were supposed to be good friends, and even part of the same friend circle? I guess they haven’t heard the phrase Chicks Before Dicks in Bollywood haha! (Gender reversal on Bros Before Hos). This is what feels icky to me.

    If this is for publicity, they are certainly playing a Long Con, as their movie together doesn’t come out for 1.5 years. But as some said above, maybe they are supposed to break up before then and be tense exes when it releases, ala Tamasha or Jagga Jasoos.

    I hardly care if this completely unscandalous rumor is true or not. I’m far more interested in why ~70 people who normally read this brain-candy blog felt motivated to comment on it, which is why I I’m commenting at all. 🙂


    • Can’t speak for anyone else, but if you are interested in the ethnography of it, for me it is that Alia was launched so young and grew up a bit onscreen so I have a big sisterly feeling for her. And thanks to the media, I know way too much about Ranbir’s personal life, which makes me have a “toxic!” feeling about him. Combine the two, and I care about this story. In a sort of “gossip bonds us as a community even though we know it doesn’t matter that much” kind of way.

      And the post went up suuuuuuuuper fast because of how many comments I had already gotten on them appearing together at Sonam’s wedding which told me the readers would be interested too so it was worth throwing up an almost contentless post just for discussion.

      And third, there are a small handful of commentators here who have never commented before, probably because I was one of the first blogs to break the story so it attracted “outsiders” to the blog community. Or maybe insiders who had never commented before. Anyway, more than the usual suspects.

      And fourth possibly unrelated, the other blog content has been the fairly heavy posts on Sanjay, so it’s nice to loosen up a bit with something that clearly really doesn’t matter.

      (this was the kind of research I did for my master’s thesis, so I find internet community development possibly abnormally fascinating)

      On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 8:32 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Good thorough response and explanation. I find the Sanjay Dutt posts far more fascinating though, and I’ve actually refered some personal friends to them.

        Can you comment on why absolutely no one is skeeved out that Alia is dating her good friends recent ex fiancee? Because to me, that’s the scandal here.


        • Oh, I have a comment buried in there somewhere. If I were to turn this into a soap opera plot, I would have Alia just pretending to be into Ranbir in order to break his heart and get revenge on behalf of Kat.

          Part of it might be that Kat and Ranbir seem kind of cool now. Not super cool, but I’m not seeing “I hate you”s flying around. And they are still part of the same general crowd, I know it’s not the same for Karan to be producing movies with both of them as Alia dating Kat’s ex, but it’s related, right? They aren’t asking people to choose sides forever and ever.

          Or, maybe my soap opera idea is true and Alia is twisting Ranbir around her little finger so she can snap him off and publically humiliate him and then she and Kat will drink wine and laugh and laugh.

          On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:24 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  17. I’m torn between 1 and 3, but I lean towards 1 (not so much because of the age), more because I can’t stand Ranbir and I quite like Alia. Ranbir is terrible. So unless it’s your amazing soap opera idea where she’s playing this jackass and milking him for what he’s worth, it’s a nope for me.


    • Well, maybe Alia is reading our comments and trying to decide what to do, has been convinced that Ranbir is bad news, picks up the phone and calls Kat, talks it over with her, and decides out of female friendship loyalty and just general Justice reasons to keep playing Ranbir and then dumping him at the worst moment possible.


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